Pantagruel Goes Big

Hey buddy, firstly I would like to step in on the LED a d Cal Mag bit. My BM light seems to push my plants with no extra need for cal mag. My nute line does carry them both but I honestly thought I'd need some extra. It is a full spectrum light so this may be the reason? ? :)
My current run I'm not running that line of nutes and I don't have and CM so we shall see soon enough if its just a well balanced light! ?? :)

Also DL I grew a auto Dark Devil and they are awesome really really dark purp and a nice smoke :) :)

i cant wait to pop her .. everyone's pics of her were like straight porn ..

damn pantagruel my plants in flower dry up in 36 hrs .
Back from our little trip. In this canopy shot the topped Kali Mist is in the middle front, flanked by the Lucys. Behind that the untopped Kali next to the Northern Lights. At the very back the Red Dragons. The Red Dragons and the untopped Kali are 18 inches tall. The Kalis are not quite 2 weeks flowering, the rest not quite a week. Comparing to my last grow at the same stage these plants are a lot bigger, and they haven't really started to stretch yet.

Canopy 1-2 weeks

Previous grow 1-2 weeks
plants look like they thrived while u were on vacation !!!
I see your first grow you trimmed a lot of leaves and this time you are letting them bush out more. Any reason for not trimming this time around?? I don't trim much at all but I have in the past so just for my own FYI.

Your girls are looking great, about the same age as my current grow maybe you are a week ahead of me (I don't have flowers yet).
Thanks bobrown! I tried a lot of different approaches to defol including one very extreme run. What I have found from my experience is that heavy defol slows to where it takes more time than I am willing to put in to get the plants to a decent size. Also, I constantly battle minor nutrient issues because of ph and nute demands of the LED's, and if there is a fair bit of leaf on the plant the nutrient problems get spread out as the plant consumes the older foliage. For both these reasons I'm taking a much more lighthanded approach to defol these days. I will do a light defol just for light penetration in about a week though :)
Hear that.. My strain likes to eat the large fan leaves no matter what I do to prevent it - I think my girls use those fan leaves for nutrients even tho I'm giving them plenty in my watering. It sucks when you see those big leaves start to shrivel. I've left mine alone this grow and just been VERY diligent with PH both on the input and PH the run off and have had less issue with loosing leaves this go around. I haven't tried LED lighting YET - the prices for lights are a little crazy right now I think the prices will come down as more and more products are introduced. What brand LED lights are you using and how do you like them??

I was getting ready to place an order for seeds and the Cali Mist was my pick - I haven't ordered yet where did you get your seeds from?? I was going to order from Herbies since they have a good rep here.

I see you're in Canada eh? My profile pic is Cottage # 420 on a lake in Ontario - thats our cottage country island - I didn't give it that number its been #420 for 70 years or more!! Karma there... eh?

Way cool brother :thumb:

I grabbed my Kali Mist on a trip to Toronto - I never order anything like that to the house. As for the LED's I'm using TopLED's and they are working nicely, except they do demand extra calmag as you will see people talking about. Light Addict uses the more expensive BudMaster LED's which are full spectrum and he doesn't have any calmag issues. I have seen that TopLED will customize the spectrum for you though, so if you could get some of their lights tweaked to full spectrum that might be a way to go.
Soil medium is getting more porous now as the ladies fill out the pots. Just gave the girls 1.5 L each Flora Nova Bloom @800 ppm plus CalMag @200 ppm plus some molasses for good measure, ph 6.8 as near as I can tell with the drops. I also did a light defol on the as yet untouched Dragons and the NL (after I took these pics). The untopped Kali is so open she doesn't need any work - really nice looking cola forming on her for only two weeks too! :)

Only 2 weeks WOW ... that's an earlier finisher right there I bet. Is that the Kali with the big main Kola?? I hope so cause I just ordered some Kali AK, the seeds are in transit!! That's some might fine looking girls you got there.

Keep on Buddin,

those are some great pics.. i love the long flowering branch ..shes gonna be heavy.
Har! Actually, the Kali is a 13 week girl, but maybe that one will finish a little early, she is already way ahead of her sister right in front of her :)

13 weeks ouch!! I ordered Kali AK seeds 8-9 weeks so they say. I "guess" the AK makes them a little faster... your girl sure doesn't look likes shes going to make 13 weeks.

All the girls look 110% there - good job.
13 weeks ouch!! I ordered Kali AK seeds 8-9 weeks so they say. I "guess" the AK makes them a little faster... your girl sure doesn't look likes shes going to make 13 weeks.

Curious to see the Kali-AK. The Kali Mist has a really distinctive earthy aroma, like the forest or the forest floor.

These are for my next run: Pure Kush. I'll pop them in the soil mid-november at the earliest for my longest veg yet.

Thanks dkellz! I can't wait to see the results of that badass 1200 of yours :)

Next run I think I will move away from soil to a soilless mix, maybe some wormcastings for veg. Seems like you can push growth a lot harder that way.
Dropped the 360 watt Metal Halide in between two TopLED 96x3's angled in for better coverage. I feel this lighting setup should be at least equal to a 1000 watt hps in performance :)

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