Poor, CFL, Stealth, Maybe a Little Luck?

^ don't mean to impose on your thread, but here's one way you can bend these lil biotches over!



just an example (props to tunes420 for the method)
Thank you very much for posting those! It's great to see methods of LST to learn from.
Here are my nightly pics. Both plants are doing great :)
Elsie day 11 night

Marie day 6 night (she sprouted her 2nd set of leaves!) She looks exactly as Elsie did on day 8
Topping is pretty simple, just cut the growth tip horizontally with a sharp clean object, and just watch the side shoots next to the growth tip take of in a "V" shape, when those are big enough and have side shoots of their own, top both those colas and then u'll have 4 colas,and bend all of them over to produce 2x that, open her up a bit and giver her some good light
Here are my morning pics. BTW do yall think I'm posting to many pictures? I just want to document as much of the grow as possible so I can learn from it in the future. I feel like it's a good idea and a bad idea simply because this journal is going to be enormous even if I post just 1 pic per day. Right now I'm posting 4 lol. ALSO I think I'm going to top the plants, but just once not twice. 2 top cola's is good enough for me :)
Anyways, here's Elsie on day 12 morning

And Marie day 7 morning
I agree, the more pics, the better. :smokin:

imo, If you feel like they're taking up too much space, you could always re-size them to 320x240.
If you're using a Windows machine - a great free program is XnView. It has an option to re-size, rename and otherwise alter files in bulk, and it's free.
Well I have a 22" wide-screen so I don't think I'm taking to much space lol. Well Elsie is starting to out grow her cup (width wise), man once they get bigger they grow fast! She is 1 inch tall and 4 inches wide

Marie is doing good for being 5 days behind. Her second set of leaves are finally outgrowing her cotyledon. Just a waiting game. She'll kick it into high gear soon.
Sorry for the delay yall, I'll make up for it. Oh and Elsie turned 2 weeks old today :slide:And this is my 200th post :p
Elsie 13 days night

14 days morning

Marie 8 days night

9 days morning

That's all for now folks!
looking great so far, Elsie will need a new home soon! now that u've got the first two weeks down ur about to see how fast this lil chicas grow! IMO i'd transplant in a few days to their permanent home, (that all depends on how big you'll be growing her) remember that each time you transplant, you run the risk of shocking the plant which will in turn temporarily stunt growth. the least amount of times you have to transplant in your grow the better IMO, keep up the good work! :ganjamon:
Thanks for the kind words GMT1975A.
Trust me, I really want to transplant soon but Marie's freaken soil won't dry out quick enough, its still a bit moist from her watering 2 days ago. I'm hoping to transplant later today. I could just transplant Elsie and not Marie but then they would be at different heights. Fox Farms wasn't kidding about Ocean Forest being good at retaining water.
I mixed in some perlite w/ the soil that's waiting for the perm. transplant, I put in about 6 cups maybe? I don't really remember I just did it until I thought it looked right

Wow, the plants are looking excellent!!! :smokin:

Many pros recommend adding about 20% extra perlite to soils like ff. I've found that, the easiest way for me to get a consistent mixture, is to use a measuring cup and add ~1 cup perlite for every 3 cups of soil (or soilless mix).
Alright the ladies are in their new homes, and moving was a hassle lol. I've never transplanted any plant before, so this was all new to me. I tried cutting away the bottom of the solo cup, but apparently it's alot more structurally sound than the top is lol. In the end I turned it upside down and tapped it until it fell out. Marie's roots weren't visible, but I'm definitely glad I moved Elsie.
Elsie's roots:

New homes:

Looking great! Elsie's roots look big and healthy! :grinjoint:
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