PotChimp's Side Projects


Unit 1 (125 watt blue spectrum CFL; 18/6) - 3 Mr. Nice, 1 SSH, and 2 Jack the Ripper seedlings; 3 Pre '98 Bubba Kush, 1 Free Tibet, 1 GDP, 1 Chemdawg D BX 3, and 1 Bubba Kush (Katsu cut) flowering clone/reveg plants; 1 Pre '98 Bubba Kush and 1 Bubba Kush (Katsu cut) reveg (the Free Tibet, GDP, and Chem D are the only flowering clone/reveg plants that are taking well, but the Bubba genetics are covered by the larger reveg plants).

Unit 2 (125 watt red spectrum CFL; alternating 24/0 to 12/12 to induce light stress) - 12 Chemdawg D BX 3 plants (my 3rd generation bred out from the originally purchased seeds).

Unit 3 (400 watt HPS; 12/12) - 1 Chemdawg D BX 3 clone, 1 Free Tibet clone.

Unit 4 (400 watt HPS; 12/12) - 1 Original White Widow IBL, 1 Old Timers Haze, 1 Chemdawg D BX 3 clone.

Unit 5 (600 watt HPS; 12/12) - 1 Tangerine Dream, 2 Chocolope.

As soon as the Chem D clone in unit 4 chops, I'll crowd both plants from unit 3 into the space it leaves. This will leave unit 3 open so I can put in the females I'm going to flower out in my Chem D breeding project as soon as they show sex. The hermies and all the males except the father will be culled at this point, which will leave unit 2 open. I'll switch the bulbs in unit 1 and unit 2, then put everything from unit 1 into unit 2 also with a timer switch to go with the change. Unit 1 will be where the Chem D Male and female I'm breeding out propagate. In 3 weeks or so I'll start my Pre 98 Lashkar Afghan Indica x Deep Chunk grow. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do my 5 seed Hippie Killer grow next or Tora Bora, Liberty Haze, and Holy Grail Kush. I think a full 10 reg seed Grandaddy Purp Genetics grow (organic) is in order this year too. A freebie grow crosses my mind.....

Even though this is a bad one to do it with, here's my basic reveg (for a clone) method. I start with the plant (this one didn't do well so it may not take):


Then I cut it down to about 10" tall, cutting the lower branches also. I try to leave areas whole and undisturbed that have developed budsites I think may take:


This is one I cut more to try to reveg the whole plant and flower it again. Quite a few budsites should pop up on this one, then I'll trim the inner ones out and try to form a shape:

The slowly forming new growth:


This Old Timers Haze seems to be staying smaller this time:


Here's a Free Tibet that had too cold of a rootball to function, and the excess of nutes in the soil caused it to curl up (the unit I took these out of is too cold):


Maybe I'll invest in a small heater.....

I bought a 500 watt baseboard heater that works great - cheap, too. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Updates: here's the GDP clone/reveg (first pic). I'll take the top branch as soon as it gets bigger for a clone, then flower out the rest of the plant. I put it in a pot with the rest of a mix of my 2 flowering super soil mixes and the rest of my soilless mix (to use it up) along with a Free Tibet clone (second pic):


Pre '98 reveg:


Katsu cut reveg:


These Bubbas are going slow; I upped the hours to 24/0 untilI start my Chem D plants flowering in about a week.

dang you and your re-veg skills :cheesygrinsmiley:
Note: I took clones from the GDP and Free Tibet clone/reveg plants this morning. I had to take one for my Chem D breeding project, so I decided to do them all at one time. The GDP clone/reveg is too small to put into flower soon, but the FT one can go in maybe a week to ten days. Losing one of my Chocolopes means I gotta put something in the empty space to keep my lungs constantly filled. The clones take off like crazy on that one..... :)
I'll try to get pics up soon on this thread, but I don't have much going on that's worth taking pics of. My Bubba revegs are not a lot bigger, neither are my free Tibet or GDP ones. The Free Tibet clone I took is wilted a lot; I had a feeling the woody part of the stem where I took it from was a bad idea. They usually pull out of it. The GDP clone looks okay so far (by the way, I used Olivia's Cloning Gel).
The Old Timers Haze is filling out a little, but it's going another few months :(
I'll be chopping a Free Tibet clone in about a week. I haven't decided if I'm going to use molasses, sugar cane, blue agave nectar, honey, or maple syrup to flavor it up some. :)
The smoke I'm almost out of..... :)

Chemdawg D BX 3 (maybe 1/2 oz.):


Master Kush (1/4 oz. if that):


GDP (this is the last tiny nug fragment less than 1/2 a doob I'd guess):


Pre '98 Bubba Kush (1/8 oz at best):


Bubba Kush (Katsu cut; 1/8 oz. or more):


Please send all top grade cannabis donations to boohooyoupoorchimpdotcom and remember, be kind with the kind :Namaste:
Wow the quite boring winter olympics inspired me so much I decided I'd test my athletic prowess by going down the stairs doing Dorothy's skip step down the yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz I don't think Fred Astaire could pull that one off I know I didn't my feet got tangled going down the first step lucky I waited until I was halfway down before I started I'll post pics as soon as my elbow stops hurting (pics of my plants not of me falling down the steps again). :)
Notes: Everything is doing okay as far as these odd plants and projects are going. I have some trim and a Chocolope plant that hermied, and as soon as the Chocolope dries I'll post pics of my extraction tube and the honey oil I make from it. I'll be chopping a Free Tibet clone soon; maybe even today (I'll post pics of that, too). The Old Timers Haze is showing wilt from watering, underwatering, and overwatering (in other words, it's rootbound). I tried to get it to go all the way in the 1 gallon pot, but when I put the next pic of it up you'll see why that wasn't happening. I'll pic the clones I took soon, too.

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