Question about a plant that appears done at 5 weeks of flower


420 Member
I have two photoperiod plants outdoors from seeds of different strains. same age, soil, nutes, etc. They are both in week 5 of flower. One appears to have another 4 to 5 weeks to go and the other has had milky trichs for a week and im beginning to see amber. At 4 n a half weeks! I guess my question is, is it possible for a plant to be finished after only 5 weeks? Not trying to squander my hard work by harvesting too early. Any light you can shed will be greatly appreciated.
This is the best i can get with phone


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I know it aint finished but shes close according to trichomes

Make sure you are looking at the trichs on the flowers and not the sugar leaves, as the ones on the sugar leaves will mature/ripen a lot faster than the ones on the bud itself so they not an accurate gauge of "ready".
Is that an old edition? I'd think even he has finally learned to not call them "resin" glands by now. The '60s were 50+ years ago, after all.
I have two photoperiod plants outdoors from seeds of different strains. same age, soil, nutes, etc. They are both in week 5 of flower. One appears to have another 4 to 5 weeks to go and the other has had milky trichs for a week and im beginning to see amber. At 4 n a half weeks! I guess my question is, is it possible for a plant to be finished after only 5 weeks? Not trying to squander my hard work by harvesting too early. Any light you can shed will be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure your count is correct?
Is that an old edition? I'd think even he has finally learned to not call them "resin" glands by now. The '60s were 50+ years ago, after all.
:rolleyes: You want to argue semantics with Jorge ?
Or maybe you are Just condescending to everyone ?
The point of the post is still true . Some outside plants do show early deterioration of trichs due to the elements it’s exposed to.
Bracts might not be full or stigmas might not all be dark and curled in .
And yet , the trichs are partially senescing .
In deciding to harvest , try to look at all indicators.
Is that an old edition? I'd think even he has finally learned to not call them "resin" glands by now. The '60s were 50+ years ago, after all.
:rolleyes: You want to argue semantics with Jorge ?
Or maybe you are Just condescending to everyone ?
The point of the post is still true . Some outside plants do show early deterioration of trichs due to the elements it’s exposed to.
Bracts might not be full or stigmas might not all be dark and curled in .
And yet , the trichs are partially senescing .
In deciding to harvest , try to look at all indicators.
I have two photoperiod plants outdoors from seeds of different strains. same age, soil, nutes, etc. They are both in week 5 of flower. One appears to have another 4 to 5 weeks to go and the other has had milky trichs for a week and im beginning to see amber. At 4 n a half weeks! I guess my question is, is it possible for a plant to be finished after only 5 weeks? Not trying to squander my hard work by harvesting too early. Any light you can shed will be greatly appreciated.

Hi dim

Did you note the date when you first saw she was flowering? If she started pushing pistils before you noticed, she may be on time according to her calendar. I had an early flowering Acapulco Gold this year, started flowering July 10. My other plants all started at the usual time, around August 1. Harvested the AG three weeks ago, am starting on the others now.
Is that an old edition? I'd think even he has finally learned to not call them "resin" glands by now. The '60s were 50+ years ago, after all.

He's old fashioned. But I think he means trichomes.
:rolleyes: You want to argue semantics with Jorge ?
Or maybe you are Just condescending to everyone ?
The point of the post is still true . Some outside plants do show early deterioration of trichs due to the elements it’s exposed to.
Bracts might not be full or stigmas might not all be dark and curled in .
And yet , the trichs are partially senescing .
In deciding to harvest , try to look at all indicators.

Jorge is right on, in outdoor plants in the sun, you will often get resin glands (trichomes) deteriorating into white and amber on the outside before the whole plant is ripe, I agree. Tortured Soul is always having fun, no disrespect intended, I'm sure. I think he's an old timer from the 60s, at least 50+, LOL
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