Share your ways to increase resin production

I smoke something like three to seven grams a day this sounds like a a lot I know but nobody wants to talk to me at work if I'm wide-eyed and Clear Eyes sober so I stay pretty Stone most of the time but the reason I asked that question is I have a plant that is at 21 inches tall and is holding around two and a half 3 oz on it right now approximately once it dries
just to compare to the one that's up for the chop - this one is a month into flowering, taller than the one i'm butchering next week
these are some of my 6 week olds, germinated and grown in an ancient sage bed...
See the difference drainage makes?
these are white Bubba Kush and they are both under two feet tall the one that is taller and skinny is almost at 11 weeks of flowering the one that is shorter and bushier is almost at 4 weeks of flowering
these are white Bubba Kush and they are both under two feet tall the one that is taller and skinny is almost at 11 weeks of flowering the one that is shorter and bushier is almost at 4 weeks of flowering
Right now, i'm jealous of you.
Gimme a couple of months, promise i will blow your mind with my lucious ladies and scandalously great buds...
Put it together when you get your plants ready when you have a short one ready to go into flowering I will throw a short one in there and we can push them as hard as we can and see what we can come up with for a Max yield out of a plant that is under 2 ft tall WTF this will be fun
Ok Im here. I have not purposly tried to stress my plants I will buckle up and live vicariously through you brave folk! I will join the ranks my next round when I have more than one plant genetics. I plan to take a bunch of clones from each plant and then throw my photos into flower. Once I harvest this round I will have some extras from the clones for testing purposes.
You're on. Clones or seedlings? (Yeah, if you use a 6 week old cutting , i use a 2 week old one and another wannabe germinates a seedling, there's going to be no comparison in the yields. Also: strain...)
my plants are around 2-3 foot tall and i find it alot easier to handle them! this is a pic of my 4 northern lights in week 8 of flower, 6 days in flush, didnt get an even canopy but next time i will be using a 100x100mm net instead of the one thats in i think is 180x180mm.

one plant did stay at the canopy height and it looks beautiful and im proud of my creation! ill take a picture of it when i start harvesting, sorry about the picture quality.
Ok Im here. I have not purposly tried to stress my plants I will buckle up and live vicariously through you brave folk! I will join the ranks my next round when I have more than one plant genetics. I plan to take a bunch of clones from each plant and then throw my photos into flower. Once I harvest this round I will have some extras from the clones for testing purposes.
Yeah, man. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I have no shame in even my failed experiments, cause this is the funnest hobby i've EVER had...
Well, I've started using a revolutionary method to increase the trichromes/crystals on my plants. What I've done is drive 4 metal stakes into the ground, equally spaced apart 8 feet from a plant nearing harvest. To these stakes I've attached 7 foot chains to which are attached a hungry deer. They can get to within a foot of the plant. This freaks the plant out and scares the trichromes right out of her.
Well, I've started using a revolutionary method to increase the trichromes/crystals on my plants. What I've done is drive 4 metal stakes into the ground, equally spaced apart 8 feet from a plant nearing harvest. To these stakes I've attached 7 foot chains to which are attached a hungry deer. They can get to within a foot of the plant. This freaks the plant out and scares the trichromes right out of her.
Hmmm. Interesting.
My plants are actually scared by my dogs (who literally eat them. They tease the leaves off with their lips, like freakin' deer, overturn pots to get to the yummy top sugar leaves, they are nutso pothead dogs). So... i guess i can just threaten the plants with the puppies?
So I guess everyone gets the I heart marijuana newsletter?
You do not have to have plans to participate why we are doing the projects with our plant you can always be doing research and reading on your own you may run up on a technique or training trick or tip that no one has posted or has thought of that is how I came about this hole thread today
I am not meaning comparing yields I am meaning seeing how high we can get them it makes it entertaining to see how much weight I can make a plant hold before it buckles and snaps under its own weight but when you are ready to take clones or seedlings just give me a heads up and then I can get ready to pop them or cut one it's not an issue at all and that way it would be from start to finish I have a spare tent that I may set up when ready put a light in and the one little plant I would most likely use a 1 gallon pot in a 2 x 2 x 4 tent but you never know until we get started
It is the funniest Hobby and funniest Hobby when you have people that you can communicate with and share information with back when people have to hide everything and I mean hide everything it was not any fun to me
i fed molasses for the full 2 weeks of flush and it never made no difference, i turn my lights of for 24hrs before i cut as i thik anything after is really debatable i dont give no water for the last 2-3 days neither as i believe the drier the plant is the quicker it can cut a few days of drying down.

Makes sense to me
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