Silver Fox First Grow: Organic, LST, Bubblelicious

Morning guys. Here are my most recent pics. The hairs are turning more than expected but it seems to be consistent so I'm not too worried about it unless you guys think I should be lol

Looking awesome. They are swelling nicely, and it looks like ~50% of the pistils have darkened. Typically, that's when I start planning my flush (irrigate with water only for the final days). I've never grown it, but from the looks of her, I'd figure about 2-3 weeks till chop, so if you were looking to let her go the 67 days suggested on seeedfinder, I'd maybe feed them once more, then go to water only for the last two weeks. There are people though, that don't flush at all when using organics, and feed right up to harvest. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it...just do what you feel is right for you. :cheer:
52 days in, counting down the days but I'm surprisingly patient, I feel no need to rush and plan on getting close to the 67 day goal. I love the thought of harvesting on a friday the 13th ;).

ok carestaker this ones for you, I have read that lowering humidity the last few weeks help resin production. Do you do this or just let them roll? I did hook up the dehumidifier this morning outside of where the intake air is coming from. my RH has been stable the whole grow 55-52 has been where i have been floating between. today after work I have 43% RH in the room and a few leaves have started the "taco" shape. Should I turn off the Dehumidifyer or just be prepared to water a little more frequently and not stress the taco leaves for the last few weeks...... holy cow I only have a couple more weeks at most!!!!! :Namaste:

Tuesday will be the opening of the harvest window according to the nirvana website but the trichs are not looking like they will be ready for at least another week or two
Looking sweet Silverfox..Anywhere between 30-50 is ok, you're bang in the middle so all is good. You only got a couple of weeks to go so I wouldn't be to concerned about the leaves at this stage. AS you probably know they start sucking the goodness out the leaves near the end of life..
Looking sweet Silverfox..Anywhere between 30-50 is ok, you're bang in the middle so all is good. You only got a couple of weeks to go so I wouldn't be to concerned about the leaves at this stage. AS you probably know they start sucking the goodness out the leaves near the end of life..

What Shaun said. No worries man, you're in the pocket RH wise. The tacos are just tacos man - some do and some don't ime. :)
I :)
I've been thinking of sampling lol. Might have to try it!!!

One of the bubblelicious I've thought of harvesting this Friday it had mostly cloudy trichs now but time will tell. What percentage of cloudy to amber do you guys prefer?
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