Good on you, RD.

If I recall the dosing protocol for the original RSO, it was to consume the RSO made from a pound of herb within three months, starting small and increasing every three days or so until up to a standard dose.

You probably already know all that but I think the quantity consumed within the short 3 month window was an important element in the reported successes.
I eat a gram of it at a time. If you want to get fucked up - eat something sweet or greasy with it. If you don't eat anything, you'll barely notice the buzz. It's weird like that.
I eat a gram of it at a time. If you want to get fucked up - eat something sweet or greasy with it. If you don't eat anything, you'll barely notice the buzz. It's weird like that.
Probably because it is more effective taken with fatty foods. Those tie up the liver allowing less THC to be metabolized and therefore more to get into the bloodstream.
Probably because it is more effective taken with fatty foods. Those tie up the liver allowing less THC to be metabolized and therefore more to get into the bloodstream.
But doesn't the liver metabolize it into 11-hydroxy-thc which is more potent than delta-9-thc?
Couldn’t have done this without 420mag stalwarts @Gee64 or @RedskinnedRhino I actually managed to recover over 3/4 of the grain alcohol, clean as anything, and make a decent haul of RSO with 3-4 ounces of strong buds from 3 different strains, hopefully a good, large, combination of cannibinoids.
Congrats on the successful surgery RD, and I hope the recovery runs equally as smoothly! Nice work on the RSO as well. :thumb: Just wanted to ask if you used decarbed flower for it?
But doesn't the liver metabolize it into 11-hydroxy-thc which is more potent than delta-9-thc?
It all depends on if it's been carboxylated and activated then you don't need fats for uptake. The main difference is the half-life and onset that differs from my experience and of course the conversion to 11-hydroxy compared to vaping and smoking. Stronger effects and earlier onset with fats but also shorter in duration.

SIPS are like cruise control... you dial in the speed and they keep it there..

THC is better absorbed with fatty foods even if the product has been decarbed first.
"In this study, oral co-administration of lipids enhanced the systemic exposure of rats to THC ... by 2.5-fold ... compared to lipid-free formulations. [C]omparable affinity of cannabinoids for rat and human CM suggests that similar increased exposure effects may be expected in humans."
Your intestine is never completely empty and in a healthy diet you probably get enough fats for absorption. Fats and lecithin helps for sure but the difference in practice for me is what I described in earlier posts.

Theory and practice is two different things and one doesn't exclude the other. Cheers!
I eat a gram of it at a time. If you want to get fucked up - eat something sweet or greasy with it. If you don't eat anything, you'll barely notice the buzz. It's weird like that.
Thanks for picking up on the decarb issue, @InTheShed . I had most of this entry typed last night but fell asleep (yay)

No, Shedster, I didn’t decarb ahead of time, and wish I d did. I always wish that when I make something and don’t decarb first - thinking I can pick it up again later in the process - but I always regret it. So I’m a little bit concerned I might not have decarbed the RSO enough while removing solvent.

I don’t know it for a fact b/c I didn’t try any as I only finished it within a few hours of having to check in for surgery, and I estimated it might not be the ideal moment for self administered drug experimentation.

How could I decarb my batch if it turns out not to have been done properly yet? Any ideas? it’s a tar-like substance currently inside a syringe. I won’t use non-decarbed weed again so I avoid these stressors. Don’t need’em.

I’ve got my THC vape sauce with me anyway and somewhere to vape so I’m good here in the hospital. Damn good, really. If I was cosseted this much everyday I no doubt would become tyrannical and despotic.

Note: I mostly say vape “sauce” so that people don’t think I’m talking about a convection vape or anything else that uses whole flower. Also- “juice” is for children, lightweights, and your good health. “Sauce” has zing, can bite, and is self confident, ‘saucy’.

I found that this is actually what most people mean when they speak of vaping weed. Can be confusing for people trying to get a handle on a consumption type for themselves and that’s unhelpful, esp considering the huge advantages of propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin infused with cannabinoids like thc and the cb’s. My lungs are so grateful for the switch and I’m still getting a lovely taste experience also. Works great in all forms of ‘e-cigs’, tiny cheap pens, mods and tanks, droppers and cartridges. It hits hard in all of ‘em, and I am pleasantly surprised by the flavour.

I calculated recently that I have about 20-25% more bud in jars, because of my using SIPs, than I otherwise would Have grown in traditional pots. I averaged some previous grows of familiar strains with some friends to get decent numbers that I am very confident in, and that I feel are sufficiently accurate enough to represent what I might have harvested without SIPs in Normal pots. That 25% means this RSO was possible, vape sauce experimentation could be undertaken, all kinds of important things.
I won’t use non-decarbed weed again so I avoid these stressors. Don’t need’em.
I'm going to put in a plug for the acidic versions of the cannabinoids so you don't think all is lost. The acidic forms offer great health benefits in consumption. They won't get you high, but some, like cbd-a are much better absorbed by the body (like 10x better according to one doctor I heard) than decarbed cbd.

They can hit different receptors in the body and I'm hearing more and more recommendations from docs and nurse practioners in the field recommending mixing both the decarbed and the not in medical application protocols.

I wonder how heating the RSO itself for a period would work? You could mix a little with say coconut oil and put it over heat and see if you get the bubbles. But, if it's at least partially decarbed, you may already have some of each. The best of both worlds.
I'm going to put in a plug for the acidic versions of the cannabinoids so you don't think all is lost. The acidic forms offer great health benefits in consumption. They won't get you high, but some, like cbd-a are much better absorbed by the body (like 10x better according to one doctor I heard) than decarbed cbd.

They can hit different receptors in the body and I'm hearing more and more recommendations from docs and nurse practioners in the field recommending mixing both the decarbed and the not in medical application protocols.

I wonder how heating the RSO itself for a period would work? You could mix a little with say coconut oil and put it over heat and see if you get the bubbles. But, if it's at least partially decarbed, you may already have some of each. The best of both worlds.
or dose it into cookies and decarb as the cookies bake. Maybe? just a guess tho.
How could I decarb my batch if it turns out not to have been done properly yet? Any ideas? it’s a tar-like substance currently inside a syringe. I won’t use non-decarbed weed again so I avoid these stressors. Don’t need’em.
Since what you have is basically QWET, I would do something similar to Grandpa Tokin's method, described here:
I separated the blob into two smaller blobs to fit in my silicone containers, and put them in my toaster oven at 250F for 10 minutes:

When 10 minutes was complete on the toaster oven I checked and things were still bubbling so I put it on for another 5 minutes and watched it closely. In another 3 minutes it had stopped bubbling so I know it's decarb'd:

Then you should be good to go!

[Edit: you can click the Grandpa Tokin link to get to the original post.]
To Decarb RSO ---> just keep heating it on a hotplate until it stops bubbling.
It will stop.
I've made RSO with pre-decarbed herb and it didn't have the same power, either due to an incomplete decarb or possibly the trics didn't melt properly after being baked?
Either way, it produced a 70% strength product compared to the standard process.
I use a double boiler style setup to prevent burning (I did that once) and run it on medium high heat for the entire cook.
Super simple considering that you already have to hotplate the stuff to remove the booze.

Trust the bubbles.
You can re-decarb it if you think it isn't fully finished, just throw it back in the bowl and cook, any volatile terps are already long gone so you can't hurt anything with a re-heat.

You'll know the RSO is working when your lips go a little numb. For some reason you get the same kind of numb lips you'd get if you were drinking the booze straight... an odd side effect considering you've boiled away all the liquor.
I've made RSO with pre-decarbed herb and it didn't have the same power, either due to an incomplete decarb or possibly the trics didn't melt properly after being baked?
Or maybe an overdecarb as more of the THC converted to CBN? Did that batch make you sleeper than normal?
I'm going to put in a plug for the acidic versions of the cannabinoids so you don't think all is lost. The acidic forms offer great health benefits in consumption. They won't get you high, but some, like cbd-a are much better absorbed by the body (like 10x better according to one doctor I heard) than decarbed cbd.

They can hit different receptors in the body and I'm hearing more and more recommendations from docs and nurse practioners in the field recommending mixing both the decarbed and the not in medical application protocols.

I wonder how heating the RSO itself for a period would work? You could mix a little with say coconut oil and put it over heat and see if you get the bubbles. But, if it's at least partially decarbed, you may already have some of each. The best of both worlds.
What do you mean? like in the fresh state? I'm a fan of juicing fresh buds and I also start to vape the stuff not long after it's cut, as the floral flavours in the beginning are pretty unique, and there's a lot that go away with drying and curing.
What do you mean? like in the fresh state? I'm a fan of juicing fresh buds and I also start to vape the stuff not long after it's cut, as the floral flavours in the beginning are pretty unique, and there's a lot that go away with drying and curing.
Yep, exactly that. That's how I use most of mine. After a cure, of course...
Or maybe an overdecarb as more of the THC converted to CBN? Did that batch make you sleeper than normal?
Not noticeably, but with RSO - I want to feel the buzz in my eyes and body. You typically eat RSO for the deep body relaxation and pain relief it can provide - an indica flavored buzz -instead of the upbeat sativa feeling of creativity and energy.
Decarb the shit out of it, then walk the moon for hours, from the comfort of your rocking chair.
Here's 10 grams of it that's been in the fridge for a couple weeks. I'll warm it up, pull it into a syringe, and fill 10 - 1 gram capsules.
I open the caps when I eat em, these capsules are made to dissolve in the small intestine instead of the stomach and it adds an extra hour+ to the wait time, but they eliminate the slightly queezy feeling of the strong creeping RSO buzz if you leave it whole. Dealer's choice 🤔)


They do indeed! Mine look similar, good color, good growth etc. That's what I'm hoping to carry on through flower. Interestingly, as good as they look, I'm only getting a Brix reading of about 5. Based on how good they look I was expecting much higher. :(
is weird, Mebbe g emetic. Srry one handed in hspital. You have to take many samples and take the mean. I do anyway. @Gee64 will have more useful commentary
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