Spring's 4 Separate Auto Strains - Soil - T8s - CFL - Closet Grow

basically the roots hang in the nutrient rich water, you can add an air stone or leave it out, i use both methods and their is not much in it, i prefer the air stone though, i use the 2ltr dwc for my 12-12 from seed, this gives me an 8 weeks harvest from sprouting, i average 20g dry per plant, but if i give it 7 days of 24-0 then go 12-12 it makes it 9 weeks till harvest and i get around an oz per plant of dry bud, now as its only taking up the space of a 2ltr pop bottle then this means you can fit loads in a small space,

put it this way 10 x 2ltr dwc hempie =20g dry bud per plant, which works out to 200g of dry bud every 8 weeks
you could start 10 plants every 4 weeks then you would have a harvest every 4 weeks after the first 8 weeks is over,

but way you did 100 of these, 12-12 from seed, 20g dry per plant, 20g x 100 = 2000g dry bud every 8 or 9 weeks, if you get it right you can get an oz per plant every 9 weeks, this is also strain dependent as well, i average around 20g dry bud when i go 12-12 from seed
check out the link in my sig and you will see what i mean, last time i did one of these i ended up with a bud the size of a 2ltr pop bottle, the pics are in my journal somewhere, their is a pic with the bud right next to a 2ltr pop bottle and both are the same size.
Hiya Spring! You really should not see many if any amber resin glands when growing indoor, amber indoors is usually a sign of damage or degradation, I have recently read a great post by Mel Frank online...I will try and find it. In this post it explains how thc is clear and there should be aj abundanve of clear resin glands when the plant is ready very little opaque and no amber, from his post he said that indoors amber does not normally occur unless the glands have been damaged, in this particular case I would check with a resident expert like Jandre or something but this was a recent read for me and it dispelled lots of myths and fables inclueing coloration affecting high, he said it does only in the fact that light and heat are degrading thc and then of course the oft repeated misnomer that THC oxidizes into CBD which is again false as only genetics determines those levels. I will find that post and you can have a read! Hope I helped my friend.
im not sure thats the best info mate, ill have to check though, the guide i read says that the trichs contain little thc when they are clear, when they go 100% cloudy this is when the plant is ready and the trichs are full of thc, when they go amber this means the thc and trichs are degrading and this turns into cbd which gives us the couch lock affect, indoors my trichs go from clear to cloudy and them some go amber, my plants show no signs of stress or nute def at all,

ill need to check on this info to see whats right and whats not, im looking for a couch lock affect, i wont my buds to put me on my back side when i smoke them, this is usually around 10% amber,
if it was best to harvest when the trichs are clear then this means we could harvest our plants very early indeed, the trichs start off clear when the plant is starting to flower, so are we ruining the buds by letting the trichs go cloudy, i think when the trichs are 100% cloudy then the plant is ready to harvest.

can you find us the link to that info mate, id like to read it, it might give us a different spin on things, im always looking for new info like this,

either pm me if you cant post it here, give me a shout once you find it so i can have a read, sounds interesting,
My bad spring it was high times issue number 430 Nov 2011 page 64......anyone who disagrees cause I know this causes consternation among people these are the words of Mel Frank and I just want to help out! Sorry if I misinformed by sharing that, just found it interesting.
And I do not have thirty years growing experience or more like he does....maybe even he is full of it...way too many myths.
Sorry not trying to start poo....

PS Xlr8 postes excellent info in my thread about ripeness maybe you can check it out.....I am not shirking your experience donpaul, I am new so am learning and do not want to give out bad info maybe jandre will holler on this one or x maybe...
Hell in my opinion it would seem that clear would be empty, cloudy would be full and amber would be age or degradation..but one thing is for sure....there are as many opinions as growers on this
It's an interesting debate though. I've been reading up a lot on this recently because I'm getting close to harvest and the general consensus is to harvest when they're cloudy with a few amber and that when completely clear the THC in the trichs isn't yet psychoactive. I did read in one of these articles though that someone has recently used a very small needle to extract and test the contents of trichs and actually found that it best in terms of THC etc when the trichs are all clear. Always worth experimenting though, and my current experience as I smoke small buds off my plant as she's developing is the stone is definitely improving as more trichs get cloudy.

I think the high does change as the plant develops and to some extent it's probably a lot down to personal preference, but one advantage of harvesting later is you do get much more bud
Trichs don't lie man. Give her a little bit more time and see how those foxtails are going to swell. Diva gained a good mass after foxtailing. Every one of her buds has mini horns everywhere now to the point that it put on a whole new "layer" of bud. I'm loving it!
I'm waiting for the ambers too. I see a lot of people chop at milky, but I need to see 10% amber at least before I chop. I mainly smoke at night to ease myself into sleep, so what's wrong with some couch lock :)

Erm...question from the back of the class! :ciao:

Foxtails? Mini horns? Confused Fluffy :)

P.S. I'm all for amber...I want couch lock! :cheer:
im looking for a couch lock affect, i wont my buds to put me on my back side when i smoke them, this is usually around 10% amber,

Wow! Lots of great debate here!!

DP, Thanks again for your input on the DWC! You know that I'm gonna hit you up for advice daily! I am excited to try it. Gonna take some of the coir out per your sugestion. Get it down to the height thats best.

I love your posts!Folks like your self have questioned the status-quo through the ages. If we did not then what would we have? Not much. I'm interested to read the info on Trichs. Ill look it over tonight. I want to harvest this girl soon! No need to apologize for potential misinformation. I want you all to feel free and say what you think here. You know we all research the hell out of stuff anyway!

Those terms are ones that I am new to myself. I think foxtails are easier to understand when you see them. Looks like spiky bud growth on the older part of a bud? I think that's a good way to say it!

Thanks for your input. I love it when all of you swing by. The knowledge just grows.

Thanks to all.
Hey mate,
Seems like you may have had similar probs to me mate.. I think i did have a Cal/mag problem, and earlier a P&K defic. Since upping her P&K, the dark blotches that curled up n died stopped, she only has maybe 1 bad leaf on her from that.
But as you may have noticed on my journal, Cindy s showing yellowing on her leaves and some is appearing on my sugar leaves causing them to dry out and brown off.. I dont like this among my buds, and most of my top canopy of buds has it to some extent, most are about 60% yellow.
From the buds i removed the other day, i trimmed off a few leaves, and then just cut most of the small dead patches off the dead leaves leaving only small parts of trich covered leaves on the bud. Ive smoked my sample and it hasnt altered the taste of the bud i dont think. But I personally would trim off bits if youre not happy with them, if they got trichs all on em they should still get ya baked!!
It seems you still have a bit of time left with ur girl bud wise, Cindy has been this messed up color with her burnt leaves for over 2 weeks now and the leaves are still semi alive! Just look crappy.. So they may still be of use to the plant for a bit, just leave em i reckon until theyre totally dried, if the plant doesnt want em she ll kill em off and theyll drop off:) Nice work buddy, hope you have some massive bud soon!!! Later mate, Smokemup..
cool shizz, im always keen to read up on new info, to be honest their is that much info out their that its hard to know whats right, i also dont have 30 years growing either, id say around 12 months at the most is all ive been growing for this time round,

but the info i read is as green knight suggested, their is little pschoactive in the clear trichs, cloudy is when the plant is 100% ready and amber is when the thc in the trichs has degraded and turns to cbd which gives us the couch lock affect, it makes me sound clever when i say stuff like this, but really i dont have a clue what it all means, i just want good bud that puts me on my back side when i smoke it.

their is only 1 way to solve this problem, we need a test plant, we need to take buds when the plant is 100% clear trichs, then take buds at 100% cloudy, and last take buds at 10% amber and do a test to see whats best and what results we get,

im not in no way saying your wrong shizz and it could be true, i dont know enough to argue the case either way mate, so im not getting at you, far from it mate, the more i hear the more i learn, when my plants are 100% clear the pistils are still white and not shrunk and turning brown, when my plant is 100% cloudy my pistils are 50% brown and shrunk to the bud, at 10% amber the pistils are mostly all brown and all shrunk onto the bud.

this will be an interesting debate, i would like to know exactly when the best time to harvest is, their may be more thc in the clear trichs but it might not give us the couch lock affect we want, so it may contain more thc in the clear trichs, the reason i say this is the clear trichs are when the plant is healthy, they start to turn cloudy towards the end of the plants life cycle, so the plant is at its best when the trichs are all clear,

but my question is do we get a better high off clear trichs or cloudy and amber trichs, i know clear trichs contain less of the psycho active affect, so this might be good for people who smoke more for medical reasons, more for people that smoke it in the day and dont want to sit down all day, so their may be something in this, so medically it might be best to harvest the plant when the trichs are cloudy, this would stop the user sitting down all day, so it could explain what you mean, but thats not the buzz im looking for, i only smoke at night to help me sleep, so i want it to knock me out at night, so i dont have to worry about working or driving, but if someone did need to work and still smoke bud then i bet the best time for them to harvest would be before the trichs turn cloudy.

so you may be right mate, but it all depends on what you want from your bud, ill look into this more as it does interest me, if i did want to smoke in the day then i dont want to be on the couch all day, so harvesting some buds when the trichs are clear would be an ideal smoke for the day time,

mate you may be on to something, ill need to check into this a whole lot more.

if i was a grower for 30 years then id be 1 when i started growing, so ive not even been growing for 12months, when i grew years ago u used an old street light and a cutting from a friend, i knew nothing about growing but it grew and i got some nice bud, so id say ive got around 12 months of growing in total,

this time round i started in march i think, it was around that i think anyway
Those terms are ones that I am new to myself. I think foxtails are easier to understand when you see them. Looks like spiky bud growth on the older part of a bud? I think that's a good way to say it!

If you come across someone's picture that shows it well please come wave it under my beak so I don't miss it? :geek::thanks:
I always thought it was up to the grower on when to harvest? Most likely you would want to settle inbetween. Cloudy & amber. Besides that the type of strain and the amount of THC genetically. If theres really no way to measure THC then it would all be up to the grower and what we put inside or soil/soilless medium. I feel this is a miss or hit situation right here.
Is it NLxWW??? Thats my last grow!!!! Man, epic buds is all i can say:):) Great all over stone and taste too IMO.

That was one bud, plant grown xmas tree normal grow. Soil too..
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