Stupidface Grows Again - Featuring Mephisto Illuminautos, LEDs & Promix

Another work week done. Little guy is finally asleep. Heater and humidifier arrived. Time for some me time.
For day 3 those are mad, can't wait for the next update mate . .
Watering time for Gnomie. I like to make a trench a few inches out from the plant (and increase the radius each watering) but this grow i planted the girls off center for bending them over. Not sure it was the best idea. Will have to focus on drawing roots to far side of pot.


This watering i added Great White and I am trying a pouch of nematodes to kill gnat larvae. The pouch will dissolve apparently.


Add water and when it soaks in i fill in the trench so top of soil stays dry.


Super exciting stuff. Thanks for stopping by.
Can moisture clog a carbon filter? Last grow during veg i had a humidifier running and found my temps skyrocketed because air wasnt being exhausted. I thought it might be moisture but couldnt find anyone else having a similar problem so i convinced myself the exhaust fan i bought wasnt strong enough to push air through the filter. So i bought a much stronger fan , re-installed the filter and airflow was good. At this point though i was in flower and had taken the humidifier out and the filter had been sitting for days and would have dried out so it didnt really prove anything.

This morning i checked the tent and saw temp had reached 83F which seemed odd after days of steady 79-80 and the room temp being the same. I turned up the exhaust fan to max but then the girls went into their first 4 hours of dark. Checked on them one hour after lights had come back on and temp was 85F! Blew smoke towards the exhaust hole and barely any movement. Removed the filter and immediately back to normal. I will just leave the filter off until i go into flower i guess. Anyone else have this happen?
Had it happen several times over my grow, I fixed it each time by whacking it with an air filled 2L Pepsi bottle a good three or four times. Seemed to fix th issue. Each time but I did get a bigger filter for my next round.
Subbed in on this one. Looking forward to the plant bondage I see you are setting up for.:yahoo:

Subbed!! Got some Creme Bubbly and Sour Crinkle on the way. Debating between MBAP and Gold Glue to add

Welcome! Pretty quiet around here right now but hopefully the girls will be big enough to work with in a week or so. I've subbed both your journals and will take a read through in a bit. Thanks for stopping by!
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