The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Yesterday was cool and rainy, but day before was 72 and sunny. Last night got down to 30, but it's almost 50 already. At 330 this morning, saw a whitetail doe munching on the cracked corn I scattered, but I didn't get a photo. Hope Mother Nature is nice to everyone today!
Petunias are staring to bloom but it looks like they are going to be purple. I was hoping for them to be blue like in the second picture that I took in indoor mode on the camera
Maybe they will change & than it's in the eye of the beholder. some peoples eyesight may see it like the blue
Blues & reds make purple on the color wheel
Petunias are staring to bloom but it looks like they are going to be purple. I was hoping for them to be blue like in the second picture that I took in indoor mode on the camera
Maybe they will change & than it's in the eye of the beholder. some peoples eyesight may see it like the blue
Blues & reds make purple on the color wheel
I see purrrrrple. Although the one right up front has a deep blue color from here. Lovely, either way.
I see the one with the vibrant green and the more-reddish-purple flowers. The bottle one leaves look drab to me, and flowers look blue.
Well just after daylight the herd came in. They went straight for my only Rhododendron bush at the pond and nibbled away at the confused small buds on it.
I wasn't having any of that!
I went out with the camera and chased them away. Light was pretty low for the lens I had, so they are a bit noisy on the resolution.
They are losing their winter coats and look very rugged right now.
The last two pics show why they are called "Whitetails". DUH!

Deer back yard.jpg

Deer back yard-2.jpg

Deer back yard-3.jpg

Deer back yard-4.jpg
Many years ago there was a radio DJ in our area that had decided he was never going to say the word "snow" again. His hate for it had gone that far. So, whenever he had to say the word in a weather statement or winter conditions warnings he would say "Snit".

I am there. I won't take any more photos that have snow in them because it validates and immortalizes that nasty white stuff.

I have no intention of doing either one. :rofl:
Spring planting is under way everything I planted is coming up so far except the lemon balm is poor so tossed some more seeds in

lisianthus are coming up

Planted these testers on Jan. 15
2nd transplant
The lisianthus is starting to grow finally. Looks like the petunia transplants have all taken .
Now just need spring to actually get here. Going to be a cold week with highs of-6 c 21f for the next week
At least we are not going to get the 50 cm of snit that Alberta is forecasted to get


The lisianthus is starting to grow finally. Looks like the petunia transplants have all taken .
Now just need spring to actually get here. Going to be a cold week with highs of-6 c 21f for the next week
At least we are not going to get the 50 cm of snit that Alberta is forecasted to get


Do you have a farm, or just a large garden?
I am trying to design an outdoor greenhouse in my old horse corral this year. It will keep out the raccoons and rabbits with the help of the corral to keep out the deer.
Do you have a farm, or just a large garden?
I am trying to design an outdoor greenhouse in my old horse corral this year. It will keep out the raccoons and rabbits with the help of the corral to keep out the deer.
No & no I have a 10 X12 greenhouse, I sometimes get to plant in the neighbors yards
I hung a couple of bird feeders two days ago, something came along and knocked one of them to the ground yesterday.
Figured it was raccoons. Nope....the deer. I thought this was a doe at first, but it has some nubs starting so it's a he.
HE came along and stood on his hind legs to knock those feeders off the shepherds hook with his nose!
Here he is back a bit ago in the front yard, eyeing a feeder near the garage door. Grrrr....
He's got some pretty nasty scars on him, been beat up pretty bad by something.

Buck eyeing bird feeder.jpg
I hung a couple of bird feeders two days ago, something came along and knocked one of them to the ground yesterday.
Figured it was raccoons. Nope....the deer. I thought this was a doe at first, but it has some nubs starting so it's a he.
HE came along and stood on his hind legs to knock those feeders off the shepherds hook with his nose!
Here he is back a bit ago in the front yard, eyeing a feeder near the garage door. Grrrr....
He's got some pretty nasty scars on him, been beat up pretty bad by something.

Buck eyeing bird feeder.jpg
the poor dear. Does he have only 3 legs?
Lucky girl. Apparently a hunter took a high shot on this girl during hunting season last year. She survived. Limps a bit, but has been coming around every morning, afternoon, and night with a herd of about two dozen of them.

Lucky girl.jpg

Lucky girl-2.jpg
that can't be a bullet wound, it would have killed him
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