The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

Been chasing down the stuff for the qb. Lol saved me 30 bucks diy rig . But had to look hard to make sure it was shipping out of the uS instead of slow boat. Next time kit.

I didn't know that you were ordering the driver yet. I was going to suggest going a little higher than what they recommend in the Kit. I feel like those QB boards would do a little better at 1400 Mah instead of 1050.
Aloe works and honey as well. Just cut at a slant dip then put in some coco or perlite keep them humid off to the side in the veg tent. Week or so move em closer too the lightb a bit. Or just put them in a trashbag out back. Be fine.

I can vouch for the trash bag. It works for everything. LOL
I will notate this for my next one.

Or you could go balls to the wall and use 2 of the same drivers that the MoonShot uses, with upgraded heat-sinks and fans. That would light up a 4x4 like the sun and still be well under the 3000 Mah limit.
7 ounces is closer to 8 than whatever the heck you said you were going to pull! Nice work Retrix. :welldone:
After watching how @InTheShed struggles with cloning, I am pretty sure that I would suck hard at it. I mean he built a high tech cloning bucket with mermaids misting the plants, and oxygenated water flowing straight from the Amazon and shit and he still has a hard time getting them to root. I doubt that I could do any better than that. LOL
Clones are easy af. Don't need hi tech crap for it.
My bucket isn't high tech and even it it was it still wouldn't clone. Cloning is easy like Kismet says, just not for me. You'll do fine with a cutting and whatever you stick it in. And at $30/seed, you should be cutting and sticking a lot!
7 ounces is closer to 8 than whatever the heck you said you were going to pull! Nice work Retrix. :welldone:

My bucket isn't high tech and even it it was it still wouldn't clone. Cloning is easy like Kismet says, just not for me. You'll do fine with a cutting and whatever you stick it in. And at $30/seed, you should be cutting and sticking a lot!

I estimated between 5.5 and 6 ounces. lol. I'm pretty sure that the cloning thing isn't going to go that easy for me. My luck is so bad that if I hit the lottery today, the lottery commission would suddenly file bankruptcy and my winning ticket would be invalid.
@brightlight @MagicJim

You know I was wondering about this one. Thank You for the tip! :passitleft:

And really nice looking plants Bright.


Wonderful fat buds! How are they doing? Also could you show us how the shades bud are developing?
Wonderful fat buds! How are they doing? Also could you show us how the shades bud are developing?

Oh Flash those aren't mine I was just posting bright's plants because they look so good.
Oh Flash those aren't mine I was just posting bright's plants because they look so good.

Who is Bright bro? Does he have a grow journal?
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