thanx for the compliments..Great to see you all enjoyed the picts.

mr.natrual: Its my wifes camera, nothing crazy.All my camera equipment got jacked one day when I went out to a concert. They stripped my car and I happen to leave it on there. Bad Timing, it was the one time I actually left it in there.
So since I never really take picts of the mother Bubba Kush and post em. I figured its time for a nice spread of her. These are all picts of her colas and nugs:







And a quick room shot:


hope you all enjoyed
U some kinda photographer? Don't think I didn't notice the different backdrops,lol. What, u tryna be the Hugh Hef of bud porn? Nice looking girls.


I think we can leave that title to SWAMPGAS!!

Just figured its better to have some color, as oppose to haveing just the walls and electrical.

Thanx WHEEL AND TUNES AS WELL!!I've been tempted to pull a nug and taste but I dont wana see them go..LOL we wait til its harvest time, biting our nails :bitingnails::bitingnails:. Just atticipating the chop:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:, rolling our hands through like we're Dr.Jekyl:loopy:. Then when it comes down to it, we all hate seeing them go.:ciao::byebye:And as we chop we always say :sorry:. Then we :rollit: then :bigtoke:then:woohoo: its over..AHH now thats better...sorry just alittle medicated at the moment..
lol, I had a couple nudes, lol. well kinda nude. Awesome pics man! I hate hate hate theives! uuuggghhh! People who STEAL SUCK!!!!!! Sorry to here about your camera man that blows. Where I live I could probably leave it on top of my car in a parking lot all day and have it be there when I get back. People dont even lock there car doors here, lol. I do know how it is though, cause I used to live in a city that was BAD about theives and stolen stuff. Couldnt do anything without worrying who was breaking into your home when you were gone. Looking great though man! Love the pics!
Thanx G.I: Yeah I remember you did. Just means we have Playboy and Hustler. I'll let you and Swampgas figure out that Flynt is a BAD MOTHER F*CKER!!The thing that I blame myself for is going to that concert. It was in a place I knew I shouldnt have taking my care too. Then to top it off I I left my camera in it. STUPID. But oh well, karmas a b*tch.
Hi Butcher
Guess you already know about Hawaii. Never leave anything in your car rented or other wise. Its much worse now that so many are out of work.:smokin:

Last time I returned from the mainland the Capt. announced we were making
our final approach to Honolulu. A big cheer went up. When we landed another cheer went up. We were glad to be home.
Ever seen that while landing in Chicago or any other mainland city?:ganjamon:
Looking fantasic dude. Theifs, two things I can not stand in life, theifs and liers. Hope your harvest is a sweet one. You got some nices cola's going dude. Congrads
Nice job on the pics, Butcher! Looks like you've got another successful batch o' ladies, as we've come to expect. I guess you could say you're a real Ladies Man... ;) Bein' frosty ain't bad for a woman, as long as they're green...

Hi Butcher

Last time I returned from the mainland the Capt. announced we were making
our final approach to Honolulu. A big cheer went up. When we landed another cheer went up. We were glad to be home.
Ever seen that while landing in Chicago or any other mainland city?:ganjamon:

Too true, OMM. And the times I've traveled abroad, you'd see a lot more people smiling in and around Europe and elsewhere, even at the airports. The customs and immigration agents smile and say 'welcome to our country.' People hanging out at cafes, enjoying a café con leche y pequeño desayuno before going off to work, and just enjoying their daily life more. Having a good quality of life and a healthy relaxed attitude does wonders for your demeanor. Maybe that's one reason why Spain made growing small amounts of MJ legal back in '06...

Come back home, and it's almost like some sort of miasma settles over folks when they get back. Folks don't smile that much, they close up emotionally, and back to the 'same old, same old'. Perhaps if everyone smoked some good pot, it'd be different...

Ever notice they make damn good coffee just about everywhere else in the world but the US? Why is that? I figure too many accountants were trying to pinch a few more pennies from the profit margins by adding more Robusta beans to the Folgers sometime after WWII and people started overbrewing in Percolators, and people gradually got used to drinking swill. Probably why some folks think Starbucks actually makes a good cup of coffee...


Keep up the good work, Butcher! Looking forward to seeing what you, SS, and others can do with some LEDs, too.


Ha! Same with my pops. He always has 3 or 4 vehicles out front with the keys in them. His Harley in on the front porch with the keys in it as well. I miss living in the country.

my dad lives in the country. . . leaves his keys in the ignition of his car everyday. that way he wont lose them. lol.
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