UncleCannabis' Indoor Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - Sea of Green

It's probably my hemp sandals causing my problems in the grow room. As I get closer to harvest the girls are worried what will become of them. As for the pipes, right? Glass doesn't last long in our house. I have a metal pipe with glass guts (Prometheus by Pyp Tek).

I bought the 6x6 for clones and 9x9s for flower, the 12x12 seemed too big for what I was intending. I also like the holes they put on the rim of the pots, perfect for my pipe cleaners and LST. Again, I really like your setup.

The girl that seems to be giving you the most trouble is located at the front of the tent where she'd get a good view of your footwear so you may be onto something brother.
I suggest ditching the sandals before entering your garden for the next few days or so and monitor for any change. It's definitely worth a try and won't cost anything. :laughtwo:
Lol. He likes rap music?

He's more of a Merle Haggard kind of guy but I think he must secretly listen to rap when no one is around.
Every time that Snoop Dog makes the news or is on the tube for whatever reason my dad seems to know alot more than he should about that lettuce smoking gangster thug "Sniff Doggy Doo".
I almost died laughing the first time I heard him refer to Snoop Dog as Sniff Doggie. :laughtwo:
I really appreciate the immaculate garden you keep UC! It's like mentos for the eyes... :thumb:

Thanks for the compliment Growlow. I guess I'm not doing a very good job of disguising my compulsion for maintaining garden cleanliness huh? You'd be amazed at how much bleach and cleaning water gets used around here. LOL!!

Your dad sounds like a character , red neckish but characteristic. I bet he whooped yer ass as a kid lol

My dad and I have have differing opinions on quite a few things but it's mostly a generation gap thing I think. Over the years I've come to realize what a cool cat my ole' man is.
Spare the rod, spoil the child was the norm back then so yes, I did get my share of ass whippings. All of them well deserved though. It's one of the many reasons that I learned to run fast and be stealthy. :)
Funny how our generation learned to avoid being caught doing things we weren't supposed to, we knew the consequences of being caught.

Most kids today know that if they get anything more than a pointed finger or slap on the wrist, they were unlucky and just don't give a
I learned quickly that it was better to keep a close eye out of for "The Look" in order to prevent the next stage of discipline from occurring.
"The Look" meant that I was doing something that was unacceptable. There was only one warning and that was "The Look". If "The look" was ignored or went unnoticed for whatever reason the next stage of discipline was not a pointed finger or a slap on the wrist.
The next stage of discipline involved a trip to the willow tree out in the back yard to pick my branch. What a mind fuck that was!!
The big branches hurt like hell but the little branches would sting like hell. There was no ideal branch. I hated that fucking willow tree. LOL!!
When Hurricane Andrew knocked it down I took great pleasure in chopping it up with my chainsaw and watching it burn afterward. Burn baby burn!! :Namaste::high-five:
Dad and I had a good laugh about it at the time when I told him that it was too bad that Hurricane Andrew didn't pass about 15 years earlier. He pointed over to the oak trees that were still standing and asked if I really meant that. I told him that although the branches were bigger on the oaks it was a longer walk there and back compared to the willow tree. :laughtwo:
LOL as I got into my teens, it went from corporal punishment to the "chain gang" method.

At 14 when I was suspended for fighting at school (not the first time LOL) my father said only this:

"Two days off from school? See that tandem load of gravel in the yard? Guess what you are doing for the next two days"

That was my typical punishment WHEN I got caught LOL At 14, shovelling 10 ton of washed 3/4" stone and spreading it in the driveway is NOT fun LOL
Same here man, at a certain point the willow tree didn't have many branches left on it and I think they had also noticed that I had developed a tolerance for pain. That's about the time that free child labor became the preferred punishment of choice and the willow tree was allowed to grow without being so heavily pruned.
I grew up on a farm with row crops, horses, cattle, huge gardens, lots of fences that needed mending, etc......nuff said I think. LOL!
The way I look at it, the punishments we received growing up, made us who we are: respect for our elders, the value of hard work and earned money (I never got an allowance and most things I wanted I paid 1/2 for LOL) etc.

Most kids these days, including my step daughter, don't have these traits and think life should be a free ride. I told my wife the other day that the kid's biggest problem was the lack of about 100 slaps in the back of the head, and that was just in the 3 yrs we have been together LOL
At the time I felt that some of the punishments were a bit too severe for the crimes. Most of my friends didn't live on farms and only had to mow the lawn or clean out gutters and other easy stuff when we got into trouble. LOL!

In hindsight, I now realize the value of those walks out to the willow tree along with the other forms of punishments that were doled out. It wasn't until I became an adult that I began to really understand and appreciate this though.

There's a fine line between instilling discipline and respect and fucking up a kids mental state and outlook on life. It's a tightrope that every parent has to walk with the hope that they are able to find a good balance that works.
Romper Room Girls - Day 38 Veg

Lights -
1 x Mars-Hydro 144x5 Reflector Series LED (@315 wall watts)
Light set approximately 24" above canopy.

Lighting Scheme -
18 On / 6 Off

Environmental Conditions -
Lights On -
Temps - 77 to 82 degrees F
RH - 55 to 80%

Lights Off -
Temps - 64 to 68 degrees F
RH - 50 to 65%

Nutrients / Fert's / Stuff -
Coconut water @ 2 shot glasses per gallon of tap water.
Light spray with milk/water solution

Pest Control / Prevention -
Neem oil spray application.

Weekly Summary

The baby girlz are all looking healthy with the exception of Grape Stomper OG. The Stomper has crinkled and twisting leaves which is normally associated with a ph problem. PH is at 6.3ish same as all of the others so I'm not sure what's this little girl's problem.
I'm thinking that she may like a bit higher ph so I added some calcium, dolomite, and composted soil as a topdressing with the hopes of bumping up the ph a bit.

I had been watering about once every 3 to 4 days but they're now beginning to drink a bit more.
I've been giving them a heavy watering, allowing them to dry out, then a medium watering, allowing them to dry out, then another heavy watering.....repeat.

Group Pics -




DJ's Gold comes from a feminized seed but this girl is growing so much faster than all of the others I'm beginning to think that she may be a he. It may just be a vigorous grower, who knows. Either way, I'm going to have to keep a close eye on this one.


Bloom Soil Preparations -

It won't be long before it's time to begin transplanting up so earlier this week I began getting my bloom soil prepared.

I had a green manure crop growing in some soil from a previous run that I'm planning to use this round so I went ahead and tilled the green manure under to begin the composting process.



I split it up between two totes then added 50% compost regenerated soil from a separate bin. This resulted in a mix of 50% green manure recycled soil to 50% compost regenerated soil.
I then added some peat moss, akadama, calcium, dolomite, chopped aloe vera, and rice hulls to each of these 2 bins. After mixing up well I watered well and set aside for simmering.




That about does it for this past week. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day :420: friends!!
Thanks gents. :thanks::Namaste:
I was away for the weekend and arrived home just before lights off so I was a bit hurried with the picture taking. This morning I was able to get back in the tent and take a pic of my Grape Stomper OG girl.


Notice how curled and wrinkled she is. Every time I've seen this it's been due to ph being way off. I've checked ph and I'm getting the same 6.2 readings as the other pots. PH has actually climbed to 6.4 since topdressing but this is the only girl that's having issues like this. I'm going to wait a week or so to see how she responds to ph adjustment before doing anything else.

Have any of you grown out Grape Stomper OG before and experienced something like this? Does anyone have any other ideas other than possible ph issues?
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