Unforgiven's - Picture-A-Day - Barney's Critical Kush - DWC

hey thanks murrican, i just had to have a lil fun with ya'll.
she is doin good.
wow!!! busy thread today whilst i was working away. lol

so first off, i want to thank everyone for checking in and helping me out here. very much appreciated guys.

i will only address the elephant in the room, i think that was the only thing directly of concern, mostly to mr.krip, but everyone was talking about it.

if you stop and read that post that has been quoted sooo many times i'm not going to quote it. above the pictures, i explained that i printed out the charts in 3 gallon measurement. me lazy...me not wanna do math if me don't have to. lmao.

just for info sake tho, i did also print off the liters chart and made a 1 imp gallon chart as well, cuz that is how much i mix at a time for my soil pots.

so, i have to thank you mr.krip for catching that, if someone hadn't planned it that way, or noticed it, yes they would have been in a wee spot of trouble. but, mr.krip....neener neener neener, you didn't read the post that went with it!!! lmfao no worries bud. good on ya for watching out for a brother. it is a rather shocking amount of nutes and it would cause issue for some.

i was referring to the nutes being tested at these levels of usage, whether it be ppm or as the chart shows just the mls per liter, or whatever size you print out for charts. in my case 3 imp gallons.

from nopain "Edited - just out of curiosity in what order do you add your nutes Unforgiven ?"
i add my nutes in the order they are on the chart. from top to bottom, mixing all the while.

i think that about covers it for now.....maybe lol

any other questions or pointers feel free to add them.

update coming right away!!!

Actually, Brother, I probably read your post closer than anyone! :)

I saw you were using a 3 gallon container and saw the chart was for 3 gallons. You just didn't really confirm that you mixed the ML's stated into three gallons and I thought it was possible you may have multiplied those #'s by three.

Now that we have that out of the way, that means you're only adding 2ml-3ml per gallon of each of the nutes in the first week. That's pretty typical, but when mixing those levels, I've just NEVER seen the PPM's get as high as yours. Usually 2-3 ml's per gallon of MOST nutes I've used will hit something like 400-600 PPM's.

Also, I didn't comment before, but I believe PPM's (of NPK) are basically PPM's, pretty much regardless of the nutes being used. So, I just don't understand how a plant that small can take PPM's that high even with your brand of nutes (which I've never used!)!
Actually, Brother, I probably read your post closer than anyone! :)

I saw you were using a 3 gallon container and saw the chart was for 3 gallons. You just didn't really confirm that you mixed the ML's stated into three gallons and I thought it was possible you may have multiplied those #'s by three.

Now that we have that out of the way, that means you're only adding 2ml-3ml per gallon of each of the nutes in the first week. That's pretty typical, but when mixing those levels, I've just NEVER seen the PPM's get as high as yours. Usually 2-3 ml's per gallon of MOST nutes I've used will hit something like 400-600 PPM's.

Also, I didn't comment before, but I believe PPM's (of NPK) are basically PPM's, pretty much regardless of the nutes being used. So, I just don't understand how a plant that small can take PPM's that high even with your brand of nutes (which I've never used!)!

Yes the ppms for that stage are high to me also .. But when I took a close look at what they where increasing , I saw a littile of the reasons for it. Now I still think those levels are high but I have never used that line of nutes either .
from nopain "Edited - just out of curiosity in what order do you add your nutes Unforgiven ?"
i add my nutes in the order they are on the chart. from top to bottom, mixing all the while.

That's brings me to the reason I was asking . Mine are listed in the same order . Now I was taught that Micro is your base and should be the first thing added , I even watch a video for my nute line and the guy said add micro first , if you don't if can cause some lockout . I was like wtf couldn't you number the bottles then ?? After the base you add your grow and your bloom in any order .

Now I want to address ppms for sec . Example I use purified water with a ppm of 17-22 . I use a cal/mag sup that has to be added first .. The bottle says 1 teaspoon per gallon , the feeding chart on the mfg web site says 5 per gallon ! Go figure right ... Anyway if I use half of the feeding chart which I generally do if I have the lights close since they are led and with these lights it's known that your plants will require more cal/mag for whatever reason in this situation ... It shoots my ppms up to like 650 ! So I call that 650 ground zero because they are two nutes that my plant requires more of simply due to being led ..then I add my micro ,bloom and grow and wind up around 1000 ppm . So I look at it as my nute strength is about 450 .. In my type of system you run the nutes lighter due to how everything gets absorbed .

So in my system if I didn't use cal/mag and mixed my nutes to 1000 ppm my nute strength would be extremely high .

Hope that helps make ppms a little more understandable .
so day 37 here and all's well.

thanks again everyone for popping in to have a check up with me.

all of the advice is much appreciated and well warranted at these high levels.

however, i have to say, it is working good so far. i have actually found healing on at least one leaf that had burn(probably from splash when i take 3 cups out of the level line to do my checks i pour it into the hydroton). don't know if the photos i am comparing were uploaded or not. one is, lol tonights photo. and the roots have taken off pretty well too. they aint monster roots yet, but they are coming in very nicely considering the roots i was looking at before this new nute level.

lets not split hairs mr.krip, lol. no worries. you are right, you caught the 3 imp gallons on the chart. i thought that the fact i stated i printed out a chart for my res size suggested quite clearly that i was using the chart to match the res. why print it otherwise and point it out like i did.

as to how a plant this small can take the nutes......idunno. simple as that. i'm trying their extreme feeding chart to see if it does indeed work. dwc is new to me, as is this extreme feeding chart. the nute line is not though. it is the line i started with on my first grow, and have used it since. and yes, price was part of it. they are slightly cheaper than some other brands. but i like that they do have a full line of nutes. on initial setup, we all know it can be pricey to get going from scratch. that was my compromise. well that and a magnetic ballast, but that was more out of not knowing squat when i bought it, except it was cheap.

no pain, the addition of micro was my biggest concern with using the new charts. it used to be first on the old chart, so i hesitated about that one. but i figgered, they have their reasons. i think i will dig deeper on that issue because it does concern me. my old chart you can see on the first post of my 45 gallon chunky cheese reveg in my sig.

with all of the help from you guys, i will learn nutes, ppms, ph and water quality front to back. you guys are awesome!!

so, without further delay, here is day 37's update.

no huge changes except the appearance of a leaf healing. she looks good, the roots are picking up girth, length and speed.

the stats:.... T: 77.1...RH: 46....PH: 6.0....REST: 60.9....PPM: 1540 no massive changes.

the pic

that'll do er'

have fun eh
You welcome Unforgiven ... Like I have said we are all here to help and learn :) .. I'm trying to learn not to quote everything . Lol

On the micro definitely look into that , you should have when it felt odd to you ..lol

But damn she is looking pretty .. I bet if you rub her leaves just right and smell your fingers ( lmao ) she will give you a little scent of what's to come :).
She looks great, Brother, and I'll never argue with success. I'm just still "floored" that a nute mfg. would have you run those PPM's. I'm always learning something new, but I'm still convinced something is not "right". Maybe the EC Meter, I don't know? Here, read this and you'll get an idea where I'm coming from, which is only trying to look out for you! :)

In hydro set ups we hear alot about ppm/tds/ec levels however usualy thats generaly speaking while each individual strain has a specific level ment for it this info can be found out by asking pro growers who are familiar growing that strain heres an example for 3 strains i bought from Robert

how are your blueberry and purple haze in hydro?
how do they uptake nutes comparable 2 each other?
would they do ok in a dwc together in 1 reserviour? if good, can i add the white widows in with them as well?

Blueberry and purple are both very strong, high yielding strains. Can take an EC of up to 2.8 for healthy mature plants. Blueberry and white widows are Indica and Purple Haze is a Sativa dominant strain. So the purple will grow taller and take 1 or 2 more weks to mature. If you keep that in mind they can grow side by side, no problem

another aspect to take into consideration before setting up multiple strains in a hydro grow in a shared reservior is

are these strains compatable together to share that reservior ?
do they all do well at the same ec/ppm levels?
do they uptake nutes basicaly at the same speed?
again this info can be found out by asking pro growers who are familiar growing thes strains together
however this may not be so simple like everything each person has thier own style of what works for them heres what other pros already said on the matter as well

Latewood stated I am not sure you mean 2.8 EC That is high. (2.1 EC = 1500 ppm)However; If you check it and Robert told you that the plants can handle that level of EC. Go for it.​

but MacGyver Stoner stated

Yeah I’ve heard a lot of people say their plants can handle up to 1600 ppm with some nutrient mixes, I prefer to be around 800 to no higher than 1000ppm and actually more often than not when starting with 0.0ppm r/o water I run about 600ppm with fantastic results and no leaf tip burn, even if it goes a while without topping off with fresh water and then getting a ton of evaporation. Better to be safe than sorry. With quality tap water that has low to no chlorine in it and a starting ppm of about 100-150 I would run more in the 700- 800 because of the added starting ppm. Local tap water runs under 150ppm, has very low chlorine levels(our water mostly comes from deep underground wells, so the water is high in calcium and other minerals) and has a ph of 7.5-8.0, so not a bad place to start and is adjusted to about 5.5ph.
welcome to the wild ride rodgers and thanks birdie!!!

and thanks to no pain and mr.krip again too lol.

yeah no pain, i'm kinda kickin myself for not digging further when the light bulb flashed, specially after reading your post yesterday. but in my room moving, i kinda lost access last night after updating this thread, still need to do a quickie update on dutch treat with last nights photos.

mr.krip. that is an excellent read there. brings up some excellent points to ponder particularly with multi strains in a shared res. don't know if that is in my future yet, but ya never know. the wife has said if we can, we are buying a tent this weekend to add to our new space. and based on the fact that i like and admire no pain's setup, i may just end up with multi at some point if i offer him the sincerest form of flattery by copying him, lol. with my own tweaks of course, lol.

so, that being said, now it should set off the light bulb if i plan on mixing strains in a hydro setup.

catch ya'll later, i'm off to the world of dutch treat autos now, lol

have fun eh
She looks great, Brother, and I'll never argue with success. I'm just still "floored" that a nute mfg. would have you run those PPM's. I'm always learning something new, but I'm still convinced something is not "right". Maybe the EC Meter, I don't know? Here, read this and you'll get an idea where I'm coming from, which is only trying to look out for you! :)
Excellent advice but your plant looks great. I stay under 1000 and in late flower low 900's. Plants store nutes (luxury consumption, K pot ash, ect) once storage is full I'm not sure if leaf tip burn or plant suffers. Nutes are like vitamins, they do not add value to your yield, they just keep spots off leafs and enable your plant to grow unhindered to its potential. Your lighting is your energy source and will effect you grow yield more then any "heavy nute regiment". I'd keep environment stable and use quality light. And keep ppm under 1k

Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
hey thanks for lookin and advisin millertm.
and here is the pic comparison, painted up to show what i saw in my files yesterday...

the pics are taken from a different angle so i rotated the older one just so it sits right here.

red arrow is where the "burn or whatever it is" was at. blue arrow is pointing at the white spot on the hydroton, that's my comparative "proof" lol. at least it fits in my minds eye. but i could be crazy, lol.

first, yesterdays pic....

and now the older pic....

don't know if it was burn or splash burn, but it has healed since the nute change.

or im nutz. meh whatever, this nute tryout is an experiment, so i went back in my pics on file to see any differences. this stood out.

have fun eh
right? but it makes me think i'm nutz or seeing things lol. too close to the project ya know. people tend to look at others work with clear eyes, yet look at their own with rose colored glasses.

so yes, i question myself on being biased lol.

sure looked like it healed...
right? but it makes me think i'm nutz or seeing things lol. too close to the project ya know. people tend to look at others work with clear eyes, yet look at their own with rose colored glasses.

so yes, i question myself on being biased lol.

Well you are nuts! Hell we all are to some extent . Lol. The glasses I look at my garden through are rose colored with a splash of reality so I can kick myself in the ass when I fuck up . Lol
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