1st Grow 2x600W LED Coco

That's insane the girls are now naked and looking slutty lol

I heard defoiling isn't that good . lol but meh curious to see final result

Gonna help with all the water I am dumping everyday to have all that growth gone. Helps with air circulation too. Read a lot about it and have seen different grows with it and without. My conclusion(with photos) is that if you want 10-15 monster colas you have to get rid of the under. You'll waste too much energy in the lower stuff that won't get enough light. Once I got into it I could see the diff. I left a good 18 inches from the top of the canopy to where I lollipopped. If I had PS Cob I would have left more just based on the penetration of those lights. Anything under that was gonna end up in the rosin bin and the tops for sure would not grow as big. I guess we will see cause I've never done it before but most of those leaves were starting to die anyway from lack of light.
Gonna help with all the water I am dumping everyday to have all that growth gone. Helps with air circulation too. Read a lot about it and have seen different grows with it and without. My conclusion(with photos) is that if you want 10-15 monster colas you have to get rid of the under. You'll waste too much energy in the lower stuff that won't get enough light. Once I got into it I could see the diff. I left a good 18 inches from the top of the canopy to where I lollipopped. If I had PS Cob I would have left more just based on the penetration of those lights. Anything under that was gonna end up in the rosin bin and the tops for sure would not grow as big. I guess we will see cause I've never done it before but most of those leaves were starting to die anyway from lack of light.

Cool thank you first of all

May I ask what you do with that stuff you trimmed how you store it what your process is?

Just curious.

I am going to try dr ziggys and sweet sue slow method off her thread. But the trim I take off plants end up going rotten? Hmm ..
Cool thank you first of all

May I ask what you do with that stuff you trimmed how you store it what your process is?

Just curious.

I am going to try dr ziggys and sweet sue slow method off her thread. But the trim I take off plants end up going rotten? Hmm ..

That stuff was all throw away no trichs on it at all. At the end the trim I'll throw in a tomato box and let dry along with the buds. Lots of people chuck it straight in the freezer though to make bubble hash. I'm gonna dry it for dry sifting then rosin press. After that I'll take the the pike and BHO for one of my patients. Dry sift will never get all the thrichs.
Mmm nice and trimmed up.. looks great man! Will be interesting to see how your colas form now.. i think they will be good to go, i wouldn't trim anymore though.

Yeah I chose the level I could see the light penetrating too and removed all below. Only will remove a bit if they stretch too much over the next week. It was interesting, didn't know where I was gonna start or how much. Once I was level with the plant though it became quite clear in my mind what would and wouldn't make it to the canopy.
Here you go bigbudzz I did some before and after with Tina and Sugar.
still from the top

Sugar was a beast before

Just from her


Group yesterday

Group today

Sugar from the top. Still about 30 bud sites.
That's a beautiful job bud, I do much the same, mine get a final hair cut after the plants quit growing. Somewhere around the 35 day mark and that's just some selective logging to open the lower buds. It's been working for me.

That was exactly the timeline I was on. Major defol at the first sign of bud sites forming. Then minor here and there to get the light in after they stop stretching and before they start to full on bud. I think some of the side branches I will have to tie to the middles. Some are just too wispy. I will do more before I flip next time. I think I wasted some bloom juice on all that lower stuff. I remember when I did it before flip saying I'll give that one a chance to make it to the top. Not next time. When they are that far away I will not waste the energy again.
wow !! lol !
sugar and tina are goliaths !
Those girls were screaming for a haircut . now that you did a defoliation, the light can break through some of that canopy and get those lower buds.
I noticed you had the same issue i had with the leaves dying and curling at the bottom cause of the lack of light . infact, i made the same mistake you did - "lets give this little branch a chance to catch up " being optimistic and having faith in your girls can cost ya some extra work or nutes. next time ill be vigilant and strip more off from the bottoms . its really about learning and having fun though.
I think you n i will be professional s in just a few more grows . i like to read,research and learn as much as possible because knowledge is power.

I personally guess that sugar alone will give 225 grams dry weight. remember that cause harvest is coming soon . if i guess right , what do i win ?

Just imagine if we had some premium lights like ps1k , we would be killing it at a faster rate and we could actually keep the lower stuff on.

All in all your plants look great and healthy as can be . that few extra weeks of veg is going to really pay off . just imagine if you had those girls in a trellis though . thanks for pics btw
If you are even within 50 grams you win a gram of my first rosin. If I get 100 grams on a plant I will be pumped.
Your right if we had some sweet PS lights we would be killing it. I think we are killing it anyway man. I'm totally pleased so far with how this is going. But expensive lights were the one thing I sacrificed on the first go round. Wanted good ones but not super expensive. When I went to get the new lights they were all sold out if the cob. Gonna step up and buy one here at the end of this Grow I think. Maybe after the second. Cause right now I actually have no complaints about my lights. I even have the one plant that has never been under the epistars so I can see how the Viparspectra does in flower. So far it is rocking it out.
sweet !!
im sure youll get 100 grams per plant easily . i was hoping id get a pound out of mine but i think it will be about a half pound dry . if only i had some ps1000s , i better start putting money away soon cause ill need it very soon .

considering this is our first grow and we are doing very very well . im happy that we havent had any real major problems and things are going smooth .getting started up is the hardest and most expensive part. i couldnt afford the 1200 dollar light at this point . i feel like the difference is that i have a lower end light compared to whats out there on the market now l. if i had a choice id buy the ps goliath for flower and the dwarf stars for veg . im curios how epistar does as well .
I have looked into making my own. If you only want one and want to mix cree with 5w led it gets expensive. Most of the problems I have with home builds is they don't have cases and if you want one then it gets even more expensive. Without a case I fell that the heat won't be dealt with as well and it opens it up to damage and debris. Shipping and exchange are my biggest challenges right now. Getting things here is next to impossible. Have to drive over an hour to go to a Grow store the size of my TV room.
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