1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL & LED Grow Tent

Great work! I've never grown an auto. Any quality differences? Love the LED - I have a grow journal growing as well with one.

There is no difference in the bud quality from the auto. The only difference from photos and auto's is you don't change the light schedule, they take less time, they are generaly smaller and you generly get as much bud. But they are awesome to grow in my eyes.
Update time. Day 35. Both girls still look happy and growing. Not much more to report, This grow is a well oiled machine!


Kandy Day 35:




Bubba Day 35




Hope everybody has a great day!
Someone care to explain how the reputation thing works here? Is why I still only have one green dot because I don't get reps?
Someone care to explain how the reputation thing works here? Is why I still only have one green dot because I don't get reps?

I am not to sure how it works mate. I do know though that when KJC gave me reps it shot up an extra 300+ and when i give reps i only give about 5.
I just found this post by soniq420

Re: Reputation

I've received a few emails lately asking for more specifics on how the reputation metrics work. Please see below-Spreading reputation around-- you need to rep 20 other members before you can rep the same member again-How many reputation points per--- Each 100 rep points you receive will add another--below your post count.-How many members can I rep per day-- Up to 10 members per 24 hour periodHow many reputation points do I award when I rep someone-- The formula considers three factors...(1 point for each year of membership)+(1 point for every 1000 posts)+(1 for every 100 reputation points you have earned)=(how many points you award to others per click)Administrators are self-limited to 10 points per award but don't need to spread reputation around before re-awarding it.[Edit] - Negative rep = half of your positive rep value
Update Day 36: Fed the girls their nutes for the second time today. Kandy got some tiger bloom. Both girls were thirsty. I didn't let kandy get dry, but Bubba's leaves were starting to dip ever so slightly.

Just updating Bubbas pics today, day 5 I think of 12/12 still looking for preflowers. She is starting to give off a different odor, so that tells me she is close.

Bubba Day 36:



Ok, so checked on Bubba, and her leaves are drooping at the tips. Could use some help diagnosing. I am having a hard time keeping ideal temps. Temp has been hoovering around 70-73 RH 65-70 ; I dont believe it is over watering, Maybe nitrogen deficiency? No color changes. Her leaves have always been on the dark green side. Funny thing is, I noticed her leaves drooping about 5 minutes after I fed her this morning. Doesn't seem to be getting any better an hour later......

Edit, PH has been 7.5 - 7.8 going in. I did not check run off......

Edit 2: If you look at the pics from the above post, one hour earlier, you wont see the droopy leaves...weird.



wonder if she was just thirsty and will perk back up.....

Thinking about it. I used nutes that were over a week old sitting in the water jug....Is that bad? I did stir them up.....
Nitrogen deficiency would be yellowing or if to much would be dark green. Since you just watered it i would give it a bit it should perk back up with lights on. Droopy is usually over watering or root problems. Like i said it could just be because u just watered them, Make sure soil is dry 2 inches down when u water.
Bubba watch 2014:

Update, I managed to lower the humidity and raise the temps by placing my large dehumidifier next to the closet. Bubba seems to be perking up. Looking better than she did an hour ago. Would high humidity cause the leaves to droop like that? like too much water? It was inching close to 80 percent when i put the dehumidifier in.
All seems back to normal with Bubba. I'd say 95% of her droopiness has gone and she is picking herself back up. Boy she has always been real finicky when it comes to temps.
We haven't really hit our hot humid spell yet in the northeast. I can only imagine combating that to try and make Bubba comfortable. Its a full time job!
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