2 Liter Hempy SOG

Hey guys! My seeds are here! I got Black Domino , THC Snow ! And New York City Diesel ready to become some mothers! And start massive cloning for the multiple 1000hps grow! Exciting day it is! Now how do you recommend I maintain these mothers 420? I'm planning on starting 4 moms ::helpsmilie:

Want to make sure they have the best environment and equipment. So just let me know what you think I should do / get

Much is appreciated. Can't wait to start this SOG!
BPN I'm coming for you! :high-five:

Now it's time to :blunt: and celebrate!

By the way +rep to everybody spreading the love!!!

Congrats on your seeds. That's a nice lineup. I have my mom planted in a fairly large pot in Baccto Pro Mix and I feed her Jack's Classic 30-10-10 or 20-20-20. Whatever I have laying around. I feed her water out of the tap and she thrives.



This group will be buried within the next day or two. There's a full lid of 50 there and as soon as I plant them I will cut another 12 to 15 clones when once rooted will be buried about 12 days after the original 50 so I will be able to take all 60-65 of them at the same time as I will wait until the oldest are 75 days and the youngest are 63 days. This run with BPN should produce a REALLY nice haul which will be ready in Early April.

I might ask the staff to move this journal back to the 'ongoing' section if that's possible so I can share this run with the community.

What do you guys think?
glad to here you will continue the journal.have read all of your journals and many others in last two tears.alot to learn around here.been member little over a year and read for a year before that.dont post much as you can see.just wanted to thank you for continuing your journal because i have learnt alot from you and many others.:thanks::peace:
Have you tried using rockwool plugs with your aero-cloner? I've found that It helps to get the roots to grow thick, and in all directions. More like this:



Less like this:


Any ideas on the subject? I've been trying to reproduce these results by changing water pressure, temps, additives, etc., but I originally got the results by accident. I'm so frustrated by not having a big enough operation to run all the tests, and take things as far as I'd like, but I'm close to figuring this out, just need to start a new grow.

BTW, what is this big change in the points system? Any idea why points are getting deleted from users?
BTW, what is this big change in the points system? Any idea why points are getting deleted from users?

I'm not aware of any points being taken away. 420 did away with the 420 points system a few months ago but has kept the rep point system.

If you are referring to the old 420 points, then yes, they are gone. The rep points are more relevant since they are awarded by your fellow growers based on your contribution to the site.

So glad you're continuing the journal...will be watching for sure.

I'll offer you some advice: read more journals & tutorials, then buy one light.
Learn to propagate, grow, harvest & cure. Then think about expansion.
Quick flip money deals are for real estate. At 420, we grow medicine :Namaste:

A little harsh....
Hello everyone...

I've decided to continue the journal because I have a rather large run coming (50-60) and wanted to share it with all of you.

Let me be clear that I welcome any and all positive feedback in my journals and I ask everyone to participate. However, over these last few pages I have noticed some debates breaking out about growing for profit, etc.... I ask that you refrain from debating/discussing those things here as those things are best left for their own thread in another forum. I thank all of you in advance.

With that said, I hope all of you participate in the 2L discussions here in my journal. I've grown enough of these things that I feel I can offer advice to those running 2L grows so feel free to ask questions if you have them. I will add some current bud porn later tonight.

Good growing everyone.
another question master! LOL!

for your mother what methods do you use to maintain as far as TOP, FIM , LST ? and when do you do that? as far as how the plant should be looking.

thanks again!

I LST'd this mom. You can see the string still attached on the back of the pot. I simply use twine and tie them off starting when they're 5 or 6 nodes tall.


Here's a pic of a new mom I just started. I did a poor job of training my current mom so I'm making sure to really stretch this one out and keep her low. You can where she's tied off in several places.


Best of luck my friend.
I'm in for the next round!!
Well said brother.

I am pulling up my recliner and will be watching intently :)

Oh yeah..... I'll be using Advanced Nutrients during this new run.



As always, my plants will be fed BPN. Speaking of bud porn.....


I went a little heavy on the BPN and you can see how badly I fried them. I was experimenting and I cranked it to 1600+ and they burned on me. Even though I did my best to kill them, they still produced. This is part of the group that gets chopped next week. ;)
Hey 420! I left a question about cloning on the last page, but you might've missed it. On the same subject; I've read that some experienced growers swear by clipping clones from their new batches, rather than keep a mom- so whenever they get ready to switch to flower, they clip a few clones from each of the best plants, and root those to be the next crop. The thinking is, that the year-old moms, that have hard, thick bark are harder to root from than younger plants - not to mention relieving you of caring for a mom. Any thoughts? It's not as easy for us, since we use little to no veg between clone and flower, but what if ya take a flowering growth, and root that? Wont it revert back to veg in about the same 2-3 weeks as the rooting would take, or would you have to add the times together?
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