A Low Budget Micro TLA Grow - With Added LED - Two Cream Caramel Photo Period

Probably sounds a bit cheesey but thank you again Vick! :thumb::bravo:

I decided to remove the leaves with the most blemishes as I was thinking if they aren’t covered in Thrips they would be holding dozens and dozens of Eggs, each. Once I removed the CFL lights, the brewing wine (CO2 generator with benefits!), the screen and fans and got in amongst the Girls I began to realise that I was only days away from a Thrips Plague of Biblical proportions!


Remove their food and the source of reinforcements seemed a sensible next step! Anything with a stem and/or blemish marks had to go, including any secondary branches that I judged were not going to make a meaningful bud and many tertiary branches that had started on the smaller surviving secondaries.

I read that eggs can survive a Winter in a greenhouse but the cold does slow down their life cycle considerably, metabolism movement etc, so I removed or switched off any heat generating ‘stuff’ leaving only the LEDs and the computer fans running.

I saw one Thrips that had taken to its wings so I sprayed the grow room and general area with Raid domestic fly spray, avoiding the plants as much as possible, little could survive a few lungfuls of that obnoxious gas, including me! I sprayed the bedraggled plants with my Thrips spray, it does say on the advertising bumph that it is absorbed into the plant and will deter youngsters over time.

Vick, I like your advice on an hour before lights on, this is what I will be doing going forward until I am sure they are banished! Out Damned Spot!

Hey man no need to thank.
Just trying to help out.

If I remember correctly you're growing out in your garage right?
Or somewhere that can get pretty cold sometimes? (hence the heater)

One thing to remember.
Even though you provide heat inside the environment to keep the plants happy, it can attract lots of nasty's looking for a warm place to feed and breed. So unless you're in a sealed environment, or completely indoors, you really have to be on guard for pests trying to infiltrate.
No matter what when growing indoors, no matter how clean or sealed your environment is, there is always little critters trying to get in somehow to stay warm and munch away on your meds.
preventative measures is what will keep all those sons uh bitches the F out..
I removed as much leaf as I was comfortable with only 36 hrs ago and there are leaves opening on the tops of all remaining shoots and under the skirts look so much clearer. I have removed several leaves since and can see no evidence of anything other than lovely green growth. A good job jobbed?


I can now see the individual stems and there is a secondary branch that is now 2, well 2 coming from the same node, I can’t tell if this is a result of accidental damage, an attempted Fim, or serendipity but it has given me an idea for ‘next time’, I should write them down as I have already forgotten all the ‘bright ideas’ I have had during this grow!

(Notes for next the time. As the secondary shoots grow out of the main stem I ‘could’ top the branches facing the screen and remove the branches that grow from the ‘Dark Side’?)

The screen is a 2 inch square, very tight node spacing with LED!

About 40 squares now have Tops so roughly 50% of the way? The unsightly ‘stubs’ from leaf removal are a consequence of diminishing muscle control but when they dry and harden up they are fantastic hooks for assisting spreading the plants under the screen,


Replaced the CO2 generator, the first kilo of sugar is all used up, apple juice again, no shredding or pressing involved, the only effort required during the Winter is opening cartons, when the fermentation is in its early stages it is so lively I can hear it fizz!


Hey man no need to thank.
Just trying to help out.

If I remember correctly you're growing out in your garage right?
Or somewhere that can get pretty cold sometimes? (hence the heater)

One thing to remember.
Even though you provide heat inside the environment to keep the plants happy, it can attract lots of nasty's looking for a warm place to feed and breed. So unless you're in a sealed environment, or completely indoors, you really have to be on guard for pests trying to infiltrate.
No matter what when growing indoors, no matter how clean or sealed your environment is, there is always little critters trying to get in somehow to stay warm and munch away on your meds.
preventative measures is what will keep all those sons uh bitches the F out..

It is not in the garage but in an empty part of the house with 3 outside walls and no heating!

Thank you for the Alert Vick, creating a physical barrier is going to take some thought but a high priority, so I am relying chemical deterrents and chemical execution if any get through. Definitely a sulphur candle to fumigate and kill everything between grows!
An aside 4.

I have a Northern Lights Big Bud Auto, the breeder says;

World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Autoflowering Starting with two of our best mothers, Northern Light and Big Bud, that we have worked for four generations, then we make a retro-cross each of them separately, using a selection of the best specimens, to produce the perfect automatic plant. With a suitable size for growing indoor and outdoor, and it can reach a height of 1.7m. outdoors, and 1.3m indoors, depending on the size of the pot used. The plant has a perfect canopy, highly symmetrical; all the branches grow at the same height. The plants are usually tubular, not excessively tall, and produce large and dense buds covered by a lot of resin crystals with very high medicinal value, from which emanates a very strong aroma of sweet pineapple, or sweet citrus fruit such as mandarin. At the end of the flowering period the buds usually turns purple. This is our most medicinal automatic strain. This new generation of hybrid automatic plants will be a revolution.

This Auto has been sitting on the Screen in the main Grow Room during veg and has now reached her final pot size and needs a new home. It is an 8inch pot that is the largest I can fit in my Auto bin.

The Auto bin is a 50l kitchen swing bin, lined with Mylar, including the inside of the lid, there are 2 bricks under the plant, at the moment, to raise it 4” closer to the lights, there are 2X45watt red CFLs in clip-on lamp holders (I will add 30watt blue tonight as I ‘think’ autos could do with both, they are not solely in flower, parts are still veging at this stage?). At the bottom on the left hand side is a comp fan plugged into the lights’ timer set to 5.5 hours of night, it draws air out during Winter, theoretically drawing cold air into the lid so it warms as it passes the bulbs and warm air is pulled down over the plant and then out into the room, I reverse it in the Summer, for the opposite of reasons. There is a cup of water on a shelf to create some humidity.


I do not have a spare Max/Min temp device, or TDS meter, yet. She gets flowering nutes every other watering. Not ideal but it works better than nothing, they get bigger in larger pots although they don’t get root bound in these. The Sun is obviously preferred and from my limited experience LED lighting gives far better growth, shortness and stealth is the aim here though.

I shall be defoliating any shade leaves throughout the grow due to the lack of oomph in the CFLs.
4 days since the last defol, no signs of egg markings on the leaves although I will continue to spray an hour before dawn for a few more days. More of the screen is covered with tops and I think I will flip next week. I may not have achieved 72 tops but I am thinking that if I fill more I might have difficulty grooming them, running out of arm room.


After a day or two of diluting or adding a CC of nutes I have found their sweet spot at about 340ppm, ph is very stable, 5.7 at the moment. Note for next time; I shall add a couple of litres of pure water at the next defol as the TDS rose to above 360 on the day after making the ph drop quickly, diluting with pure water avoided having to use ph up..


I have been a little woolly headed recently :tokin: my next grow is going to be from regular seeds so should I start now?

If I plant 2 seeds The chances of getting at least 1 Female is pretty good, 75%. Then some weeks to grow before putting to 12/12 and at least a week to show sex and then I have to root clones? The plant has to be big enough to supply 2 clones, 3 if you are a betting person, 4 if you are a beginner, which is some weeks? I will sow the seeds in the morning!

What light schedule from seed to get to puberty the earliest?

Am I on the right tracks?
nice plants. I like that you've found a good mild e.c. for the plants of 340 ppm
if you have the room for them start your seeds now. 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness is for vegetative growth.
Thank you, I put them in straight after posting :thumb:

nice plants. I like that you've found a good mild e.c. for the plants of 340 ppm
Really glad you posted! :thanks: I am up to date with your journal and you have answered questions I hadn't even thought of yet :passitleft:
The Screen is beginning to fill-up, I can sense veg is coming to an end. The branches at the top of the photo are starting to get crowded with nowhere to go, I will defoliate tomorrow and decide then if they are a day or a week away from flip.

I have had to add 1ml of veg nutes daily to correct TDS to 360, the girls are eating 20 or 30 every 24hrs. I will replenish tomorrow and raise TDS to 370, I am giving round numbers but they are all approximate, I wish my Meter was a little quicker and more definite!
1 timewreck has is free of her shell and is showing green, her sister has a stem but is not quite free of the seed shell, both have gone into damp compost and are under 12/12 in the nursery.


The NLBB auto, in the bin, is now under 3x 45 watt Red spectrum CFL (27k) bulbs, drinking very slowly, this might be due to low lights off temp, she will just have to get used to it and deliver less.


I took the screen off, the hook on the right hand side is 4” above the NFT cover.



I will up the veg nutes to 380 today to try and a find the strongest nutes that they are still slightly reducing. Defoliated and then spread the Girls so as many squares had a top as possible.
Looking great Ajagunle! I'm always amazed at how much faster hydro grows plants.

So, can you tell us a little more about your LED that you chose? What is it called? How many LEDs, bands, watts consumed while on, etc. ? Also, how much $ was it and what made you pick the one you did?

Thanks and nice growin'
Looking great Ajagunle! I'm always amazed at how much faster hydro grows plants.

So, can you tell us a little more about your LED that you chose? What is it called? How many LEDs, bands, watts consumed while on, etc. ? Also, how much $ was it and what made you pick the one you did?

Thanks and nice growin'

Welcome to 420 and thank you :welcome::thanks:

I have only grown with CFL before so that I didn’t have to deal with the heat created by ‘proper’ lights in confined spaces, but I was very envious of the ‘snow-dusting’ effect that others achieved, when it came time to replace my two 300w CFL bulbs I thought it was worth the risk of spending almost the same money on cheap Chinese LEDs.

They are 180w, 60 3w lights, 40 Red 20 Blue, there was very little other information, but they were cheap, £115. They got me on the bottom rung of the ladder, I am aware of all the bad press and warnings but they couldn’t be worse than CFL could they? I’ll know in a couple of months.

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