Advice please



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@Pennywise thanks to your help. Although i had to do some LST because since i last told you its height it had grown about 4 inches taller and with bucket way over half my vertical limit in my tent and i dont have LEDs. So top 2 colas i bent over one a lil too much and it kind of cracked or split at the Y so i loosened it up so hopefully it repairs it self. Last night changed timer to 12/12 so hopefully will see magic in next few weeks. Next purchase will be an exhaust and a can and a fan for intake. This 1 plant being so big leads me to think you couldnt fit more then 2 plants in my 4x2. Still needed be4 nxt grow is the ventilation, a better propagation system, a new light, maybe a rez. Would love to get a tent for the whole room. Wife would kill me if i grew prolly more then 4-6. Will keep photo updates ttyl.
@Pennywise yea thats crazy i see pictures of people with 4 plants in a 4x2 or ones with hydro systems like i had before where its a rez under a large basin it floods and drains but how wouls you put anything that gets bigger then 12 inches in that cause they arent deep at all 6inches max. Do you have a pop up or did you convert a room? Refer a company? I ordered mine off wish and i was happy with everything. Until now when my leaves started touching the front and the back, and relized once i go into flower it possibly will double in height. Now if i went with an 8 do you know if the vent comes out the top? Cause i have 8ft ceilings it wouldnt work, or it prolly varies from tent to tent. Im sorry i over load you with questions but its how i learn. So when looking for a tent how many ports is ideal? My 4x2 has 4, 2 8" and 2 4". You alrdy know i havent done my vents yet so not sure how to map out ducts or how to set it up. So if i had all the money and maxed it out a complete vent system uses 3 or 4 ports? Intake, Can n exhaust, then if u vented the light another intake and exhaust for a total of 4 inlet/outlet ports.
Your intake and exhaust are 2 and you’ll need one for cords and wires. Use an exhaust with filter and blower. Intake can be passive. 4 plants in a 2x4 would be tight I would think.
@Pennywise so 3 min, found a 5x5x6.5 for 120. So how's that work a blower on the ground vented to your CAN vented to exhaust? Prolly making it more difficult then it is just never seen one or assembled one, so im over thinking it. I just wanna make sure i get something that i can use now and is still big enough if i decide to go bigger
all you really need is a good exhaust fan go with a 6inch if your gona be upgrading with a good filter I ran passive for awhile but I had the 4inch ac Infinty so I added it for the extra cool air on to the girls. Usually a 4x4/5x5 will have 8inch ports top and sides so you have options as to where to run duct and or wires put the filter inside the tent as high up as possible run duct hose out thru one of the ports to your exhaust fan outside the tent to save space you could even run the filter outside the tent and just have the duct in the top corner of tent if your really cramped..
Like @Pennywise said keep pulling you want the top as even with the lowers as you can so all grow upwards equally like many tops on one plant. Also if you let the plants ever so slightly wilt you will be able to bend a little easier and not snap a branch off. This would be the only time I try to let the plant wilt. Best of luck.
Peace OG
@Pennywise i think i got the idea of it, and ya @OG1969 did best i could was late at the end in veg cause my 1st grow had issues and didnt wanna flip until she waa healthy again. So i was like 8 weeks in veg and went 12/12 as a learning exp. Originally was going to let my 1st one just go, but she was too big for my grow area by the time she stretched if she doubled vertically wouldnt have room cause tent is only 4x2x5. The split in the branch was repaired by the time i got home from work last night. When you say let it wilt, how would you do that? Dont water? Id think not watering would cause wilting but also make the branches more likely to crack being dry.
@Pennywise i think i got the idea of it, and ya @OG1969 did best i could was late at the end in veg cause my 1st grow had issues and didnt wanna flip until she waa healthy again. So i was like 8 weeks in veg and went 12/12 as a learning exp. Originally was going to let my 1st one just go, but she was too big for my grow area by the time she stretched if she doubled vertically wouldnt have room cause tent is only 4x2x5. The split in the branch was repaired by the time i got home from work last night. When you say let it wilt, how would you do that? Dont water? Id think not watering would cause wilting but also make the branches more likely to crack being dry.

Let whatever plant you are planning to lst dry outna bit more than the rest, once you start to see a slight bit of wilt in the tips you are good to go, do the lst as fast as you can but not so fast that something gets broken. Can still happen. Once done water and harvest some nice colas rinse and repeat.
Peace OG
@Mikesem420 thanks, when you say passive vents your talking about the passive vents, those are the small screen vents near the bottom? Now when i get the t6 id use it for my blower on the canister and still need an exhaust or will it work for both. Also when it comes to scrubbers is there anything different from one to the next other then brand and price? They all have charcoal,and a filter.
You use the t6 as the scrubber/exhaust you just attach a 6inch charcoal filter to the ducting inside the tent run it out the top/side port to the t6 exhaust/scrubber if it's a large room that should be good I ran mine thru the adjacent wall but it's not really necessary make sure filter is at the top of tent an your good to go no smells clean air! I would recommend phresh filters there worth it I bought a cheaper one from amazon and it just seems to kill the fans power very restrictive regreting not spending the extra 40 on a phresh filter. If you look at my 1500w cob grow you can see how I did mine works really good so far I just wana upgrade from the ipower6 to that t6 really nice fans..
Here's a few pics of how I set mine up I dont have the filter on right now because the smell isnt that bad yet and it kills the power the temps get up to 80 with it but without it they stay around 75-77 I'm gona order a phresh filter if the smell gets worse look on amazon if you have prime cant beat 2 day shipping I always look at the used deals too because they have like new used my ipower 6 I got for like 50 bucks used like new


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