AK 48? First Grow - 2010

Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

Hey greenthumb I think you're getting your journals mixed up:ganjamon:

I'm having a problem that looks a lot like yours, guys seem to think it's a cal, mag or iron deficiency. I'll let you know what I find out.

Haha yea I keep posting everything on this one and having to go back and edit it again. I couldnt figure out how to delete the post so I just put random links. :bong:

Yea let me know what you find out. I appreciate it
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

Hey greenthumm how's it going? I think I definitely had a cal/mag deficiency, the OC+ isn't giving them enough of the micronutes.

I just bought this at Ace Hardware, I think it will fix my problems. I hope it will anyhow!


$13 for a lifetime supply.

I'd try and find it or another micronute product and give some to your babies. Keep us posted.
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

Hello my friends. It has been a few days since I have updated my journal.


It is now in week three on the Nutes calender, which means i am preparing to throw it into 12/12. I am still unsure of the sex as of yet. It is starting to look better. I appreciate all the help from all my fellow growers. I added a nice pH corrected Nute water that is working wonders. The bottom leaves are still yellowing but the new growth areas are popping out everywhere once i topped it.

Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

Hey greenthumm how's it going? I think I definitely had a cal/mag deficiency, the OC+ isn't giving them enough of the micronutes.

I just bought this at Ace Hardware, I think it will fix my problems. I hope it will anyhow!


$13 for a lifetime supply.

I'd try and find it or another micronute product and give some to your babies. Keep us posted.

How is that working out for you? I added some CAL-MAG Plus and some Liquid Karma to the mix and it seems pretty promising so far. It was looking pretty sad for a few days.
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

How is that working out for you? I added some CAL-MAG Plus and some Liquid Karma to the mix and it seems pretty promising so far. It was looking pretty sad for a few days.

I think it did the trick, it's been about 5 days now and there are no new problems, and the old problems stopped getting worse.

I agree all your new growth looks great, you have a twin tower going:bong:

You'll be able to tell the sex pretty soon, keep a real close eye on the emerging nodes. Usually once a top node is getting ready to emerge you can see the pre-flowers on the previous node. Then in a day or two they're covered up by the leaves and really hard to see. A 5x glass really helps.

Good luck I hope it's a girl!
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

i thought they werent even in 12/12 yet

Im sorry guys for the confusion. AK 48 is in 12/12 and is almost dont. they are flushing currently. And i am also following -Tic Tac- on this journal. I added this to the journal because of how late i started the AK 48 on this journal. I thought it would be pointless to follow a plant that is basically finished.

I also have another journal going as well, which is what may be confusing you BlueDog. Should I put -Tic Tac- on a separate journal?
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

Im sorry guys for the confusion. AK 48 is in 12/12 and is almost dont. they are flushing currently. And i am also following -Tic Tac- on this journal. I added this to the journal because of how late i started the AK 48 on this journal. I thought it would be pointless to follow a plant that is basically finished.

I also have another journal going as well, which is what may be confusing you BlueDog. Should I put -Tic Tac- on a separate journal?

If I were you I'd just have one journal for everything, I think that's easiest but do whatever you like. If we're confused we'll just ask you questions :)
Re: AK 48? First grow. 2010

I dont see any,kinda just looks like branches starting to me...
idk but males defently usealy show signs of flowering first,mine have showed any where from 14 days-18 days,and the females seem to take a couple ectra days,mine took 19-20 days ect...I bet u will see them soon:)

You are probably right, plus my camera is not good enough to take clear macro pics lol. But i think i saw a pistol shoot out today. It was a white hair coming from the new growth area at the main nodes. So I'm almost positive that TicTac is a FEMALE!!!! WOOOT WOOOT!! Unless I am seeing things, which is quite possible. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
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