Aloha Grown With Sunny

Congrats on the new kit, Sunny!
And good luck with hitting the pound I hope I see it happen for you!
Nice sounding bunch of strains coming on.

Mahalo for the kind words DD! I’m shooting for the stars with that 1 lb goal but it’s worth a shot! Congrats on the MOTM nomination as well. Sending you lots of healing vibes and positivity as always!


Congrats on the upgrade and the awesome line up! :peace::green_heart::Namaste:

Mahalo Mrs. Candy! Always great for you to stop in. I hope to do these strains justice! Sending you lots of healing thoughts and vibes as always. These babies are gonna get mega cropped lol

Some pics of the new sprouts! As it stands I’ve had a 100% germination rate. The Alaskan Purple Auto isn’t looking so great but gonna give her a day or two to see if she makes progress.. if not I’ll cull her and plant another AP in her place. Still waiting on the Colorado Cookies from Dutch Passion and the Pure Red CBD from Sweet Seeds.

That’s all for now! Hope this finds you all safe and blessed! Sending you all lots of love and positivity from Hawaii as always!

Looking great as usual Sunny! You have some really nice nug pics to show off.

I'm just about to run 8 autos in a 2x4 with 200w of light. I've set my sights a little lower and am aiming for around 10oz.

Hope you're well Sunny and I look forward to seeing how your new run goes
My goal is to hit a pound dry. Wish me luck :laugh:
Good Luck...but I don't think you'll have any problem hitting a pound...
I think you'll go a little over,especially with your sweet new setup!
I want to see if that Alaskan Purple actually gets any purple- mine must have
been the green pheno- not even a hint of purple on that one....
Looking great as usual Sunny! You have some really nice nug pics to show off.

I'm just about to run 8 autos in a 2x4 with 200w of light. I've set my sights a little lower and am aiming for around 10oz.

Hope you're well Sunny and I look forward to seeing how your new run goes

Aloha Professor! Mahalos for the kind words and stopping by! Sounds like you and I are working with similar parameters for the next grow. I‘d be stoked with 10 zips.. I’ll get what I get I suppose :laugh: I’ll be happy for a smooth grow in the new tent while I dial everything in.

I hope all is blessed and safe with you and ohana on that side of the world. Crazy shit going on.


Good Luck...but I don't think you'll have any problem hitting a pound...
I think you'll go a little over,especially with your sweet new setup!
I want to see if that Alaskan Purple actually gets any purple- mine must have
been the green pheno- not even a hint of purple on that one....

Mahalo carcass for the optimism lol Certainly gonna try! Taking this time while they are seedlings to get my environment together again. I do like that the tent is taller to mitigate the added heat with the extra light.

I’d like to eventually move the ballasts outside the tent. I remember reading OldSalt’s thread and he did it and his setup is clean.

If I can get the Alaskan Purple to be anything like yours I’ll take the green pheno:laugh: Hope all is blessed in carcass land and you and ohana are safe.. fucking riots man.. holy shit. Thankfully none of that here on the big island.

Small update on the seedlings. I thought I was gonna have a 100% germ rate but the Colorado Cookie and Red Pure CBD shit the bed and stalled out.

I culled what could have been and dropped one of each again to see how it goes. Hopefully these will do better.

The other 6 seedlings are just humming along..

Stay Safe everyone! So much craziness going on right now. Sending you all lots of love and positivity from Hawaii as always!!
but the Colorado Cookie and Red Pure CBD shit the bed and stalled out.
I feel for ya- I just had 2 bed shitters a couple weeks ago...

Your 6 live ones are looking pretty darn happy so far!
Hope the 2 replacements behave for you :thumb:
Hope all is blessed in carcass land and you and ohana are safe.. fucking riots man.. holy shit.
We're on the outskirts of town, so all's quiet here...but last night the morons looted a walmart, busted into the mall, plus set a few random fires...crazy shit going on in the world:straightface:
Glad to hear there's none of it (or very little of it) going on around you!
Stay Safe,Sunny!
I feel for ya- I just had 2 bed shitters a couple weeks ago...

Glad to hear there's none of it (or very little of it) going on around you!
Stay Safe,Sunny!

Sorry to hear that Braddah.. I got a mind to reverse one of these plants and make a little bit of seeds. Seed insurance on my seed popping endeavors plus the added mystery of the pollen chuck in itself.

Thankfully no rioting here on island. Honestly we have 1 Walmart, 1 Safeway(Von’s) and 1 Target with a few local mom and pop style grocers.. If these places got looted we would have nothing haha.. those looters better start swimming if they looted.. half the island would be without certain necessities.
Aloha All!!

I hope you are all safe and blessed! Scored on some soil for the next round of plants after this current one is done haha.. $12 a bag for 1.5 cube.

Anyone ever use this stuff before?

It’s got a 4 out of 5 rating for the mural on the front from me... it’s gotta be high end stuff!! :laughtwo:

I told my lady that I was gonna get that mural tatted on my chest and stomach in color... oh the glare I got :laugh: Evidently my sarcasm was unwelcome:laugh:

Would make a cool wrap or sticker for the neck of a bong though..

Hope all is blessed in your world Braddah @Backlipslide Hope you getting some rest and the little one The rest of the ohana is doing awesome!

I told my lady that I was gonna get that mural tatted on my chest and stomach in color... oh the glare I got :laugh: Evidently my sarcasm was unwelcome:laugh:

Would make a cool wrap or sticker for the neck of a bong though..
Hahaha some people are just too damn serious!!

it’s definitely a cool picture!!

Hope all is blessed in your world Braddah @Backlipslide Hope you getting some rest and the little one The rest of the ohana is doing awesome!
We’re doing good.. I actually slept right through the night last night. Probably the best sleep I’ve had since the baby arrived. Even slept in her bassinet. That’s a first as well. The wife is good, she’s healing up nicely, and had a check up yesterday. The umbilical cord fell off two days ago and she ended up with a hernia. The doctor said it should probably go away by about 4 months. Other then that. Everybody’s good, I finally organized the garage after owning our house for a year. Same good feeling to get that done lol

hope the same for you and your fam jam!!
Hahaha some people are just too damn serious!!

it’s definitely a cool picture!!

We’re doing good.. I actually slept right through the night last night. Probably the best sleep I’ve had since the baby arrived. Even slept in her bassinet. That’s a first as well. The wife is good, she’s healing up nicely, and had a check up yesterday. The umbilical cord fell off two days ago and she ended up with a hernia. The doctor said it should probably go away by about 4 months. Other then that. Everybody’s good, I finally organized the garage after owning our house for a year. Same good feeling to get that done lol

hope the same for you and your fam jam!!

My Braddah rest is key! Stoked the little one is going easy on you both everything is going smooth. I think the process of organizing never ends when moving I to a new house. I still got a bunch of boxes in the attic to go through and my lady’s insane collection of Christmas decorations she has accumulated over the years. Sends chills down my spine just thinking about it :laugh:

Small update on the garden. The first six seedlings are humming right along. Gonna do a light feed of carb load and mega crop to get things going.

I finally got the a Red Pure CBD to pop on my second attempt but the Colorado cookie is still a bust.. scrub cookie rather. The head pops up then it just stalls out and nothing. I got one last seed but not sure if I’m gonna plant it or try something else.

The scrub cookie.. thinking I’m just gonna cull it

Hope everyone and ohana’s are safe from this madness! Sending lots of love and positivity from Hawaii as always!!

The little ones are looking great!
Colorado Cookie not so much yet.... seems like there's always one....
The little ones are looking great!
Colorado Cookie not so much yet.... seems like there's always one....

Brah for real kine! I think if I get the last Colorado Cookie seed to pop I’m gonna nick name it Unicorn Cookie haha
Mahalo!! @SeedsMan Always coming through and getting me new gear here in hawaii. The Colorado Cookie might take a back seat and I’ll try pop one of these.

I’ve been eye balling the Strawberry Cola from Exotic Seeds for a bit. Stoked I got them!

Sweet little haul there!

Mahalo Caged! Seedsman has been really reliable to get seeds to me and to try different genetics.

I hear ya!! Totes after totes of Christmas decorations... :eye-roll:

sweet haul on the seeds!! Looks like some great genetics!!

Mahalo Braddah! I thought the with the move it would thin it out some but her commitment to keep everything Christmas has been unwavering.

Me when I got to staple up string lights on the house and they don’t work.. :laugh:
Great selection of new beans!
but her commitment to have me keep everything Christmas has been unwavering.
Fixed it for ya (at least that's how it goes at my house!)
Great selection of new beans!

Fixed it for ya (at least that's how it goes at my house!)

No doubt! God forbid I throw away something.. she will know/sense it. Maybe the 3 years of receipts in her purse gives her the clairvoyance :laugh: Anyhoo I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening so far!!

4:20 safety meeting commenced
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