Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent


New Member
Hello I have a couple of grows under my belt but been away from it for several years, Recently I decided to set back up. So here goes:

What strain is it? Amnesia Haze x 5, A blue cheese,a royal cheese, fifth element, high priority, chocolate mint, dedeverde haze and a purple pineberry.

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? I have sprouted all 12 and they are about 1" high pictures will follow shortly.
If in Veg... For how long? - I will be vegging for around 2-3 week, (don't want them too tall)
If in Flower stage... For how long? - until there perfect.
Indoor or outdoor? - Indoor
Soil or Hydro? - coco coir fobre
If soil... What size pot? 11 litre square autopots
Size of light? 2 x 600w hps
Is it aircooled? - not at the minute but will be
PH of media or res? - 5.8 - 6.5 (depending on the length its left)
How often are you watering? - Auto pot systems plants feed as and when they need it (Res changed once a week) (PH'd every day at least 1 to 4 times)
Type and strength of ferts used? - there still very young at the min so just dutch pro take root and multi total.
I have dutch pro A+B (grow and bloom) plus explode but thinking of getting advanced nutrients ph perfect in a couple of week.

Please bare with me pictures will follow tomorrow.

They all look healthy besides the verde haze it sprouted and produced 4 leaves then stayed kinda crumpled but the stem is still alive so I shall leave her to recover (hopefully) iv found in the past that disfigured plants could explode later in the flowering phase taking over completely so we will wait and see.

re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

These are the pics any questions or info let me know thanks









these next two are the dedeverde haze that's looks like its struggling the rest our pretty much on course they popped on Saturday so there around 5 days old.




re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

I lifted the light to take the pics I have it just close enough for optimum growth
re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

The blue cheese is the best one so far sprouted multiple leaves quite tall but with a sturdy stem.
the amnesia are all perfect and looking healthy,
to my surprise the high priority and the fifth element are competitors with the blue cheese but I got them free and had never heard of them so hoping they turn out good any info growing these strains please let me know.
the chocolate mint is average
the royal cheese is short but very sturdy and healthy
Purple pineberry didn't look too good at first but today it looks brilliant so all seems good so far.
Dedeverde Haze has sprouted and grown to about an 1" it has 4 little leaves but one is very pale and crimpled (see pics) but the stem looks healthy so I will wait and see
I also had a bubblegum but it sprouted and then wilted turned brown so I binned it.

My tent will be 2.4 x 1.2, I plan to put 2 rows of five in this using autopots and a 100L reservoir also there will be two 600w hps lights on yo yo's in the tent ventilated with rvk's and a rhino filter.
re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

I looked closely at the dedeverde haze and there wasn't even a root system so binned it on the bright side I have just prdered 4 fem ghost train haze #1 ans I got 4 free seeds blue lemon thai, green crack, privada tangie and a lemon garlic og I will be experimenting with these
re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

starting to feel a little alone here people! todays update all babies are looking healthy and producing multiple sets of leaves. I am gonna repot them tomorrow then allow them to fill out and grow to around 6-9" before switching to 12/12 under two 600w hps il post some more pics in a couple of days when there more significant changes.

An info or questions please get involved

re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

nice to see you here vlad

I have repotted into larger pots im just waiting on my tent to arrive then they will be going into 11 litre square auto pots.

all stems and leaves are growing fine with multiple sets appearing so all seems fine.

I will post more pics later when I get chance.
re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

The amnesia is doing ok but the royal cheese (the one in the round orange pot) is booming, couple of crumpled leaves on the choc mint this was just due to growth spurt into my light she should recover shortly.

On a different note I have just bought a new auto pot system its a full tray that you just add as many pots as you like with one auto valve


this will be put in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent with 4 ghost train haze I shal journal that also
re: RQS Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

not much change at the moment I watered all the babies last night ph 5.8 im gonna allow them to dry out completely now to encourage to roots to stretch I'll give them weak nutes in a day or 2 then hopefully we can get the party in full swing

re: Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

quick update, the repotting has really made a difference and in 24 hours they have all pretty much doubled in size I will feed weak nutes tomorrow once the pots have completely dried out I reckon they should be ready for flipping in 7-10 days;ish
re: Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

I have lifted the light just to take pics they all seems super healthy
re: Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

Quick update: Every baby has new growth from yesterday and they was all looking very thirsty so I fed all plants 200 ml of half strength recommended nutes with 5.8ph my water is left for at least 24 hours then aerated before being mixed and ph'd, Wont know how they react tto there new feed until tomorrow or the day after so back to the old waiting game!

More pics in a couple of days

re: Amnesia Haze & More - T5 Lightwave - 2 x 600W HPS - 2.4 x 1.2 Tent

everything is looking pretty healthy slight burn issue on one of the smaller ones but this was from last week all new growth is healthy there a lil droopy but its because im keeping them thirsty they have all just been fed and should perk up in an hour or so

Anyone watching please feel free to get involved advice/info/criticism haha are all welcome.
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