Any advice?


New Member
These are 4 weeks in veg, I just turned to a 600w hps and repotted
The tips of the leaves look burnt but it's not heat as light is around 20in away and tried hand test.
I'm thinking it's some kinda deficiency (maybe chlorosis). Not sure.
I'm using canna coco and half strength a-b nutes, also it looks like some plants are showing pistils but there really small, 14 inch the lights are still on 18/6
see wot u think here's some pics. Thanx in advance
Would it be a good idea to flush? I did a week ago and the pots are still heavy so I'm not sure, I'm thinking of turning to 12/12 too but the plant below is a bit short is it not? Very bushy thou
Generally looks healthy, but does appear to show signs of Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies starting to show. All very typical growing in coco. Supplement with a Cal/Mag product per label instruction and you will be good. Looks like a girl, was it a clone? I would let it grow another week in its new pot. JMO, But this is truly a decision based on needs and available overhead space. They double in size at the least. It is mature enough to flower if you wish.
Thanx for the advice, I have about 8th hight grow space minus lights so around 6ft, it's from seed all 6 are.
I want quite a big yield on them really some are autoflower thou(not sure which 1s ey all got mixed up iv moved the light a lot closer now its about 10 in away heres a pic still feels cool on bk of hand, what do u think?thanx again
Here are the others
Im puttin them into flower lights go on tomo morn they will be off4 36 hours, gonna try get some mag/cal today hope that helps, do I start using bloomer straight away? Seems like I'm goon be putting a lot of stuff in the water... Nutes a-b, cal/mag and bloomer. Is this not to much? Also gonna put up carbon filter to get rid of any smells(shame I can't be the filter seems a waste of gd smells haha)
More pics and updates soon.

Can some1 PLZ tell me if these are hermies
I think 3 might be, the other 1s haven't shown anything yet so I not posted any pics. There only 3 days in flower
Re: Are these ladies or hermies PLZ REPLY have posted this about 4 times, thanx in ad

they look female to me, what makes u think there hermies?
maybe post some close up pics and be better to tell. where they feminised seeds? just dont stress em in any way and im sure they be fine. if u do notice any pollen sacs just scape em off with your nail and keep a eye on hidden areas, my last crop had a hermie . missed a few sacs ended up with 100 odd seeds. good luck and try and post some more pics
Re: Are these ladies or hermies PLZ REPLY have posted this about 4 times, thanx in ad


It's the sticky out things just below where the hairs are.... Not sure if there male flowers or somethin? Yeh they were fem seeds but I believe u should only expect more than 70pc fems, I coulda stressed em when I repotted them(the soil crumbled all around the plant, also snapped the main branch trying to bend it but the light shouldn't be an issue, look at the bottom of the node....
Re: Are these ladies or hermies PLZ REPLY have posted this about 4 times, thanx in ad

looked at pics closely, your have no worries they not hermies those sticky out things aint balls , if they were male pods they tend to look like golf balls on a tee. so just try not stress em and u be ok. but looks like u have start of nute burn so ease of on feeding a bit. happy growing
Re: Are these ladies or hermies PLZ REPLY have posted this about 4 times, thanx in ad

Thanx dj, put my mind at ease alot..... It's not nute burn I pushed em to much with the light, thought they was doin good till I got 8 inch away with a 600w hps lol there bout 15inch away now so should be ok part from what they look like haha iv done all sorts to Ganga plants there like a duracell "they jus keep on goin!"
re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply


They look female but the pictures are not very good. The red marks could be male flowers. Please upload a better picture.



Re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply have posted this about 4 times

agree your safe. at least for now. keep stress to a min and ALWAYS look for bannanas of the flowers. those are mles and they went hermie. depending on when they went hermie you can pick off the bannanas and salvage what yeild you have. looks good from here. good job! I would back off the nutes alil bit. what is the ppm and ec and what week? what nutes are you using?
Re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply

Its very hard to tell from the photos but seems like a girl to me.
Re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply

you have some stress issues so look up stress issues. hard to see in your pics exactly what issues or issue but curled leaves are a warning sign. and edge and tip too.
Re: Are these ladies or hermies PLZ REPLY have posted this about 4 times, thanx in ad

and for your info.
Re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply have posted this about 4 times

Ok lets clear the facts here.
Mary j is a hermie plant
every strain out there.
Has the potential to be either male or female dominant or hermie dominant.
Forcing female domanace is what is done to feminize seeds.
Either thru stress of a female causeing it to change to male.
by the use of chemicals to change either a whole plant or a one to a few branches to male.
In the genetics of plants males will grow fast and tall and females will grow slower and shorter.
And a 50/50 ratio is very common in the wild.
In many hybreds out there the female dominace has grown larger in proportion to what we see. But the potential is still there.
Feminzed seeds will grow female 90% or more of the time. They garantee female cause most people who spend that kind of money on seed have really good systems so all grow female. Even males can change to female.
I like growing regular seeds. And let the males die in place by cutting at the base. I get litle to no seed as male pollen dosent live long but the hormones they put out drive females crazy. They really get bigger and put out more flowers when males are around. So i usely keep a male or to alive in
one of the labs and the exhaust air is filter for pollen. It is a trick all the pot producing countires know. Why it isnt shared in forums . Well. $$$$ the industry wants ya to buy stuff.
Re: Are these ladies or hermies Please Reply have posted this about 4 times

ok we shall indeed clear the facts here.
your plant is female....those lumps you see are called calyx and thats what holds seeds, sometimes you also get little spurs that the inexperienced mistake for nanners, these are just a sign of sexual maturity.

most plants on the planet hermie, its a survival trait.
almost all female mj plants will hermie if left long enough (read as over ripe)
male to female ration is very affected by enviroment.

males in proximity to females to boost production is no 'industry secret'. seeds and breeding data is very reasonably priced and availible. if anyone wants to shaft you for a profit, its the nutrient manufacturers, thats why blue planet nutrients is so vastly popular here, you wont find better for cheaper anywhere on the planet without making it yourself.

keeping males around females is a very risky business....even 1 day of misjudged timing can vastly reduce your smokable crop, so for most 'pro' growers, it just isnt worth the risk if sensimelia is what your after, especially as replacing that male with a female will probably produce as much if not more bud in total that having a male take a bud spot in your grow room.

we dont use 'chemicals' to hermie a plant, we use silver...2 pieces of plain old jewelers wire (pure silver) placed in water with a current running through them will make colloidal silver water, you spray the plant with this and it will hermie.

as to a hermie 'gene'. a female gone hermie that pollinates itself is called selfing, this method produces the most probability of a hermie trait. taking female pollen from one female and pollinating another is much better for potency and genetics preservation.
however, this talk of increase chance of hermie is due to slack breeding. seeds from a fem plant can be either standard or increased chance to hermie, lack of selectivity is what normally causes a strain line to increase hermie probability, where just a little care in selecting breeding descendants could prevent this trait...just like breeding any other trait.
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