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Autos dont have a veg period, the lifespan is determined by the ruderalis genetics
My bad I'm not doing autos, doing fem seeds that I got these are at 8 weeks
I guess somebody will let me know if I'm in the wrong place but I have a question and I'm concerned because I SOMEHOW let a 65w CFL fall and shattered in my grow area. My girl is ready any day. This happened about 5 hours ago after the lights went out. I'm still learning the ropes and don't know alot about bulbs but I've heard there is mercury in them. I searched online which put the fear of God in me on how dangerous this can be.

So, my question is, are my plants ruined from the mercury spread in the air?
NFL don't have a lot of Mercury in them but the longer fluorescent bulbs Carrie a lot more Mercury but no your plants are not ruined it is a miniscule I'm out of Mercury not enough to be toxic in humans
CFL I mean sorry auto correct
Thank you both so much. I have not slept all night because I have been concerned about my family, myself and my one baby girl. I appreciate this forum so much. I almost stripped my whole setup because the world wide Web scared the shit out of me.

You all have been so patient and so helpful. It's amazing what all is involved in growing. I've learned so much and still have along way to go...math, physics, biology..and all I thought I needed was some tap water, dirt and a seed. Haha! Boy I was wrong.

You all have been great! Thank you again
Vel lights contain next to no mercury. The trouble is any small glass fragments that may have gotten on your plant. You'll just have to be careful when harvest comes. The glass will surely be more in a dust form just be careful is all I can give you in terms of an opinion or advice
There was lots of dust, I assumed it was glass wasn't sure. The lights had just gone off and I have a green light just in case I need to be in the room after dark. I've heard that green is ok because the plants can't see green. But it was very hard to see to clean but I did the best I could. The plant is in a bathtub and the bulb hit the ground right outside of the tub.

I've heard you can wash your buds when you harvest. Do you think I should do that? I really appreciate any ideas.
I guess somebody will let me know if I'm in the wrong place but I have a question and I'm concerned because I SOMEHOW let a 65w CFL fall and shattered in my grow area. My girl is ready any day. This happened about 5 hours ago after the lights went out. I'm still learning the ropes and don't know alot about bulbs but I've heard there is mercury in them. I searched online which put the fear of God in me on how dangerous this can be.

So, my question is, are my plants ruined from the mercury spread in the air?

U can wash ur buds which will help remove any glass, hot tap water in a bucket swish ur buds around for 10-15 secs then dip into a bucket of cold water an swish for 10-15 secs. It's not a proper wash but it works, I do this every harvest an I notice a difference in smoothness of my smoke. I actually washed 1/2 the buds from 1 plant an didn't wash the other 1/2 an my sensitive lungs noticed a difference
There was lots of dust, I assumed it was glass wasn't sure. The lights had just gone off and I have a green light just in case I need to be in the room after dark. I've heard that green is ok because the plants can't see green. But it was very hard to see to clean but I did the best I could. The plant is in a bathtub and the bulb hit the ground right outside of the tub.

I've heard you can wash your buds when you harvest. Do you think I should do that? I really appreciate any ideas.
You should wash them as soon as you get a chance your close to the deadline so I would recommend you do it right at harvest time.
You should wash them as soon as you get a chance your close to the deadline so I would recommend you do it right at harvest time.
Thanks again Wiley & Angel!
I didn't wash my (one and only) last harvest only because I wasn't aware of it at the time. But it certainly makes sense.

YouTube is a great idea being a visual person... washing my bud won't be intimidating now that I have one on one confirmation from you guys/gals. ✌
I was sceptical about washing buds as well that's another reason I only did 1/2, next time Iam Gona do a proper wash again 1/2 of 1 plant an just a water was on the other 1/2 an see again if I notice a difference. Another thing I noticed was the pistils stood up nice sn perky after a wash an the buds seemed to me a brighter green but that may have just been me lol
I was sceptical about washing buds as well that's another reason I only did 1/2, next time Iam Gona do a proper wash again 1/2 of 1 plant an just a water was on the other 1/2 an see again if I notice a difference. Another thing I noticed was the pistils stood up nice sn perky after a wash an the buds seemed to me a brighter green but that may have just been me lol
That's interesting. Was there a difference in the two when it came to drying them out?? Did the washed bud take longer?
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