Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

I have to use vpn when accessing this site thru my phone to bypass restrictions put on via vodaphone if it's worked till now pull the screen down it should refresh?
Does someone know how to get my 420 App working again. When i Switch to my Notifications, it Just Shows me some from a few Days ago. In my Standby screen, it correctly Displays the Number of new messages, but of i Tap on it, it doesnt Display them correct. I tried deleting my Cache and deleted all the other Data aswell but it didnt Work. Any ideas or someone familiar with this?

This is free and lets me access the site without any issues
No Problems with my Provider at all, its Like the App ist broken. It worked fine for weeks and then it appeared from one day to another. Pull to refresh does Not Work aswell. It refreshes, but showing the Same afterwards Like before

You tried updating phone? Other than that I don't have a clue mate :/
Hey everyone,

I just switched over to flowering a few days ago and I'm considering adding in Molasses.

Soil- FF Ocean Forest
7 gallon fabric pots
Water- Reverse Osmosis
2- 300watt Led lights

Nutes- I'm using 3ml Cal Mag, 2 Tbsp FF Big Bloom and 3/4 tsp Tiger Bloom(first dose).

My worry is mixing Cal Mag and Molasses, since molasses has calcium, magnesium and iron. Will that be an issue?
Not a clue what's wrong then mate sorry I can't help hVe you tried deleting app and re downloading bit of a mess about but may work I can't guarantee it
I will try that when there is No other option to make it Work again. Thanks Brother!
I started growing a grapfruit og plant back in feb and it still hasnt flowered yet what can i do to make it bud
Hi Dreddy and welcome to 420! :welcome::420:

Can you give us more info please? What medium are you growing in? What is your light schedule? What lights are you using? If you can upload pictures that would help as well. ;)
The more info you can give us the better chance that we can help. :thumb:
Only happened since transplant and the medium I use is same I used years ago the grow mix has enough nutrients for 3 weeks now I've switched to light mix it has is very low nutrients ready for me to control what it gets. I think it's stressed because of the transplant to different pots so I give it a chance to correct itself
Here are my seedlings that did the same but have not been transplanted , poped them in this soil .In my case i am almost 100% sure this is a combination of hight temps and low RH

My ventalation whent down while my plants were allmost dry and ready for water , next day when i cane to feed them they looked like this

Here are my seedlings that did the same but have not been transplanted , poped them in this soil .In my case i am almost 100% sure this is a combination of hight temps and low RH

My ventalation whent down while my plants were allmost dry and ready for water , next day when i cane to feed them they looked like this


If i understand right, this is a reaction from them not loose to much Water. Pores from the leaves close to stop Moistere from the plant beeing vented to the Air and leves start to curl upwards. New growth should be fine again if you Water in Time in the Future. Leave Colour is good so no Nute issues here
If i understand right, this is a reaction from them not loose to much Water. Pores from the leaves close to stop Moistere from the plant beeing vented to the Air and leves start to curl upwards. New growth should be fine again if you Water in Time in the Future. Leave Colour is good so no Nute issues here

Yeah it's the plants version of a scab from what I know I had the same on one of mine
If your cheap meter is off by a tenth or two, it won't make that big of a difference. It's more important that we stay in certain ranges than to keep the solution to constant precisely measured 5.8. I personally like an upswing from near 5.8 to near 6.2 throughout a week or so. IMO, your cheap meter will do you just fine till money is less of a concern when buying a new one.
No its it wont calibrate it jumps from 4.0 to 7.0 wont get a reading correctly... which meter do u use??

Hi everyone. First time grower here. Indoor tent grow. I've had a couple of brown spots show up on my plant and was wondering. Does this look like bug damage or do you think it could be some type of nutrient deficiency? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for any advice.
No its it wont calibrate it jumps from 4.0 to 7.0 wont get a reading correctly... which meter do u use??
I use the cheapo $20 Milwaukee meter (yellow one) and have had it for years. I recently had to change the batteries and of course recalibrate every once in a while.
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