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Hi everyone. First time grower here. Indoor tent grow. I've had a couple of brown spots show up on my plant and was wondering. Does this look like bug damage or do you think it could be some type of nutrient deficiency? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for any advice.

Give nute details ph etc have you tried wiping it to see if it's bug dump


Here is Thelma and Louise at week three of flower, I'm looking at adding some additional supplements to increase bud size and/or resin production? Any suggestions? Is it too late to add additional nutrients They are currently being fed

GH Trio (Grow,micro,bloom), Hydroguard, GH CALiMAGic, mammoth P, using RO water in a RDWC system.

Give nute details ph etc have you tried wiping it to see if it's bug dump

Well with nutes I haven't had a full schedule started because everytime I give the plant nutes issues come up afterwards. But I gave it 1/4 strength nutes to my 1/2 gallon water. I'm using general organics gobox nutes. I've ph'd the water going in and coming out and they were at 7 ph. I ask about it being bug damage because I have noticed gnats in my tent and the babies in my runoff. I'm in the process of getting rid of them. I have tried wiping it off and it won't come off either.
7 is too high mate so could be ph you want it around 5.5 - 6.5 the middle ground is better but you'll squeeze a grow with them phs, so it ain't bud shit lol that's one down I'd adjust ph for now see how it goes av you got pics of full plant
7 is too high mate so could be ph you want it around 5.5 - 6.5 the middle ground is better but you'll squeeze a grow with them phs, so it ain't bud shit lol that's one down I'd adjust ph for now see how it goes av you got pics of full plant


Ok. So a ph issue could be an easy fix. I've been giving her tap water so I'm thinking of changing to spring water for now just to rule out any extra contaminants being added to the nute water. Here's some pics of her from last night. Other than the few spots on the plant she seems nice and green and healthy. But what do I know. This is my first grow. Lol.

Ok. So a ph issue could be an easy fix. I've been giving her tap water so I'm thinking of changing to spring water for now just to rule out any extra contaminants being added to the nute water. Here's some pics of her from last night. Other than the few spots on the plant she seems nice and green and healthy. But what do I know. This is my first grow. Lol.

Bit yellow on the bottoms as well as spots your water may be hard water and you could be using soft water nutes if you get ph down you can solve ph levels, read up about hard water and soft water and determine what yours is i think you should be able to ring up your water board and find that out if you can't find it online .
Bit yellow on the bottoms as well as spots your water may be hard water and you could be using soft water nutes if you get ph down you can solve ph levels, read up about hard water and soft water and determine what yours is i think you should be able to ring up your water board and find that out if you can't find it online .

I've read about the signs of hard water and it seems as if that's what I have. Which is kinda what I was thinking might be the issue in the first place. I tried tap to see how it would work out but looks like I'll have to go with spring water. Even if it doesn't make a difference at least I'll be able to rule it out. And I have a ph control kit on the way I just ordered it. So hopefully with those 2 I'll be able to get the yellowing and the spots taken care of. Do you have any pesticides that you would recommend? I was looking at getting captain jack foots deadbug brew. Mainly because that was the first one to pop up on google. But I was wondering if you had an opinion on one?
Thanks guys
My tent is out in my shed. 7 plants in a 4x4 tent. I found them early so they were only on 3 plants. I pull out all the girls and separated them. Then I gave each a major trimming. The ones that did have mites i basicly stripped almost all the fan leaves off. Then with all the girls out of the tent, i cleaned out the tent and used some of that spray inside the tent, and left it sealed up for 2 hours, and Then ran the fans/charcoal filters after 30 mins before I put them back inside. Then I got back to the girls, after they got trimmed up, I washed the shit out of them. Poor girls, just about snapped off a couple when they got all that water weight up top. Then after this I put everyone back in the tent. And hope for the best. I got ladybugs ordered I'm hoping that they will control the mites till harvest time. I'll get a pic later when it's lights on time. Thanks for confirming what I suspected about that spray, when the font size of the instructions is size 3 I started to wonder.


Pic of before and after....ill get correct light pics later on


So I looks like the Defolage and washed with the hose got me a week. Found some more fuckers today. I have ladybug on the way, should be here in 2 days. Any advice with the ladybugs? I'm on week 8 of flowering

So I looks like the Defolage and washed with the hose got me a week. Found some more fuckers today. I have ladybug on the way, should be here in 2 days. Any advice with the ladybugs? I'm on week 8 of flowering


Get a few and get food for em and let me loose on plants soil and all over seen a few pics where there chilling on leaves looking after the plant .

Running 4 plants under 1000w hps that I've already dimmed to 750 but I'm still getting some light burn as seen above. They have roughly a month left of flower and my tallest plant is 17" below the light. Don't know if it would be worse to continue the heat stress or to dim to 500.

Also had some severe humidity problems (now under control) that damaged a lot of fan leaves. Trimmed some off but still lots of severely dropping leaves, have been debating trimming the rest.

-FFOF soil
-fox farm tiger bloom nutes
-75 degrees roughly
-5th week of flower sour diesel
-445 cfm extraction on full blast

Any help at all appreciated

Running 4 plants under 1000w hps that I've already dimmed to 750 but I'm still getting some light burn as seen above. They have roughly a month left of flower and my tallest plant is 17" below the light. Don't know if it would be worse to continue the heat stress or to dim to 500.

Also had some severe humidity problems (now under control) that damaged a lot of fan leaves. Trimmed some off but still lots of severely dropping leaves, have been debating trimming the rest.

-FFOF soil
-fox farm tiger bloom nutes
-75 degrees roughly
-5th week of flower sour diesel
-445 cfm extraction on full blast

Any help at all appreciated

Drill holes in the lip of the pot and tie string thru it and bend your tops down you gain a few inch

And I need help she was flushed Sunday but what do u guys think I need to do to get her healthy again?!?!! I need help asap please!
If it's in MG, then flushing will only release more nitrogen ! If you have access to fox farms, or promix or sunshine # 4, buy it .

I will transplant her into some fox farm soon. I think there isn't nitrogen toxicity and I'm confusing it with calcium defficiency since I 3 gallons total through Her of straight RO water
Maybe calcium isn't available. I was on growweedeasy and they say calcium defficiency makes leaf tips burn also and
Hard to make me think nitrogen when a lot of foliage at the bottom falling off. Could be a cal mag issue from to much RO water since RO water has nothing in it. I just gave her the slightest amount of calmag and terpinator at 6.6 ph let's see what happens. But I would still
Like everyone on here to give me advice from experience since this is my first grow.
It's not nitrogen, the colors of the leaves are still green. If it was toxicity the leaves would be dark green, with a hint of blue. Check ph, I'm thinking cal def. Or boron, as cal and boron are dependant on each other. Half dose of cal mag would help it. And make sure temps are around 72-75F. Take heat out of the equation, and cal boron should fix after a small amount of cal mag is added.
It's not nitrogen, the colors of the leaves are still green. If it was toxicity the leaves would be dark green, with a hint of blue. Check ph, I'm thinking cal def. Or boron, as cal and boron are dependant on each other. Half dose of cal mag would help it. And make sure temps are around 72-75F. Take heat out of the equation, and cal boron should fix after a small amount of cal mag is added.

I added 1 1/5 mL of calmag into almost half a gallon and a full dose of terpinator but that puts my npk at 1-0-4 I think. Not currently looking at the bottle but it's something like that. I lightly fed cal mag and now we'll see what happens. Sub into my cherry ak and blue dream first grow !
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