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Dear friends,

Overwatering/Underwatering or another variant of stress? Transplanted recently (yesterday) previously given Dyna grow w/ distilled water.

I water before I transplant, makes the dirt more compact and easier to move. You said you transplanted yesterday so I don't think it's stress, mine go limp too but never for that long.
I'd say stick your finger in there, under watering would be pretty obvious the dirt would be dry to a crips around the roots.
I want to say over watering is more likely based on my personal experiences where I transplant into a larger pot, water but then roots haven't formed per say towards and around the bottom so water collects
I water before I transplant, makes the dirt more compact and easier to move. You said you transplanted yesterday so I don't think it's stress, mine go limp too but never for that long.
I'd say stick your finger in there, under watering would be pretty obvious the dirt would be dry to a crips around the roots.
I want to say over watering is more likely based on my personal experiences where I transplant into a larger pot, water but then roots haven't formed per say towards and around the bottom so water collects

I thought that might be the case but always try to get a 2nd opinion from the community so I don't screw up anything.
Hi gang. Anyone any ideas if this is the first stage of a deficiency showing and if so what deficiency. The strain is White Label Master Kush grown in Westland Garden Health Multi Purpose compost with added john Innes and the plant will be on its 4th night of 12/12 light deprivation tonight so 4 days into flower in an outdoor light deprivation grow. The plant in question was transplanted into a 20 litre pot on the day I started light deprivation 4 days ago. Ph is 6.4 at the moment. I've had major nightmares with 2 older Master Kush in flower and I'd like to avoid the same problems with these 3 younger MK. Any input is appreciated as they shouldn't have any deficiency as the compost has 4-5 weeks feed in it (not time release but natural/organic nutes included in soil) which my plants usually use up fully in stretch and then I feed from there but this funny leaf mottling/yellowing has me wondering. Any way here's a few photos and thanks in advance for any replies and help. KG







As you can see the plant is in great health overall


But those yellowing areas lower down concern me a bit.

Thanks for helping

Could anybody tell me what has happened here plz? Been growing these Autos in my shed under LED and just noticed this today. It is on 2of my 3 plants, should I tear em up and start again or cut the affected areas off and see how it goes. The white looks very like cobweb to me... I am devastated .
I'm not an expert but looks like a major case of santas beard. Your grow area is probably more damp then anything and probably lacks controlled humidity. As for whether you need to start over, I'll defer to a more experienced grower.

Could anybody tell me what has happened here plz? Been growing these Autos in my shed under LED and just noticed this today. It is on 2of my 3 plants, should I tear em up and start again or cut the affected areas off and see how it goes. The white looks very like cobweb to me... I am devastated .
Shit man that sucks you have a bug investation .... your first pic has multiple bugs in it not sure what kind and def looks like cob webs to me .Even if you start over you will need to clear out that shed of any pest before hand or you will have the issue again ...The unaffected plant needs to be treated with insecticides or neem oil and fast before they spread

. From Africa

Could anybody tell me what has happened here plz? Been growing these Autos in my shed under LED and just noticed this today. It is on 2of my 3 plants, should I tear em up and start again or cut the affected areas off and see how it goes. The white looks very like cobweb to me... I am devastated .

Looks like botrytis to me which is also known as budrot. It's almost definitely a fungus and most likely caused from overly damp conditions. Once you have botrytis in your plant it's one big battle as this kind of rot can devour entire colas and harvests. I'd get a few more opinions as weed monkey mentioned Santas Beard which I'm not familiar with so get a few more answers but I think you have grey mould/botrytis/budrot
I'm not an expert but looks like a major case of santas beard. Your grow area is probably more damp then anything and probably lacks controlled humidity. As for whether you need to start over. I'll defer to a more experienced grower.

Thanks man, I've checked everywhere in the room they were in and it doesn't seem to be damp but I think the airflow may be a problem in there. It only seems to be on the very top of the plant as the around the bottom and middle are ok. I was thinking of being quite brutal and pruning the top affected areas and see if the rest survive, as if I just leave it I'm sure it will spread quite quickly as it seems to have just popped up these last 2-3 days.
Thanks man, I've checked everywhere in the room they were in and it doesn't seem to be damp but I think the airflow may be a problem in there. It only seems to be on the very top of the plant as the around the bottom and middle are ok. I was thinking of being quite brutal and pruning the top affected areas and see if the rest survive, as if I just leave it I'm sure it will spread quite quickly as it seems to have just popped up these last 2-3 days.

Frankly, if some of my fellow growers on here are correct I'm not sure I would risk even continuing with those plants. I know it's not what you or anyone else want to hear but continuing it means you plan to eventually use it..if you do your headed down a dangerous road. But again, listen to the collective and hear what everyone says before making a final decision and if your going to cut that stuff out DO NOT keep them near your plant afterward they should be washed or replaced. Bacteria will remain on your cutting instrument.
Thanks everybody I think am gonna take the high road and abort the grow. Tend to any possible issues you guys have raised and start again as soon as I'm satisfied with the grow area. Gonna buy a grow tent setup and start again. I'll just have to suck it up and take this as a painful lesson.
Thanks again .
Thanks everybody I think am gonna take the high road and abort the grow. Tend to any possible issues you guys have raised and start again as soon as I'm satisfied with the grow area. Gonna buy a grow tent setup and start again. I'll just have to suck it up and take this as a painful lesson.
Thanks again .

I admire your strength of character and will to observe when a situation needs to be addressed. You have my utmost respect.
Thanks everybody I think am gonna take the high road and abort the grow. Tend to any possible issues you guys have raised and start again as soon as I'm satisfied with the grow area. Gonna buy a grow tent setup and start again. I'll just have to suck it up and take this as a painful lesson.
Thanks again .

Remember for your next grow, even if on a budget, a couple of desk fans that oscillate would help avoid these problems if you don't have any humidity control. I used to suffer lots of fungal problems due to the uk climate being so humid but by using oscillating fans/rain protection and dehumidifiers in my light deprivation shed eradicated any mould issues and I've never looked back. Good airflow around the plant can stop the mould taking hold in the first place. Anyway good luck next time, these are all valuable learning experiences.
Remember for your next grow, even if on a budget, a couple of desk fans that oscillate would help avoid these problems if you don't have any humidity control. I used to suffer lots of fungal problems due to the uk climate being so humid but by using oscillating fans/rain protection and dehumidifiers in my light deprivation shed eradicated any mould issues and I've never looked back. Good airflow around the plant can stop the mould taking hold in the first place. Anyway good luck next time, these are all valuable learning experiences.

Yeah that was kinda my problem, I am UK too. With the nice weather they were doing awesome on my balcony until I brought them into my shed to start light deprivation. Airflow was a major factor here, a mistake that will only be made this once.

But those yellowing areas lower down concern me a bit.

Thanks for helping

Nice looking plant man . I've had leaves look like that when the where in need of direct light. Possibly those sections of the plant sit in the shade during the entire day? Rotating the plant should help if it is the issue. If it progresses along the leaf or to other areas of the plant I'd worry about nutrients, she's unburnt and not showing def, healthy looking girl . she'll want good, direct light as she starts making buds
Thanks everybody I think am gonna take the high road and abort the grow. Tend to any possible issues you guys have raised and start again as soon as I'm satisfied with the grow area. Gonna buy a grow tent setup and start again. I'll just have to suck it up and take this as a painful lesson.
Thanks again .

Sorry to see man, that's a nasty case of bud rot. Dehumidifier on a budget can be found in be form of "Moist rid" / "Damp Rid" container. I get them for $2 a piece, they're designed for laundries and bathrooms and such. 2 of them brings my tent RH from 65% to 45%, they say they last 45 days, a bunch is perfect for flower period .is like kitty litter stuff, is suppose to prevent mold and mildew as well.


A good preclean before a grow can prevent issues till harvest, my house is a mess but my grow rooms immaculate .
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