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nah - I have fed them water only the last month several times. It will be ok

hey guys. quick question if anyone can hep me please.... i used canna A (veg ) nd canna B (flowering) im 5 weeks into flowering the girls are looking amazing my issue is im in a very rural place and cant get away or web order more canna B as ive run out. will it do my girls any harm to just give them water for the duration of flowering? i rekon 3 weeks or less maybe 2 and a few days to dry? thx guys. peace outt.
yes and the ph is also a major factor ... without the correct ph the plant cannot absorb what it needs ... ph perfect nutes can help with that if ye have no means of testing it ... drop tests sell for 6€ ...
I know that the PH needs to be between 6.5 an 7. I have 2 Dutch Passion Blueberry regular plant and the second one has no problems with anything and she gets CannaBio nutrients
So, are they pretty easy to grow? The store I buy them from say that they're average difficulty to grow.

And when it comes to other strains I can higly suggest some Dutch Passion strains. They are of some really high quality, only downside is that only their headquarters is in Amsterdam but their seed shop is located in Limburg some 150 miles away from Amsterdam if not 200.
Tbh I think they will be relatively easy to grow as I am flowering nirvana papaya right now and that's ment to be a difficulty strain to grow and I've found very easy to grow. Il take a look at Dutch passion i can get them where I am.
bio nutes are selfregulating the ph usually ... i am 100% sure about that with the Plagron alga grow and bloom nutrients, i used that before
I'm just experimenting with different nutrients just to see which one is better. But I think I should have tested that out with some more easy to grow strains like Northern Lights!
Keep at it and don't get discouraged. None of us started with all the knowledge necessary. And of course you've come to the right place.

Your even more bolder than I was when I Mixing different nutrients to see what they'll I don't have that big of balls. I stated using one brand throughout my grow. Only adding the supplements as I went. Find a brand that you can afford and only use that brand. Go by thier feeding schedule. Use the necessary supplements to combat the issues that arise. Once you get a few grows under your belt you can try other stuff but at the very least stick to what the manufactures say on use and schedule.

That's just my two cents worth.
Thanks for the positive vibes... and im glad i found this website cuz all of you have so much knowledge and are very helpful... thanks again..
Tbh I think they will be relatively easy to grow as I am flowering nirvana papaya right now and that's ment to be a difficulty strain to grow and I've found very easy to grow. Il take a look at Dutch passion i can get them where I am.
Good! I grew Red Cherry Berry at beginning of this year and she was nice... I have some Red Diesel that I also need to grow which are all from Barney's farm.
Quick question.

She was fed two days ago, and I'm seeing small...small signs of to much nitrogen. And not every leaf, right now anyway.

Should I be flushing and worrying about this, or is it just so minor that she was at her limit for nutes. It has been two days, or is it possible this tip burn will still spread?




As always, thanks for looking and I appreciate the help!
On my WW...fem, photo...I'm getting some yellow leaves with rust spots. She's beginning to flower I think. Several days around 100° F. Is this a nutrient problem or is she just taking N?

The yellow leaves are mainly at the bottom of the plant.
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