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No I’m saying like it’s in a tent with led powered lights if power goes out and it’s raining and windy af outside. When I say wind I’m talking like 100+ mph winds my little plant will get blown away do you guys recommend that I keep it near a window.... I might have to keep it on my patio screened in because I’ll have shutters up

As much light and out of the wind as possible. It might last 3-4 days in the dark before it will turn/reschedule. Break up the darkness the best you can so it dont reschedule. N.Cal weather is great for growing!
Im no expert at none of this especially taking pics and posting but heres this years Russet infested yard grow

This is the MK Ultra with no mites

This mis the Banana Og that was infested bad but looks like I saved (behind the 2x4)

The only one I grew this year that I had bred myself. Shes called Indica Cross and no mites!

Heres the two TGA Pergutorys that might get yanked. The mites are hard to rid from this

Great Day 420
I'm gonna invest in some myself for emergency. If you can get even a small amount to keep the light dark cycle it should be better than none at all imo.
Looks good to me. A tad clawed, but hell for your first grow I give you 3 thumbs up enjoy those huge nugs! And great job with your first grow! Imagine what the next will look like now that you have experience :)
Thanks for the kind words dabber yes the claw was due to a lock out and she was done so I pulled her rather than trying to fix the issue I think my other one has about a week or two left to go and she is still looking good
. From africa
I live way out in the boonies and we lose power all too frequently. I have two medium sized power inverters that convert my trucks DC voltage to AC power used to plug in your electrical stuff. They aren't made for running high watt appliances like your big LED or HPS/MH lights but I keep a backup battery bank with two deep cycle boat batteries that stay on a battery charger and can run a lot of small watt LED bulbs. It is enough to keep the plants in the correct photo period but not enough to really give them what they need as far as grow lights.When the batteries get low I run the truck for a few hours and charge the batteries back up. I power 2 or 3 LED lamp bulbs, a AA battery charger for flashlights or battery powered fans, a cell phone charger and a charger for our tablet's. A basic guide on building the battery bank is available at How to Make an Emergency Home & Mobile Battery Bank. He is a disaster preparedness guy with a ton of crap on his site but the battery bank info is free unless you want to buy the DVD set with detailed directions. It has been a big help to me so the family has at least enough power to see at night, charge up the AA powered gear and keep phones and tablets charged for news and entertainment for the kids. Hope you stay safe and get the hell out of there if they order evacuation. You can always grow some more plants but your health and safety is not replaceable. I am not in anyway affiliated with his website and if posting it is not allowed please delete it and let me know.
Hii.. so I'm growing in nothing but a styrapfoam a basket I bought from dollar tree and drilled holes in the bottom. Than I covered with black bubble wrap. Will it grow?. 16 gallon reservoir air pump . Oxygen stone thingy. So it's just a spongy styrapfoam holding the stem for support.. help guys !
I mean they are growing... Why not just use a netted pot? They're dirt cheap. Or even a 2 liter and cut holes in it for roots to grow out of. They will likely struggle if the water isn't bubbling on they're roots. But I would suggest a medium in the netted pot homemade or purchased online fill it with some soilless medium and as soon as the roots reach water you will be smooth sailing!
So what's the problem? I mean I noticed leaves were dying. Maybe the leaves resting on plastic isn't a good call b.c they can't breathe. Can you move the styrophoam down a smidge or lose the bubble wrap?
Well may I suggest more oxygen maybe they look to be drowning.
I just put them in this new system today, I had them in soil before. I was just wondering if no actual medium will work ?
In theory yes. You can grow completely mediumless, however when plants become very large and heavy it is difficult to suspend and stabilize them. But you said there a pot down there just no medium? If that is the case it can act as your suspension and as the roots enlarge can begin to offer stabilization but you may need to supply it until then :)
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