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Ph is important but if your ppm
Is it of whack chance a are your ph is as bit too. Need to stablize ph

Yeah I definitely need to dial ppm in when I switch to coco next grow as it's not as forgiving as soil. I've not been too worried with the outdoor stuff as they're in good soil and I've gone light with their feedings after base nutes were finished. When I begin using coco I can't afford light feedings so I'll be using a ppm meter much more often.
Hey guys I'm looking to start a new seed I e herd you can distill water by boiling it. If that's true Should I boil some water and use the paper towel method to start my seed. I recently had a failed germination as I used the paper towl method and I got a tap root but when I planted in soil nothing ever sprouted. Here's how I did it . Took a plate laid it with some napkins put the seeds on napkin and added water and folder the other half of paper towel over the seed and let it sit for a day or two does that sound correct? Should it be in darkness or in the light when it's germinating. Just a little nervous is all because I don't want to have to buy more seeds and wait for them to be shipped. Last place I got took about 5 weeks from uk. Would anyone know where I can get seeds online from the us?
Hey guys was just wondering I had a plant that was male and just threw it away (looking for flowers) and was wondering if I can save the soil from the pot and use it for my next grow or would it be contaminated
Sure it shouldnt hurt anything. Even if the male pods opened up. Just rinse the side of pot off n water the top of the soil. Water neutralizes pollen.
Be careful with the aspirin dose as I've been reading recently that too much aspirin (too large a dose) can in fact induce male flowers on a female plant. There's evidence to suggest once the dose goes over a certain mg it can hermie or reverse sex a plant. I'm still reading into the facts but it terrified me so be careful
I didnt see,anything, on that on the web. Well i probably wont use it again. Only used 1 aspirin on agallon . n gave each plant half gallon n watered jt in abit..
hi stinky how u eli here was wondering if u could help ive been thinking of flowering my plants on a 21 hr cycle ie 11hr light 10hr dark saving 3hrs a day or 21 hrs a week giving a whole extra grow period a week .this is just a idea ive no experiance trying this .do u think is fesable n if so would the extra grow period be worth it .would like to here your thoughts thank Eli
keep up the good work

Would anyone defoliate this and how much?
Cheers in advance!
Growing sour diesel on day 64 of flower and 2 of my plants have about 10% amber trichs the rest milky but the pistils aren't as brown as the other 2, should I harvest them? I don't see any clear trichs
Growing sour diesel on day 64 of flower and 2 of my plants have about 10% amber trichs the rest milky but the pistils aren't as brown as the other 2, should I harvest them? I don't see any clear trichs

If it were me I would go for it. The trichs are telling you :)
Well speaking trichromes...

I have an autoflower that was moved outside because I ran outnof room with my photoperiod taking up my tent.

We have a frost advisory with temps as low as 40F toniggt. Right nownit is 55F outaide. So she won't last kuch longer in this she is week 11 of flower. I keep waiting for her to fill out but not the case. I think when she was burned from the heat/light it caused a growth stunt or she has become root bound.

She is in 5 gallon pots and is almost 100 days old.

Here are some shots I just took. The trichromes are all cloudy and there are plenty of them. Some are clear but they are few and far between to find on her.

I went 100 days and am willing to wait another 100 if she can survive the cold and frost over the next few days.

I cannot cover her up without making it obvious to 3 neighbors that see my yard and 2 apartment buildings behind me.

Any input? I really don't want to harvest yet but with all trichromes cloudy and no more growth plus frost I feel I am forced to cut with not much to smoke in the end. 1st timer here and been reading frost is not at all good so now I'm all worried. There are small buds, full of red hairs all over the place..but we harvest by trichromes and not hit me up..what would you experts do..




They're in flowering? I've had them on 18/6 should I change it? And they're in 2 gallon pots should I change it? I thought they were too small

No just add more soil or whatever medium your using
Well speaking trichromes...

I have an autoflower that was moved outside because I ran outnof room with my photoperiod taking up my tent.

We have a frost advisory with temps as low as 40F toniggt. Right nownit is 55F outaide. So she won't last kuch longer in this she is week 11 of flower. I keep waiting for her to fill out but not the case. I think when she was burned from the heat/light it caused a growth stunt or she has become root bound.

She is in 5 gallon pots and is almost 100 days old.

Here are some shots I just took. The trichromes are all cloudy and there are plenty of them. Some are clear but they are few and far between to find on her.

I went 100 days and am willing to wait another 100 if she can survive the cold and frost over the next few days.

I cannot cover her up without making it obvious to 3 neighbors that see my yard and 2 apartment buildings behind me.

Any input? I really don't want to harvest yet but with all trichromes cloudy sand no more growth plus frost I feel I am forced to cut with not much to smoke in the end. 1st timer here and been reading frost is not at all good so now I'm all worried. There are small buds, full of red hairs all over the place..but we harvest by trichromes and not hit me up..what would you experts do..





go for it !!! all milky is peak %thc
go for it !!! all milky is peak %thc

I never wanted you to say that lol I was hoping for a miracle to get these buds growing before she gets hit with frost...maybe the frost will kick her into gear and start producing before it kills her
Sorry to bear bad news but those leaves are unlikely to recover their proper shape or colour now but they still feed the plant so don't worry too much. Look to any new growth and even healthy new pistils and sugar/bud leaves for signs of recovery.

This is actually day 29 of flower I was mistaken on my last post.
But the buds seem to be getting bigger and frostier everyday.
They literally Get bigger Every day.
And even the leaves affected had bud sites at the nodes. So I think she will pull through this soon. I'm waiting on nutrients and a bunch of other things I ordered from (

I ordered
Bud candy
Big bud
I'm going to feed at half doses of each including terpinator.
But big bud in full dose.
What's something I can get at the super market that can fix my phosphorus issue while I wait for the nutes to arrive? The cinnamon mixed with diatomaceous earth seems to have made all the gnats die or leave because I haven't seen not 1 Since I added both.
And how do my buds look for day 29?
On the trichomes topic... These are still clear right?
I don't want amber trichs, don't fancy the couchlock much, might harvest 1 plant when it's amber just for lazy days.


Yup, still clear :)
Good evening all!

Newber question, fifth week flowering with 46/80, humidifier on but noticing, of course, soil drying up fairly quick so keep watering. I guess my question is do the nutes I'm giving evap too or stay in the soil?? Watered yesterday and again today both time nutes and molasses, don't want to over do nutes! Thank you for any advice you could give me!!
Good day all

I have a general question about cloning .I tried my first time to take some clones by using the plain old just water method with some dynaroot .Scrapping the stem adding dynaroot and right into the water
I took the clones in early flower and they need to reveg
Now my question is my clones are about a week old still alive and i can see a tiny little root starting on each but they seem to be lacking in N and are feeding on them self with lower leaves starting to yellow

Is it safe to add a very low dose nutes to the water they are in ? Or would it be better to just go ahead and transplant into soil with only one tiny root on them ?

How many roots would you need with this method before transplanting into soil ?

Thanks for any advice
. From Africa
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