Barney's Farm Blueberry Cheese, 600 Watt HPS, DWC, Rockwool

10 days since sprout and 8 days since transplant to the big cube and we have roots coming out the rockwool! 6 Inches down straight out the bottom! Its funny, I woke up this morning and and checked on blue cheese and couldnt believe my eyes. I swear she doubled in the past 12 hours. I said to myself, "She must have roots out" Sure enough, about a inch out the bottom when I checked. You can tell when they take off its so cool to watch.

That means res change and taking her out the rigged 5 gallon bucket and into her final home 27 gallon tote. Will do that later today with pics! Stay tuned.

I am going to step it up a notch on the MC. Im at the suggest dose for Veg 1 / seedling but still more lighter green than I like. Some of it could be just all the new growth but will still be raising it some. PPM at 300 will be raising to at least 400 res change today.
Everything went good! Filled up the ol' 27 gallon tote with 16 gallons. If Mega Crop does good throughout this grow I think I am going to be hooked.... It just doesn't get any easier.

I mixed a little to much mega crop than planned so im at 600 ppm right now lol. Hopefully it will be fine. Im going to see what it levels out with.

ppm: 600
pH 6.0

I have two air stones and 2 bubblers (Just in case one goes out). Also have my regular pump in the res to circulate and mix the water when needed. I may put this one a 15 min timer 4 times a day to make sure everything stays mixed and circulated.


Liquid Gold! (Recharge)




Soil Girls are doing great. The WW (In the back) started twisting ever since the first node, one set of leaves are deformed. Im going to see if she plains out. Even the stem curled as growing up.Both Alaskan purples are doing great.

I haven’t had to, I always have to go up! pH down solution is what’s I would use, but if your in a bind and need it now anything acidic really. Lemon juice, vinegar etc.

Yea same here on the pH up. My starting pH is nothing crazy. 6.2-6.4. I guess my nutes are not strong enough to bring it down yet or Mega Crop is just more pH buffered than the GH line im use to? I use/have the GH up and down line I was just curious as to what brand everyone was using now a days. Thanks @Canadadoes
I use/have the GH up and down line I was just curious as to what brand everyone was using now a days.

ahh gotcha, I misunderstood! I was using the GH pH up, but recently switched to AN since the order I was getting from the store was AN I figured I’d just tack it on.
The GH nutes are definitely pretty acidic right out of the bottle. I've used some Earth Juice brand ph adjusting solution YEARS ago but switched to the GH stuff and have never looked back. It's all pretty similar stuff though.
I use GH pH Down. I usually need to use about 150-200ml to get my 80 gallons to pH down to 5.6-5.8 after a water changer then about another 10-30ml total over the next day or two to keep it down. On or around the second day is when everything has stabilized and I don’t need to adjust pH again until the next water change or I increase the MC dosage.
The GH nutes are definitely pretty acidic right out of the bottle. I've used some Earth Juice brand ph adjusting solution YEARS ago but switched to the GH stuff and have never looked back. It's all pretty similar stuff though.

Yea I agree, I dont remember the last time I used much pH down. Here and there in early stages. I guess the MC is just not as acidic, which is good I guess. Stable.

I use GH pH Down. I usually need to use about 150-200ml to get my 80 gallons to pH down to 5.6-5.8 after a water changer then about another 10-30ml total over the next day or two to keep it down. On or around the second day is when everything has stabilized and I don’t need to adjust pH again until the next water change or I increase the MC dosage.

Thanks! I will have to get the quart size pH down soon. I have the small small bottle as ive never really used it much. Ive always bought the big bottle of pH up though and use it regular. No big deal, loving the one nutrient so far. Only take me about 2ml's of to get it in range for my 16 gallon. Not to bad.
I know this is not what you want to hear. I grow in promix HP don't check or adjust pH any more.

Promix became popular 6-7 years ago if i remember correctly. I never tried it. I need to try it sometime to see how I like it. I try not to get to set on a certain way and try new things, especially if they work better or are different. Pretty cool you dont adjust pH anymore.
Promix became popular 6-7 years ago if i remember correctly. I never tried it. I need to try it sometime to see how I like it. I try not to get to set on a certain way and try new things, especially if they work better or are different. Pretty cool you dont adjust pH anymore.
It new for me this grow but is working really good.
I dont think ive ever started a DWC and soil grow at the same time. Its crazy to see the differences in growth between the two. Both look amazing, I think the DWC is outgrowing the soil by a bit to only be 1-2 days older.

PPM: 600
pH Stable at 6.0 after 2-3 days of res change, pHed down to 5.7.
Res temp 73.5F

Will be topping Blue cheese using my method very soon. Once topped and recovered and more growth, all nodes below the topping will be cut. We are going to be focusing on main tops, fewer tops, and massive colas on this grow.



Just bubbling away.... =)


The soil Girls after a watering, so a little droopy:



Yesterday was transplant time, Got my smart pots out, Have 1 - 3 gallon, 4 - 5 gallons, and 4 - 7 gallons lol, couldnt transplant... I wanted to transplant all 3 in 3 gallons. So i watered and ordered more 3 gallons. Be here tomorrow for the transplant. Roots are all over the bottom of the cups. That RECHARGE doesnt play.... Crazy root growth.
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