BayAreaStoners New Beginning. Are you in?

Bay, great to hear that nothing serious happened. Your daughter is most likely going to have some discomfort from the injury, but sounds like she is a 'trooper' and will handle it just fine! :thumb:

I just erased a whole paragraph after re-reading it. Sounded like a parental lecture! Yuck!
Your little ones are looking great! Now it's just a waiting game until they take-off into the fast growth stage!
Your little ones are looking nice and healthy Bay, and your back yard view looks wonderful....Showed my wife and she says that you are 'one lucky lady to be living there!' Remember, she (and I) has been wanting to move out west 'forever'! Now we're unemployed and the dream looks farther away.
Money is the devil.. LoL.. sorry but it can be evil hehehehe! Im sorry to hear that you both are unemployed. My and mine are too. I am the caregiver for my grandparents but I do that voluntarily and it makes me happy to help them (most of the time) lol jk! I love them dearly.. It is beautiful and even tho I have been coming to Oregon through out my life when we would come visit my grandparents. I never truly appreciated Oregons beauty until now and Im living here. I look into the sky or across the open hills and I think to myself, that saying, Heaven On Earth is really true.. Like the Glacers in Antarctica, beautiful beautiful to look at.. Amazing I would say.. breath taking! And tell your wife, I do feel blessed to live in such a wonderful area! Thank You!

Terrific that you can manage taking care of your own family and your grandparents. Not an easy task if it was just one of the two!

That expression, 'Heaven on Earth' you used above, do you remember when I told you about a very nice place to eat on #5 south of Roseburg (or was it Eugene ?) That was called 'Heaven On Earth' also. Very 'natural' place and for all I know, could be gone.

Look Bay, you are in Heaven. So take in every view, beautiful landscape and every feeling every moment ya got with your loved ones and store them up for all the times you'll need them and they aren't there.
Hey BAS, been reading the thread, glad your daughter is ok, coulda easily been a break...huge props for taking care of your grandparents, getting old is hell for some of our loved ones and just as hard watching them deteriorate mentally. You have my utmost respect for what you're doing. Try and enjoy Oregons beauty as much as you can, check out crater lake if you get a chance, also the Multinomah Falls hike is pretty nice but a bit farther North of ya, come summer time hit up a jet boat ride on the Rogue river..great ways to release and just enjoy the sights. Oh, any farmers market is pretty much a slam dunk for great fresh organic veggies, fruits, and halibut. The babies are looking nice, let the green thumb flow with positive energy :)
Your little ones are looking nice and healthy Bay, and your back yard view looks wonderful....Showed my wife and she says that you are 'one lucky lady to be living there!' Remember, she (and I) has been wanting to move out west 'forever'! Now we're unemployed and the dream looks farther away.

yeah but looks can be deceiving though...if you set your mind to it and job hunt both there and where you are now, with a short term goal of "getting it done" and a long term goal of relocating, maybe it could happen sooner than you think? Ah, whatev. I just gotta be in a positive place right now so I thought I'd throw that out there man. Hope it all works out the way you want it to, that's for certain...
Yes those falls are fantatic. They were one of the first places I went to see after I movered here. I live 30 mins from Multinomah Falls. Love it. TC Gal I'll catch up on your thread in a day or two.
Hey and they got cheap concerts at both casions. I seen Charlie Daniels Chinook Winds and a nice table comfy seats 70$ for 2. Randy Travis is going to be at Spirt Mountain soon
yeah but looks can be deceiving though...if you set your mind to it and job hunt both there and where you are now, with a short term goal of "getting it done" and a long term goal of relocating, maybe it could happen sooner than you think? Ah, whatev. I just gotta be in a positive place right now so I thought I'd throw that out there man. Hope it all works out the way you want it to, that's for certain...

Hey BreakPoint! Ya, we haven't' given up yet and things will work out. We also try to think positive about our situation as it is only a temporary one.
Yes I remember you telling me about that place and I didn't see it on or last trip to Cali, but I will look again when we go in the next 10 days! And get back to you, I wanted to stop and try the food lol..

Exit #86 on I-5
Here you go! they have a website: Heaven On Earth Restaurant Makes my mouth water just thinking about the place.
Alright!! Thanks!! I have to stop there now huh?? And they have a website! Sweet man!! Thanks again!! I will give you a full report when we get back LoL... This otta be fun! :popcorn:

Jeez, It's almost like I was going there too! Be sure to let me know everything! I've promised my wife that I'd take her there one day! That was many years ago I promised her that! If you can't make it Bay, don't fret it. OK?

Here I'll have one with all of ya before I go to bed!
Wow, did you have one of those cinnamon rolls? I checked the site out and man do I love a good cinnamon roll! That thing looks huge!! I wonder how long it would take me to drive 3000 miles.....Hmmmm.....:hmmmm:

The cinnamon rolls. I honestly don't remember! I remember the Stew in a 'bread bowl' and I do remember fresh pastries, but most of all I remember the friendliness and the very 'charming' country atmosphere. Last time I was there was like 1992.
Now that would be a true stoner road trip! To drive 3000 miles for a Cinnamon Roll, sounds like fun! :grinjoint:

I'd be leaving LA with a load for Seattle or Edmonton (Can) and I'd already be planning my rest/sleep/eat stops for that direction. 'Heaven on Earth' was always one of them. I would try to make that place my 'shut er down' spot. Didn't always work out, but I'd stop there for a meal at least and get back on the road. It's not a truck stop at all. They used to offer discounts for drivers, but they only had a small parking area available for the rigs. Drivers (truckers) do seem to know where the best food is though.

One of my all time favorite drives is from Shasta Lake, on up north along the Sacramento River through the Castle Crags and Dunsmuir, Mt. Shasta, and of course right past the town of 'Weed'. You know folks, the CHP patrols (or used to) that stretch on up to the ORE. line by plane or helicopter. Big Time speed trap! Would stop in Ashland sometimes and then head up through some fantastic country north of Grants Pass all the way to 'Heaven on Earth'!

I'd be leaving LA with a load for Seattle or Edmonton (Can) and I'd already be planning my rest/sleep/eat stops for that direction. 'Heaven on Earth' was always one of them. I would try to make that place my 'shut er down' spot. Didn't always work out, but I'd stop there for a meal at least and get back on the road. It's not a truck stop at all. They used to offer discounts for drivers, but they only had a small parking area available for the rigs. Drivers (truckers) do seem to know where the best food is though.

One of my all time favorite drives is from Shasta Lake, on up north along the Sacramento River through the Castle Crags and Dunsmuir, Mt. Shasta, and of course right past the town of 'Weed'. You know folks, the CHP patrols (or used to) that stretch on up to the ORE. line by plane or helicopter. Big Time speed trap! Would stop in Ashland sometimes and then head up through some fantastic country north of Grants Pass all the way to 'Heaven on Earth'!


Wow, you keep reppin the Heaven on Earth place...It must be pretty great. I'll have to stop there next time I'm down that way! I make the drive between Seattle-San Diego pretty often, since my parents live down there and I hate flying. You're right, the drive through N. Cal Mt. Shasta up through the Siskiyous is breathtaking. But, the last couple times I made that leg of the journey was at night so I missed the scenery.
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