BayAreaStoners New Beginning. Are you in?

Well Well I did alittle speed reader to kind of catch up. I see con grad's are in order. And Well wish's. Hope the best for ya lady. Life is suppose to be good, and if you find that rite person don't let go. When do we get the pic's updated? Weather is A-1. I was just peeking in I might not comment alot but I love to see pic's! One day I'll learn to read. Shame about Jack, I did have the Honor of talking to him afew times. After that attack at Hemp fest he wasn't the same tho. He was a great man for the Marijuana World. He's the main reason Oregon got its shit together, he PUSHED hard here and everywhere he was for reformation of the Medical Laws. Well I hope you and yours are happy BTW 7 KIDS????????????????????? Damn woman. Congrats.
Thanks Woodsman! Im glad you could make it.. and it's better late then NEVER my friend (Im referring to my last grow) You still showed! LOL Im a poet and didn't know it hahahhaha! JK!

I have alot to say about the differences.. I know this is completely off subject but since you asked, here it goes! I have traveled all over the United States, and pretty much have lived everywhere in Cali. Now that I have moved up here to Oregon, which I visited all through out my childhood and adulthood. I even lived here for 6 months about 11 years ago, and I couldn't stand the weather at that time, but I was barely 21, I was still into the party scene but I had 1 kid at that time too, so I packed my stuff, all that I could in my little light blue 1986 mazda 626 5 speed, with my daughter and drove until I got back to Cali. So here I am 11 years later with 3 children, a family and the last neighborhood we lived in, in San Jose was really bad. My deciding moment when I decided I didn't want this kind of environment for my kids to grow up in..I was walking them to school their first day of the New School Year and we live about a neighborhood block away from the school so we walked everyday.. anyway, instead of watching people going to work cleaning of the morning dew on their cars, they were cleaning blood... it was smeared down the side of about 10 cars and all over the ground. That is when I said I have had enough.. So my mom has been trying to get me to move up here for along time, and we did. We now live in a little town, the kind where you run into your kids PE teacher at the local Safeway. Since we have lived up here, we have gone down to visit and handle business and I am now realizing that it seems like everyone there is just in a big rush to in all honest to do NOTHING. And it's soooo crowed everybody seems like they are on edge and mad all the time. I was living that way too and I think I made the best decision for my family. You live fast like that your gonna die fast, and I want to enjoy life, not let it pass me by. Up here it's more relaxing, I don't mind the weather, up here it at least changes seasons, in Cali, ya it rains, but I never felt like we really had WINTER, SPRING, FALL.. ya know? In San Jose, I felt like all I ever saw were PEOPLE, CARS, BUILDINGS, AND MORE PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE!! RUSH RUSH RUSH!! Don't get me wrong, I have love for Cali in my heart, thats where I was born and I am a total city girl, but it kinda turns out, Im a country girl too! LoL If that is possible anyway LoL. Yes there is a noticable difference in peoples demenors up here in Oregon, and it's very clear that they don't like Californians! But I am from they Bay and I will let it be know, people will either love me or hate me, I can't win them all..

OMG I am soooo sorry I totally rambled in this post! My bad! :popcorn: it's all the bong rips hehehehhehehehe! Thanks for listening guys! Sorry if it's TMI for my journal.

Dude you should checkout Scotts Valley its like what you are describing about Oregon. I call it a hidden nugget hidden in the Santa Cruz Mountains I lived there for 5 years. Damn what part of SJ did you live in?
all the best with your new grow, the wait, lol jk, from ontario canada, and thanks for the welcome message you sent back awhile ago...I've been posting some pics and mosying along in my own journal, you should stop by sometime and check it check it out, take care happy growing! I hope most of all for your father to get better, my mom hasn't been well either, it's scary to think of losing a loved one such as a mother or father...take care
Marvellous Positive Thread....I did skip a bit cause ive spent so much time on so many threads on 420, its pretty much eaten up 2 weeks of my time lol, Which pages are the grow pics on? lol I totally wanna see it, But the site is so big and every post on this thread is "happy" lol have a good one
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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