Calyx Hunter's - Soil - Multi Strain - 4X4 Tent - 600W HPS

Day 26
It's been 4 days since the transplant and watering and I've purposely let them go this long without water to really drive the roots deeper
This morning the Lemon Kush looked droopy so I irrigated only it with 1 and 1/4 gallon dechlorinated water. I hope she perks up.
I understand that these babies like a little stress once in a while. Unlike me who doesn't. I got up this morning and my power was out!:bitingnails: I swear I paid my bill, I got dressed quickly because like any other stoner I thought I had forgot to pay the bill so I had to run down to the electric co to pay it. Still tucking my shirt in I went out to my car and the whole neighborhood was out. Apparently we lost a substation. I was worried, but luckily the power went down right at the end of the day cycle. Lights were out for only 45 min. I don't think there will be any issues, but I checked my power bill and I was all paid up. :blushsmile:
45 minutes out shouldn't be too bad. I'm hoping that when I get home I have a perky Lemon Kush again and slightly droopy others. I'll be watering the rest of them tonight either way.
Looking great man. My girls were all looking droopy and ready for water 5min before the lights went out so I'll be ready for them in a few hours to get them all happy again.
45 minutes out shouldn't be too bad. I'm hoping that when I get home I have a perky Lemon Kush again and slightly droopy others. I'll be watering the rest of them tonight either way.

The big problem is I have to figure out how long exactly they were out. I have like 6 timers and I had them all synchronized. Now I think everything has been pushed back by 45 min. I would like to get back on schedule as I had it timed for day and night.
The big problem is I have to figure out how long exactly they were out. I have like 6 timers and I had them all synchronized. Now I think everything has been pushed back by 45 min. I would like to get back on schedule as I had it timed for day and night.

If you can if you need more go digital and they have internal batteries to prevent that. I had a similar issue mine was just a circuit going out while I was out at work and my humidity rising up.
I found out that basically my house isn't wired as it should be and my outlet in one room that shouldn't be on the same circuit was so it popped
If you can if you need more go digital and they have internal batteries to prevent that. I had a similar issue mine was just a circuit going out while I was out at work and my humidity rising up.
I found out that basically my house isn't wired as it should be and my outlet in one room that shouldn't be on the same circuit was so it popped

I live in an Old apartment, it worries me also. I have 4 fused circuits in the house, I have made sure the light and AC are on different circuits.
theres that joint talkin again!! lol thats ingenious man. no pressure with the pics post them up when you're chilled. this table works best imho people who lst/flux/scrog their plants due to the height of the plant. + reps!!

Thanks for the compliments momomonster!
I do think the drain table could make peoples lives easier. Maybe I should start a custom sized drain table business. No more emptying trays individually, just one bucket. Another main reason I designed it was that I would sit on the floor and be crouched for hours irrigating and emptying trays and my neck would be a wreck. One reason I grow my meds is for neck pain. It defeats the purpose to cause myself neck pain growing meds for my neck pain. Raising the plants up makes them more accesible and more fun to play with. I have a stool that I can comfortably sit on and tend to my herbal garden. I will try to snap some detailed pics of it tonight.

I do have another plan to make life even easier but that will be saved for when it is fully operational.

When I wrote that I immediately thought:
Governor Tarkin: Princess Leia, before your execution, I'd like you to join me for a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.
Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
Governor Tarkin: Not after we demonstrate the capabilities of this station
Day 27
Great News! The Lemon Kush perked right up after being irrigated yesterday morning.
I irrigated the rest last night. I may wait til one gets droopy every time to guage initial irrigation cycle.

THE BEFORE H2O: Really dry and droopy

THE AFTER H2O: LK happy happy water water

Group shot (named from top to bottom and left to right)
OG Kush white pot
OG Kush small black pot
OG Kush fabric pot middle top
Diamond Girl middle left fabric pot
Great White Shark bottom left fabric pot
Hindu Kush top right fabric pot
Lemon Kush middle right fabric pot
OG Kush bottom right fabric pot


Aurora Fabric Pots are better than Smart Pots IMO. They are taller and more cylindrical. The fabric is more rigid and doesn't allow water to leak out of the sides as easily. I purposely kept dumping water near the side edge and it never came out of the side as it easily did with Smart Pots. They were cheaper too.
Thanks for the compliments momomonster!
I do think the drain table could make peoples lives easier. Maybe I should start a custom sized drain table business. No more emptying trays individually, just one bucket. Another main reason I designed it was that I would sit on the floor and be crouched for hours irrigating and emptying trays and my neck would be a wreck. One reason I grow my meds is for neck pain. It defeats the purpose to cause myself neck pain growing meds for my neck pain. Raising the plants up makes them more accesible and more fun to play with. I have a stool that I can comfortably sit on and tend to my herbal garden. I will try to snap some detailed pics of it tonight.

I do have another plan to make life even easier but that will be saved for when it is fully operational.

When I wrote that I immediately thought:
Governor Tarkin: Princess Leia, before your execution, I'd like you to join me for a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.
Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
Governor Tarkin: Not after we demonstrate the capabilities of this station

yea i know exactly what you mean man. i used to love my plants to death but fuck me some of the work involved drains you. yeah i'd be keeping close tabs on this journal to see what you come up with next. im sure it'll be something as cool as the table. and lol at the SW reference.

edit: plants look healthy. its crazy how they make those droopy sad faces asking to be fed.
Day 28
It's exciting to look through the windows on my Gorilla Grow Tent. Every time I look I am surprised. I will be flipping to 12/12 in about a week. This grow I want to fit multiple strains therefore I will force flower early. I will be implementing LST slowly in the next week as branches are pushing there way upwards now. The Great White Shark is getting massive as well but I havent been able to snap a quality pic of her. I think in her preteens she is awkward, shy and not very photogenic. The Hindu however is confident and loves to pose for the camera. Here's another shot of Miss Hindu whom I'm about to take shopping for training bras
Good job CH. DIY for the win! I put so much time into my setups I think I have OCD for growing lol. The things we do for love and money huh? I like to make everything I can it gives me a sense of self accomplishment not to mention I am good at it lol. Digging your table. P.S. my friend just harvested that OG Kush and it is ridiculously good and super potent! I'll post a nug shot here later you can smell it from a mile away.
Looking great! :bravo:
Thanks TrysHard. I appreciate the compliments especially coming from someone with some stunning buds of their own.

Good job CH. DIY for the win! I put so much time into my setups I think I have OCD for growing lol. The things we do for love and money huh? I like to make everything I can it gives me a sense of self accomplishment not to mention I am good at it lol. Digging your table. P.S. my friend just harvested that OG Kush and it is ridiculously good and super potent! I'll post a nug shot here later you can smell it from a mile away.

Thanks Dude. I pretty much apologize to my wife weekly for being OCD about my grows. I can't stop thinking about it. I also medicate for anxiety. So I need some more meds to stop thinking about growing my meds. Those OG Kush clones are amazing. Their growth characteristics lend perfectly towards LST and Scrog style.

good man CH! i'll be sure to check it out once im back. heading out now. btw those girls look healthy mate. have a good one!

Thanks momomonster

Everything looks great, I definitely want to see what those girls look like in flower! I'm in haha

The wait should not be too much longer. The Great White Shark is already popping preflowers.
Day 31 from popping out of the soil
Today is officially the first day of 12/12
Many changes needed to be made due to the climate shift here in Colorado. My tent hit 97 degrees inside it on Saturday. $300 and Home Depot trip later the room is now equipped with a portable AC unit. Sunday was held nicely at about 82 degrees in the tent with the AC unit on low and set to cool the room to 77 degrees. My wife is the best.
I am now placing my dark time schedule during the day to further reduce battling the heat. The 600W HPS goes out at 7am and back on at 7pm. I am so glad I spent more $$$ on the Gorilla Grow Tent because of its supreme light tightness. I added light proofing to the intake and exhaust ducting.
Yesterday I irrigated with Pur filtered water that sat for 4 days and I added 2 teaspoons of FF Big Bloom per gallon
I LST'd most of the girls
I took cuttings from everyone mostly removing the two lowest branches from the single blade leaf junction. I also removed random small dwarfed branches that won't be able to properly compete. I am attempting to make clones of all the cuttings. This is my first real attempt at it.

One of the OG clones was leaning. I LST'd it so it stood up straight. The base of it's trunk is splitting?

Any ideas what this is???


The Great White Shark is now the tallest and looking amazing. It's also showing preflowers already.

GWS preflowers and top two branches LST'd

LST on an OG

more LST on an OG

more LST

Here's my trick for slowly raising a fan with the tops as they grow

97 degrees!

This will save us



Very Nice can't wait see your results. I'm in there pinching away during veg, and I credit my attempts at Fimming for the reason I have so many large buds. I only have six plants but many more than that of main colas. Can't wait to see your tent brimming with Buds! :yummy: (that's my new favorite GIF)
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