Can you please tell me what's wrong


New Member
Hi all, I've got 2 mother plants I've started in my home made dwc system, all is going fine until I checked on them today and the leaves on one girl have gone weird. The other girl is fine tho. I've tried looking and looking but can't find anything that looks like the same problem. I've done many grows but this has stomped me.
I'm growing purple haze and big bud
Nutes are Dutch pro
Ph 5.6
Ppm 700
Any help would be great ta.
Lower leaves are fine tho just the top growth has it. Also can you see the slight yellow patch on the leaf that I'm holding???
Nitrogen toxicity usually starts at top and works its way down bc of new growth being the part of the plant using up the nitrogen a lot.
The reason you can't find anything, is it possible to a factory unlocked because there was there is nothing wrong. I don't see any sort of deficiency just a normal growing leaf. I ve had every deficiency possible in my years of growing and I don't see any here.

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The reason you can't find anything, because there is nothing wrong. I don't see any sort of deficiency just a normal growing leaf. I ve had every deficiency possible in my years of growing and I don't see any here.

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Yeah roots are bright white and healthy no smells or anything only got worried because at the start a leaf went like this.

Hence why I thought there was a problem

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Whats your ph at and whats your ppm of nutes. I would flush with tap water ph'd to 5.5 to 6.5 and then refeed her with a lower ppm like i original said i thought it was nitrogen bc of the leaf curling
Check your roots, I have the exact same markings on my leaves and it was due to I think possible PH change or root rot

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Yeah this is one of the first leafs and I did have a rising Ph problem for about 2 days buffed it to 5.5 then 3 hours later it was nearly 7. Then it settled and stays between 5.5 and 5.9 now. That was like 2 weeks ago since its settled there hasn't been anymore marks like that appearing. Every day they have been doubling in size this is a week's grow and I'm not shitting you.

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The 2 Brown spots on the different sets of leaves anything to worry about. Can really see it in pics only in real time. And no I'm not imagining it lol

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Ph shifting. I used those stupid color drops for a long time so every other feed it would swing a few points up or down, and my leaves tended to look like that. I call it lettuce leaf because it starts to look more like lettuce than cannabis.

I noticed you mentioning that you had some pH issue. Get your pen calibrated, clean out anything that might have gunk built up in it that could be throwing the pH out to, and then once you get it consistent again the plant should start putting out normal growth in a week or two.

And yes I would get the brown spots as well. No sure who told me it was pH shifting but once I got a pen and stopped using the drops, I didn't get the problem anymore. Sounds like you need to hunt down what's causing the shifts.

One thing to consider is that a hard shift from 7 to 5.5 is going to shock the roots, so you probably just need to give it some recovery time to bounce back now.
Yeah Ive got a pen and now it's only shifting up from 5.62 to 5.69 in 24 hours so Ph isn't a problem now. I've just got to add 1 drop of Ph down every couple of days. Plants are sucking up Nutes, was 300ppm until 3rd node then put up to 600ppm the plants exploded so raised it to 800ppm checked them the next day, doubled in size and Ppm went down to 600ppm. Plants are growing rapidly and no severe problems but it's not perfect and I want it perfect. The new growth is fine just previous growth when I had Ph problems is the signs of something wrong.

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