Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

:welcome: galactic.

Those are some cute little ladies you've got there, looking forward to seeing their progress :)

Let me second this galactic. Sweet little plants. They'll be fine. You're obviously on top of things. Welcome to our community grow. I get almost giddy when someone new joins and I did a little dance of joy to read that you joined the site for this thread? Well gosh, I love it when a plan works. :laughtwo:

I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment to welcome you as well to the :420: community. We're much more than just grow rooms around here, so please take the time to explore some of the other features. If we can, in any way, help you acclimate to our virtual community, please ask. These are some of the most helpful people in the world. :love:
Dark Devil #1 - Day 35

This beauty has finally begun to enjoy the mix she lives in and has grown from 3 inches a week ago to its 9 inches today. That's Special!

Nutes will resume sometime this week. I have a host of plants in bloom now and I want all of them to have the best inputs for bud development. Enjoy:

I did the water change a day early, and as i was checking the pH before I went to bed I saw - preflowers!

I'm waiting for them to wake up to see if growth has resumed

Edit: it has, and the pH seems to be stabilized now. So far, hydro is much easier for me to correct than soil. I'm using tap water and GH MaxiBloom in the Lucas formula, with vinegar as my pH down and a little hydrogen peroxide to make sure nothing gets too out of hand. The only other thing I added was a teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon because it looked like I was on the verge of getting a magnesium deficiency.

My basement keeps things pretty much temperature controlled, so I think my pH issues were due to light leaks, because after I changed the water and added the blue tape around the net pots, I'm not getting the steadily climbing pH or cloudy water that I was getting before. That's one advantage I think hydro has over soil; if you start having issues, you can just toss the medium and start over with fresh stuff. :)

I bought a pH pen but it stopped working after two days so I'm just using strips now. It's not as accurate, but at least I know it's not lying to me. I just keep the strip nice and yellow and it seems to be ok.

I tried to get pictures of the preflowers, but my iPad just doesn't have the resolution. When I do my one week update I'll get out my macro lens so I can get closer.

Until then, these babies are starting to get a smell!

I am excited, especially after my last grow was eaten by cats.
Jim, that girl is looking fabulous! Hard to believe it's the same little straggler, eh? :laughtwo:

Galactic, glad to hear things are falling in line. I'll be watching for those close-ups.
In Doc Bud's High BrixBlend soil and at Day 56.

Look at the beautiful coloration she's beginning to show now. My first one didn't do this at all.


Just a camera test from day 12 showing some of the preflowers, this is the smaller "trifoliate" plant. I corrected the color as accurately as I could, but the LED light makes things a lot more magenta than they really are. Which is weird, because magenta light shouldn't even exist according to the principle of lightwave frequencies...


They are growing so fast, it amazes me every day how much they keep growing.
Just a camera test from day 12 showing some of the preflowers, this is the smaller "trifoliate" plant. I corrected the color as accurately as I could, but the LED light makes things a lot more magenta than they really are. Which is weird, because magenta light shouldn't even exist according to the principle of lightwave frequencies...


They are growing so fast, it amazes me every day how much they keep growing.

I know what you mean. They hit a point where they explode in growth and never look back! The most amazing species.
Magenta light shouldn't register like this? I don't understand enough about lighting to process that insight.
The frequency of light goes from infrared to ultraviolet, there's not a "pink" wavelength. The color pink is generated by our eyes to fill in the gaps.

This video explains:


i use Lightroom to remove the pink overcast from the photos, but the color is just what I approximate it to be, I've never seen these plants in regular light, and I probably won't until I harvest them.
Pony Tail

When I first came to :420: I saw Atrain doing some things with his autos and the use of a Pony Tail was something I filed away for future use. He's got some plant and nug awards so you have to give some credence to some of the things he does. Fundamental blocking and tackling generally goes a long way.

Anyway, the Pony Tail gets the top few sets of leaves out of the way for a few hours so your light can influence the growth underneath. All those little solar panels (fan leaves) getting an abundance of light.

This is generally done for a few hours in my case. Just use a fuzzy stick which can be found in the hobby section of most any Walmart.

Burple pic first...LOL


More appealing natural light


Excellent move Jim! Your plant is a perfect specimen for this. You saw what this did for my Carnival. A bit more extra light right up in there......... :laughtwo: Yeah, I know. You've been clear about your intentions. Your plant just keeps calling out to me and I'm a bit hard-headed and relentless. But I try to be nice about it. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Galactic - great share. We aren't often aware of just how much your brain fills in. We like to say the eyewitness account is the most reliable and that's so far from true as to be frightening. This fact I hadn't considered. Thanks.
I just use White Light filters on my camera, gets rid of most all of the pink. Also new LEDs lamps are not pink anymore!! Pretty much new lamps have White and Red with predominantly white as you can see here in this pic:

The only reason we see a tad of pink light here is that I have a 450w Mars Reflector lamp (mostly white light) in there with the white one, soon it will be all white light. Much easier to stealth grow without pink lights. Seems everyone knows what those pink looking lights are for!!


Back to out Dark Devil... harvested the other day lets say 56 days from seed to chop. She's been hanging dry for 5 days now and is still pretty moist. I don't want to jar this up too early, I've done that with Auto buds and jarring up too early it ain't pretty (PM Mold).

Anywho here's my little baby lady :




Not a very big yield but it sure smells sweet and pungent cant wait for a proper cure


Here's my other Purple Autos going - took these pics a few days ago:

Rasberry Kush / Matero Blue




BB, do the other purples give the same intense high the Dark Devil Auto does? I know for me it's boarderline hallucinogenic and lasts longer than anything else I have ever smoked.

Those buds pack a wallop. They don't need to be big. They look gorgeous . The other plants are stunning. You give me hope of a good harvest from the one in the back of my tent. Time to take a look at my tiny pot ones and get some pictures up.

Be back soon.
I've been having a "devil" of a time with a case of root rot, it seemed to effect one plant more than the other, so I had to do another reservoir change last night. After pumping out all the water, I sprayed everything with hydrogen peroxide until I stopped getting a reaction, wiped everything down, and refilled the tank.

This time around though, I covered it with a big industrial trash bag and put a frozen water bottle in with the water. Currently the pH is stable, I'm going to check on it throughout the day. The plants still look ok, but the roots are going to need some time to recover from the damage.

Edit: this is from day 15

Jim, your girl really shot up quick, she a little cracker. +reps for the training

Bobrown, I'm always envious of the flowers you produce. They always look a picture of health. +reps for healthy flowers.

Galactic, she will bounce back. It still amazes me just how resilient these little plants are.

Me, I got an update coming a bit later, with a new arrival.
Galactic, she will bounce back. It still amazes me just how resilient these little plants are.

I hope so, I'm watching what looks like a definite calcium deficiency form on the larger one. I didn't have any actual calcium, so I added some Vitamin D solution (Calcitrol) to the soup to try and let her absorb the calcium in the MaxiBloom.

pH is still stable though, so I at least have that under control for now.

My little DD is still showing signs of a deficiency, it appears to be a cal/mag issue, it is affecting the upper leaves? It started after I gave her the last feed. I've come to believe (with a little help) that she is toxic in phosphorus, therefore locking out cal and mag.

Tonight she was flushed with 15 liters of plain tap water and left with 1 ltr feed consisting of 1ml grow, 1 ml bloom and 1ml cal/mag ph to 6.5



This is hopfully going to be a direct comparison to the DD already going, same size pot but this on is shallow.
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