Decarbonization times

Please do not use GMO soy products.

Usually the cannabinoids or resin have to be bound to an oil or fat carrier.

There are a few variables

Decarboxylation the time and temperature exposure required to convert and activate THCa into THC. It may be the equipment you are using is either not temperature accurate, precise enough or exposure long enough to achieve this conversion. this same issue has plagued many attempting to create a cannabis infusion, this is why I recommended the magical butter machine as it greatly simplifies the process and ensures the proper temperature and time of exposure to convert to active THC is completed.

Do you employ a candy making thermometer to check the accuracy of the equipment's temperature? Most general appliances are not temperature accurate outside of a narrow range for most baking. This is largely a difference between food industry grade equipment and consumer grade appliances.

It has also been suggested people are able to reach a tolerance to individual habitually used cannabis strains and the body's adaptation results in less potential. Suggesting another cannabis strain may be more appropriate for edibles a cannabis strain you have not greatly consumed.

I have conversed with a local cannabis patient collective repeatedly over this subject as it presented problematic inconsistent results for individuals who either have had prior experience with cannabis infusions or greater food preparation and baking experience. It is mostly believed that a change in the process of how Lecithin is currently being made actively binds out THC and different brands which use the older conversion process are superior for use with cannabis infusion. The other belief system is an individual tolerance to a habitually used cannabis
strain results in the body's buffering of THC from an alternate ingestion method is involved.

The potency of cannabis infusions would have to be tested with other cannabis friendly individuals to determine if indeed this is an individual tolerance issue, week infusion, pour THC conversion or impotent blending of ingredients which may bind out active THC is at causation.
Why i said don’t take it a face value . I stopped paying much attention to decarb times awhile back . Such a fine line to get it exact where the cannabinoids are at their peak %. There was articles out a few yrs back about how THC & CBD differ when it comes to decarb times . CBD supposedly decarbs at a lower temps then THC. Overall do your own research to see what works best . I been processing oil for nearly 8 yrs using TLO all Naturall cannabis , i made over 5 pounds of oil since then and have came up with a system that works for me and the ppl i treat . Each for their own , always take things with a grain of salt until you see the results yourself . The world is getting increasingly Greedy with less compassion, beware of the snake oil salesmen since there is plenty.✌
Why i said don’t take it a face value . I stopped paying much attention to decarb times awhile back . Such a fine line to get it exact where the cannabinoids are at their peak %. There was articles out a few yrs back about how THC & CBD differ when it comes to decarb times . CBD supposedly decarbs at a lower temps then THC. Overall do your own research to see what works best . I been processing oil for nearly 8 yrs using TLO all Naturall cannabis , i made over 5 pounds of oil since then and have came up with a system that works for me and the ppl i treat . Each for their own , always take things with a grain of salt until you see the results yourself . The world is getting increasingly Greedy with less compassion, beware of the snake oil salesmen since there is plenty.✌
maybe thats the way to go (see many expensive machines) willing to share your method ? Peace Thanks
Full decarb recommendations from the institute of cannabis research in Amsterdam is 110 mins @ 110C , just so we’ve got the correct info here.
I don't doubt the research but that seems like a long time to stuff is pretty dark after 30 min at 230 - 240f ...110c = 230f.......I'd be afraid of burning it cooking that long...I've burned weed cooking in the past and it made it taste like crap.

I wonder if the volume and size of the cooked buds makes a difference.

I'm all ears, I'm real new to cooking with pot and its for my wife but I'd like to get all the benefits out of the pot I cook

There is a lot of bad info on the times and temps but its all over the board so I grabbed a medium #, 230 - 240 f and a median time, 30 min because there were extremes temps I didn't like....
It looks like I got the temp right but the time wrong,,,,I'll up my time a bit and cool my temps 10* and see if that is any better.
instant pot for infusions work as well or better than the magic butter machine. less than 60 bucks on sale.

i went from rice cookers and crock pots to this. i had a magic butter machine that burnt up in less than a yr.
you can infuse all kinds of oils and butter mixes. no need to pre-decarb. i even infuse vg with fantastic results.

vg infusion
Disclaimer: This method is what works for me personally, i am in no way saying this method is the best method out there , it is just what works the best for me over the years of trying different methods.

I first start with putting my cannabis in to a food dehydrater for roughly a hr . I remove and put into several 1.9 litre Mason jars . Along with the cannabis i will put my 200 proof alcohol into the freezer ( My freezer had a malfunction and will now freeze 40% vodka solid, lol). Now i tried different soak times over the years , i done qwet method where you just pour the alcohol over the cannabis and make 3 runs , issue with this is after the first run each additional run will lose quality. My personal preference is a 4 hr soak into my ultra cold deep freeze, I have ran soak times from 10 mins to 12 hrs to experiment with and this is the method i use now . Once i strain the material through a paint strainer mesh (which i highly recommend ) i will place back into the freezer( discard the cannabis) for a additional 3-4 hrs just so the sediments will settle, this makes for a quicker filtering time . I will set up 6-8 jars with coffee filters and filter as quick as possible so the filters will catch the plant waxes & chlorophyll that coagulate due to the freezing temperatures, if the mixture reaches room temperature the waxes & chlorophyll will dissolve back through the filters back into the mixture . I repeat this process 3-4 times , i then put into my green oil machine and evaporate the alcohol off at 100C . I put my CCO into a 1cup stainless , i put that into a frying pan with cooking oil to give it a double boiler method to evaporate any remainder of Alcohol off . I use a induction stove top since it is easier to regulate temps , i run it at 195F for roughly 20-30 mins , remove and syringe using 1,3 & 10 ml syringes . I am sure there is the “ Perfect World” method but have not stumbled a ross that yet, lol. This is what works best for me as of now .
I just bake my shit at 240 for 110 minutes, then add it to a stock pot with the oil and some water and simmer for a couple hours then strain. I use coconut oil so it’s solid at refrigerator temps and you can just pull the puck of oil off the water. For me that’s the simplest route from A to B, also scaleable to doing lbs of trim at a time
I just bake my shit at 240 for 110 minutes, then add it to a stock pot with the oil and some water and simmer for a couple hours then strain. I use coconut oil so it’s solid at refrigerator temps and you can just pull the puck of oil off the water. For me that’s the simplest route from A to B, also scaleable to doing lbs of trim at a time
I don't want to knock your method as I've not done it that way as I mentioned above I took averages of times various people were using to decarb their weed but you are at the upper end of time...I'll try a small batch at 110 min but that scares me....I only cook 30 min and it looks pretty well cooked to me, I'll have to drop the temp a bit though...I don't have the nerve to cook that long at 240*
There is a small temperature window between the proper temperature to decarboxylate cannabis THCa into active THC and scorching plant mater. Unless you are using a candy making thermometer to verify the actual temperature any consumer grade equipment is not made within accuracy range to heat only at 230 Fahrenheit and is not at the correct temperature.
I don't doubt the research but that seems like a long time to stuff is pretty dark after 30 min at 230 - 240f ...110c = 230f.......I'd be afraid of burning it cooking that long...I've burned weed cooking in the past and it made it taste like crap.

I wonder if the volume and size of the cooked buds makes a difference.

I'm all ears, I'm real new to cooking with pot and its for my wife but I'd like to get all the benefits out of the pot I cook

There is a lot of bad info on the times and temps but its all over the board so I grabbed a medium #, 230 - 240 f and a median time, 30 min because there were extremes temps I didn't like....
It looks like I got the temp right but the time wrong,,,,I'll up my time a bit and cool my temps 10* and see if that is any better.
after reading that's whatI'm going to do next time _ about burning just make sure you stir it and not to let it boil as for volume : more matter = more water just remember NEVER go above 300 deg. because it will destroy your potency, ect
after reading that's whatI'm going to do next time _ about burning just make sure you stir it and not to let it boil as for volume : more matter = more water just remember NEVER go above 300 deg. because it will destroy your potency, ect
I'm not talking burning while its in the oil, the double boiler prevents that. It's when it's in the over for 110min @ 240f decarbing ...I only cooked it for 30 min....x2 = 60 x 2 = 120min 4 times longer than I've been decarbing for just seems rude. I don't know if I have the nerve to go that long......I'd expect to see black charred soot with an already smoked look to it lol ........I know not I'm just speculating, I will find out though when I have enough underbrush to cook. It'll be a while I'm at least 7 weeks away from a harvest.
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