Does anyone know how to get the small buds bigger


Active Member
Hey everyone, this is my 2nd grow and I'm just wondering if there was a way to get this small buds (indicated by pictures) as big as the bigger ones
Any help would be much appreciated
Thank you
Hiya @Ronnie361 the buds down the stem are always going to be smaller than the top. You might get them to grow together and look like one big bud but that's typically really a bunch of small buds packed closely together. People often trim off the bottom ones that aren't going to amount to much to maximize the energy going to the tops. They also clear out foliage to expose the lower buds and to try and get them the most light possible also. CHeers, gl! :yahoo:
Hiya @Ronnie361 the buds down the stem are always going to be smaller than the top. You might get them to grow together and look like one big bud but that's typically really a bunch of small buds packed closely together. People often trim off the bottom ones that aren't going to amount to much to maximize the energy going to the tops. They also clear out foliage to expose the lower buds and to try and get them the most light possible also. CHeers, gl! :yahoo:
Would you recommend I cut a few of the fan leaves to expose the lower buds more, and if so, wouldn't it cause the plant to reveg

Thanks for the reply
No prob, you certainly can trim some fan leaves, just do it judiciously and don't go too crazy! Usually people that trim (many dont) will clear off leaves that are covering other bud sites, but you don't want to over do, and if you need to clear alot, don't do them all at once, stretch it out over a few days.

As far as the reveg goes, the only thing that can cause your plant to reveg is to change the light period. Looks like you are outside, so you have nothing to worry about as far as that is concerned!
No prob, you certainly can trim some fan leaves, just do it judiciously and don't go too crazy! Usually people that trim (many dont) will clear off leaves that are covering other bud sites, but you don't want to over do, and if you need to clear alot, don't do them all at once, stretch it out over a few days.

As far as the reveg goes, the only thing that can cause your plant to reveg is to change the light period. Looks like you are outside, so you have nothing to worry about as far as that is concerned!
OK thank you for the advise I noticed that some fan leaves are blocking light, so I Wil start slowly trimming them day to day
Thank you
It looks like you are growing outdoors? What size of pots are you in? And what kind of soil? Both can make a big difference in your final outcome.
Need more specifics for folks to give you much help, as folks can't tell if you doing something wrong or just genetics if they don't know what you are doing ;) :rofl: . Is it actually outside grow or inside or both, is it a photo or an auto, is it fall where you live and less than 12 hours a day of light (if a photo and not an auto), are you feeding it and if so what, medium it is in, etc...etc...
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