I found a foliar spray helped with my DWC grows.

I have suspected spots are often related to other issues (pH, temperature of rez or air, suspected lock outs etc etc)

I am often using enough Cal mag and still get them on some grows, strains.
I think that ph problems were likely a reason for the spots on my dwc plant. At the beginning of flowering ph would drop too far.
I noticed a lot of other people's journals have ph problems around the strech/start of flowering.... I just havent figured out if it is more likely then or, Its just coincidence.
?Kush & Critical Lights got a little too dried out in the tent. Between getting the humidity down some and oversight on watering they were getting droopy. The CL seems to be a lot more of an easy keeper than the kush. The kush shows nutrient toxicity and much more delicate about going droopy dry.
Ph 5.3
Ppm 521 I don't think these look less than two weeks apart ah1 looks like 1-2 weeks to go and ah2 looks like 4 weeks away or more,... I think it's got stuck in streach mode.
The soil plant seems like its finaly stoped the streach with only a couple weeks diference the dwc plant is getting into the harvest window but I'm gona try and let it go longer but cut before the sugar leaves look bad. Most of my pics in 3000k light so colors are a little off.
A few pictures with a daylight cfl the dark sugar leaves are purple.
Ph 5.7
Ppm 470 dwc plant pistols are changing quickly maybee 40% turning and sugar leaves have quite a bit of purple going on. I think its supposed to be 8-9 weeks flowering from the breeder info but I dont think its gona make it that much longer. My flowering time estamate could be wrong but I think its about week 5-6 flowering right now.
Soil plant seems like the scrawny buds are filling out some.
Ph 6.0
Ppm 450
The autos are pretty steady for now
In the tent Kush is having an issue.
I think it looks like molybdenum deficiency and nitrogen excess. I'll feed with the cytoplast and ph first. So far I haven't been checking ph before watering the soil plants.

I got a new dehumidifier for the basement, the old one was over 20 years old. My basement humidity is down to 60% while it's raining outside! Before it would've been over 80% and 65% was as good as it got in dry weather. Im optimistic about getting it to a decent level for flowering finally.
Ph 5.9
Ppm 470 watered ah2 with resavoir nutes
Topped off resavoir 1 gal ro, 3ml calmag, 20ml bloom, 3ml hydroguard
Ph 5.7
Ppm 630
Ah1 & ah2 are chuging along. Ah2 has some rust spots on fan leaves both are fatening up.

In the tent I watered with calmag and cytoplus ph'd to 6.2. The mix was a ph over 8.0 before corection... im gona have to check ph before watering soil plants.
The dehumidifier is doing good humidity around 60% with water running across the basement floor. Ive still got a lot of work on the house to get it down, but its getting there.
I'm trieng a ppfd app on my phone and Ive really been suprised at the difference between the citizen led in the closet and cmh in the tent. The led is a lot better than I thought and the cmh is a lot less coverage than I thought. Only right at the two biger plants is it giving a good reading for DLI at 12/12. Im still running 18/6.
Im starting to rethink my tent lighting, and extraction fan
Ph 5.6
Ppm 605
Temptation has been building, and I've been smoke free for a couple weeks. I've been down to my last little bit of bud and a few little roaches, its gona get smoked today while these speed dry. Should be between 3-7 grams dry. I confess my rookie enthusiasm since the most important thing to time a harvest... plenty of headstash for the harvest window.
Ive been noticing them, but I haven't figured it out yet. Ive been going 5ml per gallon botanicare calmag plus.

Ph 4.8
Ppm 500 I think my ph meter is off. I double checked with ph paper that shows ph between 5&6 Ill check calibration on the meter or replace the ph pen altogether.
Let me see if I can explain why you are having these issues.

1. RO water is stripped of cal-mag and needs to be added back.
2. LED can also require you to use more cal-mag.
(For Dwc, I add 250-300 ppm's of cal-mag every solution change, before adding grow or bloom nutrients).)
3. If PH is to low the plant cannot take up the needed nutrients. Try to keep ph around 5.8 if possible.
4. If solution are not completed changed in the expectable window (6-10 day's) ph will shift dramatically as well as the ppm raise.
5. If flushing the roots isn't done every two to three solution change; the root may retain nutrient from old solution.
6. Always research a product to see if it can be used as a floral spray, you don't want to do harm to your ladies over a simple mistake.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend.

Tok.. :bong:

Also, if you are in flower you need to raise your overall ppm's, or you may end up with under developed buds. I would start out at about 600ppm's at solution change and see how she reacts. Just a thought.

One last time, it's always best to have backup meters. Mainly for peace of mind.

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