FelipeBlu's Auto Jack & Kryptonite, PSMini LED, Root Pouch, Recipe 420

Nice evening to chill with my ladies :smokin::yummy:

I think at least another month for K

J still looking pretty sparse. I love JH as a strain, but thick dense buds hasn’t been my experience, at least with medical/recreational products. The buds are typically loosely-knit bundles of (very sparkly) calyxes. So I sort of expect something similar with J
Thanks for the encouragement Shed. I can live with that. :surf:

Although.. I do wonder about the affect the 24/7 has on the typical experience. After all, it’s more than a whole day of light every week. So that might cut a week or more off the schedule.
Thanks for the encouragement Shed. I can live with that. :surf:

Although.. I do wonder about the affect the 24/7 has on the typical experience. After all, it’s more than a whole day of light every week. So that might cut a week or more off the schedule.
autos dont give a rat's ass about daylength, its an advantage in the sense that ye can pump her with light to get plump buds
autos dont give a rat's ass about daylength...

Please excuse my ignorance about this subject, but can you cite something on this? I keep reading about cannabis plants needing some dark time to rest (they don’t), and now you state that day length doesn’t matter with respect to maturation of auto-flowering cannabis.

This seems strange to me because these strains include ruderalis genetics, which, in addition to the auto-flowering trait, presumably retain other aspects. This likely includes traits related to evolving in an environment of short summers with very long day lengths, even up to almost 24 hours. This forces a rapid maturation for enhanced reproduction.

I suspect that the seemingly absurd grow durations provided by the seed banks are from growing under 24/7 light. My experience with 24/7 so far is that growth of both plants was much faster than with the 20/4 I used on my last Auto. YMMV.
Okay, that may be the objective of the breeding, but how many other traits, such as accelerated maturation under 24 hours of light, come along for the ride, and are also expressed?

Ptero, I don’t know enough about it, and I’m really not arguing for the sake of being disagreeable. We’re probably just going to have to wait for more research.

Enjoy the day!

(BTW, thanks for the link to the article)
While I agree that they do well seemingly in any light cycle. They do need stability.:peace:

Swapping from one method to another, is a good way to stress them into self pollinating. o_O
Not that anyone here has done anything like that on purpose recently.:cool:
Sometimes a hermie happens because they are past their prime. ;)
I didn't do anything like that with Sweet Trainwreck, she is just to old for her own good.:cheer:

I have been in a period where rolling blackouts lasted for hours though.
Caused a GSCa from Fastbuds to hermie, and another to never flower at all.
Good times. ;)
Got Tangerine Dream auto/GSCa seeds and a Fastbuds shirt out of it! Mrs.A loves it.:kiss:
two reasons why we use Ruderalis genetics ... autoflower trait and elevated CBD levels
Unless the breeder is specifically keeping the CBD in, most autos have it bred out. There are only a small percentage of auto strains out there that have high enough CBD to be listed that way. The rest just have some the way almost all our plants have some. "Elevated" would only apply to a few autos these days.
And I think I’m going to start providing nutrients to K. It may only be strain related, but one can’t help but notice the difference in health and vigor between J and K. Experiment over - inconclusive, but leaning toward the supplementation of nutrients during the grow.

In fact, I’ve become very interested in trying the hempy bucket. I appreciate the benefits of growing in a mostly “organic “ soil. I have several compost piles on the spread. However, although the mysteries of microbial-root interactions are intriguing, I have found them, practically speaking, somewhat unpredictable, and obscure the true nature of how to provide what the plant needs. Especially in the case of auto-flowering strains. They appear to have specific needs and issues that are different than the typical photo-period plant. Being able to know what exactly is in the root zone and reservoir, and effectively and quickly treating nutrient issues, seems like a step in the right direction for me.

So, I will be trying a perlite/vermiculite bucket with Dyna-Gro nutes on my next grow.
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