Finally, A Second Grow Journal!

RC1, remember this is the plant I accidentally knocked over and had to replant the same day... Definitely thriving the most!

RC2, a little twisted but still doing great.
Disregard the 122 in the temp gauge, that was from the sun on the gauge directly for a few minutes.

And... The northern lights auto. Not much to say..
This is my first time growing photoperiods and there are too many variables (sativa, photo, soil, sunlight) for an accurate comparison but I can definitely see why a lot of people dislike autoflowers.

Hopefully the roots are crazy down town
One of my DK orange has a tail now, she was put into a solo cup of the organic starter soil with 8 drainage holes drilled in. The other is being stubborn and was placed back into water


Solo cup was placed outside with the other girls and is getting the rest of today's light (about an hour) before being moved into the tent under the viparspectra 300. Hopefully above soil soon
RC1, doing beautifully. Taken right after removing from the tent, only 1 hour dark period as it gets too cold for now to leave off any longer with seeds still popping

* I did notice that as soon as I put in sunlight about 30 minutes later they perk up much more than they do in the viparspectra tent. Will try raising the light a bit more in there, currently at 26"

RC2, my curvy girl. Off to a much better start than my last grow. These girls were barely placed in the soil 6 days ago and sprouted about 4 days ago... I'll attach a picture of the autos from last run for comparison

NL auto, day 6.. :(
Still green, so not dead... Wtf is she doing though!?

These were my first run NL in Coco at 6 days from sprout. 13 total days since planting

I haven't posted anything on DK orange as she brok the soil and was immediately put back, or that is to say I knocked her over and had to find and rebury her :confused:. Good news is her Taproot is growing and she looked great, positive she will pull through
RC1, true leaves coming in and waiting for the fun to start


RC2, is there any need for concern on her twisted appearance? Gave a few drops of water to help raise humidity in her dome after this picture


DK orange is now a sprout! Really hoping this is a female and also that the other seed pops... Will really throw off my tent if not

The DK is almost as big as the NL...:rolleyes:
RC1, growing true leaves now

RC2, is the humidity causing the twisted growth or is this just something that will correct itself?

2nd DK beans cracked weakly .. hopefully it makes it. It was planted right after the photo

NL auto. Still green, still alive. Tempted to dig around and see how her roots are lol

DK1 is off to a stolid start
All seedlings got misted with some RO water, let dry before getting Back under the lights of course


my twisty girl. Hopefully the light watering will sort that out. I'm thinking humidity issues and she's just not as resilient as her sister


Doing really good! Almost matching the RC2 already despite being 4 days younger! The breeder said they were tough

Point proven on them being tough! I didn't want to say anything In case it didn't work but I was annoyed with her not germing and cracked her open with a knife! She survived it and is now officially a sprout. I suspect I will have to help her remove the seed case though

I am all but giving up on the auto for now. Will update if anything changes


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Some sort of cricket maybe?

And damn, I've never seen anyone crack one open with a knife, good job!

Happy growing!
Some sort of cricket maybe?

And damn, I've never seen anyone crack one open with a knife, good job!

Happy growing!

Maybe, you wouldn't happen to know if crickets are detrimental would you?
And thanks hahaha, just sawed through a bit until I saw taproot, dropped water in the crack and threw back in the paper towel. Looked a bit bigger in the morning so I planted her
Maybe, you wouldn't happen to know if crickets are detrimental would you?
And thanks hahaha, just sawed through a bit until I saw taproot, dropped water in the crack and threw back in the paper towel. Looked a bit bigger in the morning so I planted her
I know nothing of crickets, really none around these parts except for cave crickets that live in the dark.
I hope that one becomes your biggest yield after all of the germination issues!
Day 8 for the RC girls
Days 2&3 for the DK girls
Really have a good feeling about the DK1. Definitely gunna be bummed if it's a male

RC1, hard to see but slight discoloration coming on. Is she a good green or a little bit on the light side? Still haven't given nutes as the started soil says it should be good for 2-3 weeks. Will be transplanting hopefully next week

RC2, same discoloration as her sister but to a worse extent. If anyone can give me help in correcting this it would be very much appreciated

DK1, moving quick!

DK2 off to a late start but I have faith!
Have now entered the world of quantums, 260w qb dimmed down to about 20% at 25" from seedlings (will be getting a kill a watt tomorrow)

3000k with added 660nm for flower

Help needed though! Seedlings are getting patches. Could this be humidity or lack of nutes? I am going to try a top dress of the coast of Maine soil tomorrow to help trickle some nutes in. I believe I overestimated the amount of nutrients in the starter soil. I'm thinking it was made for 8 oz or less starter pots

DK1 looking a little blotchy

RC1 getting discolored as well

RC2 getting the worst of it...

Any and all help appreciated
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