First Attempt - Indoor Soil CFL's 3 Strains Clones


Guess I can do it from my phone :)
6.5 is definitely the sweet spot for soil. @ 6.8 and up the Iron and Manganese drop and could cause a deficiency. I'll find the pH uptake chart when I get to a computer or if someone can post it up that would be great. If you can I would suggest picking up a decent pH meter as I have heard that the stick meters aren't very accurate. I picked up my Milwaukee pH meter for around $35 bucks and it works great. I calibrate it weekly and it has never been more than 0.1+/- off. I started out using the pH test kit that came with the GH up/down and when I picked up my digital meter I found out I was waaay off.

Hope this helps some, I'm sure the gurus around here will chime in with some more info.

Hey Dirt, I picked-up an Oakton digital meter the other day. What I was referring to was a soil tester, 8-10 bucks, cheesy anolog meter with a 8 inch probe, stick it down in the soil. I'm still skeptical about it, but for a test, when the rain let-up for a while, I took it out in the yard and tested several spots and got 6.5 except in my little patch of onions and garlic where it read 6.3-6.4, so maybe it works.
No kidding on the GH test drops, I fixed 4 gallons of tap water to 6.5 with the digital, then tested with the liquid stuff, I'd never say the color of the test was even close to the color bar for 6.5 . I'll test again in the morning before watering.
Today was watering day and here is how it went.
1. 4 gallons of tap water, drawn wednesday and left open to leech out chlorine.
2. Friday night used GH PH_Down to get it to 6.5.
3. This morning test it again, it had dropped to 6.3.
4. Each pot was given appx. 3 quarts or 96 oz. and had 15-20 oz. run-off.
5. Run-off was dumped and another 32 oz was put thru, with about 16 oz.
run-off, collected and tested. The run-off was 7.0-7.1
I calibrated before starting and checked it again after with 7.0 reference solution,both times right on 7.0.
Why is the run-off jumping so high?
Am I doing something wrong?

Yesterday I found another 12 volt transformer and added a couple pc fans to the mix to get a little more air movement. Also did a little light bondage on the Papaya, and notice a new spot on the leaf above the top string. After searching the, How to, FAQ, and Grow Forum, the closest I found was possibly Phosphorus def. could it be lock-out from the high PH or lack of nutes.

The Cherry still shows no real problems and is growing about an inch every night.

I'll get more pix in the morning.
I personally like my soil to stay between 6.8-7.0 ph. For future grows add delomite lime into your soil to naturally help balance the ph. Since you are using geopots you will need to water more often. It looks like in the beginning you weren't adding enough water. Also, when you do add water make sure you pour slowly so that the water is not running through cracks and distributing unevenly. Since you are using tap water in a bucket you can add airstones in there to remove the chlorine faster and increase airation. I also recommend researching compost teas in order to avoid nute burn. :goodluck:
I personally like my soil to stay between 6.8-7.0 ph. For future grows add delomite lime into your soil to naturally help balance the ph. Since you are using geopots you will need to water more often. It looks like in the beginning you weren't adding enough water. Also, when you do add water make sure you pour slowly so that the water is not running through cracks and distributing envenly. Since you are using tap water in a bucket you can add airstones in there to remove the chlorine faster and increase airation. I also recommend researching compost teas in order to avoid nute burn. :goodluck:

Awesome advice there....Nice!!

I'm going to try and get out today and get some Cal-Mag per earlier suggestion.
Nasty storm yesterday and last night. 50+mph winds and drenching rain, huge trees down and some streets are flooded.

Back to the girls. If the Papaya was a tomato plant, I would say it was time to start giving it some nutes, but I"ll try the Cal-Mag first.

Pineapple Thai is ... I don't know.

Cherry Baby, what can I say, another inch of growth during her 6 hour sleep cycle. At this rate I'll have to go 12/12 soon, as I calculate there is about 28 inches more that I can raise the lights.
We did have some crazy weather last night....I thought our trees were going to fall on our roof. I looked outside this morning and thankfully none of the tree's were knocked over. We didnt even have any broken branches. Looks like stormy weather is in forcast all week though...thank god we aren't growing outside. LOL
Got out yesterday and picked-up a bottle of Cal-Mag. Gave them all a gallon of water with 4ml dose and PH to 6.4 in and 7.3 out. then use the soil tester at various spots and depths, and got readings of the wet soil at 6.4-6.8, now have to wait and see.

The instructions on the bottle says to use at every watering, is this something I should do?

Then last night, being slightly over-medicated and goofin' with the Paint program in XP, I started playing with some of the pix.
So with a big :thumb: to dirtinmyears for giving me the idea of before and now pix.

Here's one of Cherry Baby, Now and 13 days ago.

And one full pic and a cropped pic of the trunk.

This is beginning to be fun
Wow what a difference. Girls looking awesome. Yes give cal/mag every watering. :thumb:

Nice recovery bro. You're doing a good job.

Awesome! I do love some before and after pics :thumb:

Looking much better :thumb:

Thanks guys, couldn't do it without the help and advice I'm getting here. When it comes to growing Stagger Leaf, I'm as dumb as a sack of perlite.
Took a trip out to the 99 cent store, and found a fix for my booster seat problem. Plastic and plastic covered wire baskets. Couldn't resist a few more pix.

The Thai seems to like being a little farther from the lights, and a little stretch might do her some good.

The real bargain was 23 watt 2700K. 1600 lumen CFL's for $0.59 (not a typo) 59 cents each. They sure gave me a funny look when walked up to check-out with 40 of them.
Those ladies are looking great:goodjob:

Great grab! The bulb purchase must have been fun. I discovered a good deal at a Goodwill store when I was looking for possible grow gear before I started. I was looking at the bulbs and the girl who worked there made a comment on the price and asked me how many I wanted. I asked her how many I could have and she said, "Do you want a case?" :thumb:

$23.99 later and I left with 48 23W 2700k bulbs :slide:

Man I love a good deal!
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