First Attempt - Indoor Soil CFL's 3 Strains Clones

Beginning of Day 3 of 12/12.

Spent the week-end reading and researching for more info. Read the entire thread on Osmocote Plus, very interesting, seems it is almost idiot proof, that's perfect for me. Was hoping the pots would be dry enough this morning to start today but not so, maybe tomorrow.

Then looking for info on my strains, I found that the Papaya takes 8-9 week in bloom. The thai strains 10-14 weeks. Found nothing for time on the Cherry, several sites said its a "clone only", been around since the mid 90's and is a cross of Grapefruit x Diesel x Afghani Skunk.

There is a strange bright object up in the sky today that I haven't seen much of in over a week and not a cloud anywhere. I'm going to get the girls in the bedroom window and get them some real sunshine for a few hours. Maybe get some more pix in natural light, later today.

Patty seems to like 12/12.

Is this still pre-flowers or is it the beginning of the real deal.


Cherry Baby's top height has slowed and the nodes are coming up nicely.

Mai-Li really likes being a little farther down from the lights. I lifted her skirt to get a look underneath ( oh the shame) and found a small patch of fuzz starting on the top of the soil. Remove it and the surrounding soil to a depth of about a 1/2 inch, and made a little crutch for her, hopefully improve air circulation.
Lookin good homie, they are gonna stretch nicely! Im a big believer in utilizing the sun in any way possible, they'll love the window time and the powerful sun's energy!

Girls are looking happy! Looks like they started their flowering stretch too.

Keep giving them love.

Good job!

Thanks guys.

I think the gods hate me and my little demon weeds. As soon as I got a bench set-up by the window, the wind came up and blew clouds in again, so they got about 3.5 hours of sun and shade. Then when the sun moved around to the point where it was off the girls, all of the clouds disappeared again. Here's a few pix in natural light.
Hey Muggles those are buds starting woohoo! It's awesome, where new growth would be emerging if you hadn't switched the lights magically turns into flowers. They'll stretch and pop flowers at all the nodes, and then hopefully the buds get bigger and bigger and merge with the ones above them and you have massive colas :tokin:
Hey Muggles those are buds starting woohoo! It's awesome, where new growth would be emerging if you hadn't switched the lights magically turns into flowers. They'll stretch and pop flowers at all the nodes, and then hopefully the buds get bigger and bigger and merge with the ones above them and you have massive colas :tokin:

Thanks Bluedog, couldn't believe how much more appeared over-night, the other 2 haven't shown any sign yet.

Applied the recommended amount of OC+ and watered this morning, about 3Tbsp for 3 gallon pots to both Patty and Cherry, and 1Tbsp or 1/3 dose to Mai-Li, because I've read that Thai strain don't tolerate to much nitrogen.

The leaves on Cherry are a pale lime green, and all the pix I see in other grows, the leaves are a nice dark green. Other than color, she seems healthy and growing like a weed. Did I wait too long to start feeding, and will this turn around. Patty and Mai show some signs of the same color, more at the top end while the nodes toward the base are more of a shade I'd like to see. Put them in the window again today, so they got about 4 hrs. of really nice sun light, and saved a little on the electric bill.

A rookie mistake I didn't see listed, and have learned my lesson: Don't LST 2 plants and let one go vertical.
Yeah you need to try and keep them all about the same height haha. That's great you can get them some sunlight, they're looking really good :bravo:

My guess would be an N deficiency with the lighter leaves, the oc+ will clear that right up in a week or less. Did you apply it as top dressing? That's fine but I always try and work it down into the medium at least a little if I can.
Yeah you need to try and keep them all about the same height haha. That's great you can get them some sunlight, they're looking really good :bravo:

My guess would be an N deficiency with the lighter leaves, the oc+ will clear that right up in a week or less. Did you apply it as top dressing? That's fine but I always try and work it down into the medium at least a little if I can.

After measuring the OC+, spread about half and stirred it in to a depth of a 1/2 inch, this is where I encounter resistance, the roots I guess. then top dressed the rest, and watered. The water carried some more below the surface.

Sunday it rained and 53 degrees outside, today sunny and 80 degrees. This is really playing hell with temps and RH.
After measuring the OC+, spread about half and stirred it in to a depth of a 1/2 inch, this is where I encounter resistance, the roots I guess. then top dressed the rest, and watered. The water carried some more below the surface.

Sunday it rained and 53 degrees outside, today sunny and 80 degrees. This is really playing hell with temps and RH.

Your OC+ will work fine like that you should be good to go.

This weather plays hell with us growers when the outside temps are swinging so much. Unless you've got a really high tech controlled environment you've got to stay on top of your game.

Now the hardest part for a newbie grower - don't try to do too much! If you think you need to do something, remember the best thing you can probably do is step away and go read a book or something. Unless your plants are looking REALLY bad, stay the course and don't make any big or sudden changes to anything. It will almost always make things worse.

Our plants are very resilient. Worry about the temps, rh, airflow and lights.

Watering/feeding less is almost always better than more.

Don't kill them with kindness... good luck!
Wow, those ladies are exploding with goodness! That stem is nice and thick!

Looks like our girls will finish around the same time, I'm only about 6 days ahead of you.

Great job!
Wow, those ladies are exploding with goodness! That stem is nice and thick!

Looks like our girls will finish around the same time, I'm only about 6 days ahead of you.

Great job!

Yup they're looking really good.

I agree they look really happy :thumb:

Those are some nice looking plants and buds!

It's all you guys, your help and advise that's gotten them to this point. The OC+ seems to be working, today was the second watering with the OC+ in there.
Hoping to get them in the sun today so I can re-configure the inside of the tent. Cherry went to 20 inches during the night and looks like she might be starting to flower.
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