First Attempt - Indoor Soil CFL's 3 Strains Clones

The girls got sun and I got it done. The new lay-out.

Put another bulb in the round reflector and re-hung it. Moved the outer socket cleats on the main out another 1-1/4 inch.

Wrapped a cinderblock and a couple 8X12 bricks in plastic and paper, (the recycle bin again).

Mai-Li moves into her new corner.

Now they fit a lot better.

Patty gets some serious light now.
Alright! That's F'n awesome! :thumb:

Great pics my man.

She's a beauty and so are the pics... she's going to be frosty :lot-o-toke:

She's looking great bro. Nice pics :yummy:

yup, I'm with the rest of the guys and I'm going to say that those pics are great. :goodjob:

Thanks guys, Its just one pic, haven't touched a camera for over 30 years. Bought this low end Nikon CoolPix on the way to buy my clones at the beginning of my grow. Use the FOOD mode to get in close and then used the Paint program in XP to cut and paste the small section at the bud. the original pic was about 4800KB and the cropped out part 62KB. Poor man's magnifier.

Probably washed it all away when I sprayed for PM this morning.
Day 14 of 12/12

Cherry and Mai are finally starting to show a few real pistils. Guess sitting and talking to them and encouraging them to take after their sister is working.

Cherry Baby.


Remember 32 days ago, from ugly ducklings...


Thinking about this one for a screen saver.
Those girls are looking amazing:bravo:

How much sunlight are they getting now? They are exploding with growth:morenutes::morenutes:


On good days, about 4 hours. Today and yesterday it was mostly cloudy again. Sun from 11:30 to 3:45, but have to move them every 1/2 hr. Only get a 4 ft. patch of sunshine, but I walk them, chasing the sun about 5 feet, with a little turn for Cherry each time.
On good days, about 4 hours. Today and yesterday it was mostly cloudy again. Sun from 11:30 to 3:45, but have to move them every 1/2 hr. Only get a 4 ft. patch of sunshine, but I walk them, chasing the sun about 5 feet, with a little turn for Cherry each time.

The weather has been crazy the last week. We haven't seen much rain but it's cold again down south. You are gonna pull a nice harvest off those girls and have some variety too. The grow op I belong to allows members to trade their homegrown in lieu of $$$ for meds. Kinda cool if you are only growing one strain:thumb:

Nice Mug, i remember chasing the sun when i was vegging. Also them ladies are flowering very nicely. Amazing!


Your girl is going to reward you greatly for all that chasing :)

I sometimes wish I'd have kept a day time lights on this grow, as it's been cool enough weather. The next grow will have to be on the same lights at night schedule because of the damn high temps. Guess I could add some co2 if it got too hot. I have a great spot to get sun!

Sorry for the long post my friend :Namaste:
Nice Mug, i remember chasing the sun when i was vegging. Also them ladies are flowering very nicely. Amazing!


Thanks Box, this is what I've become, a servant to a bunch of plants.:morenutes:

The weather has been crazy the last week. We haven't seen much rain but it's cold again down south. You are gonna pull a nice harvest off those girls and have some variety too. The grow op I belong to allows members to trade their homegrown in lieu of $$$ for meds. Kinda cool if you are only growing one strain:thumb:

Your girl is going to reward you greatly for all that chasing :)

I sometimes wish I'd have kept a day time lights on this grow, as it's been cool enough weather. The next grow will have to be on the same lights at night schedule because of the damn high temps. Guess I could add some co2 if it got too hot. I have a great spot to get sun!

Sorry for the long post my friend :Namaste:

No problem, post all you want.

I don't even want to think about a summer grow, with A/C costs and the valley heat, no way. The Papaya could finish in another 5-7 weeks, give or take. The thai could be 10-14 weeks, that could be into July. But there I go, counting eggs before the chicken crosses the road.
On good days, about 4 hours. Today and yesterday it was mostly cloudy again. Sun from 11:30 to 3:45, but have to move them every 1/2 hr. Only get a 4 ft. patch of sunshine, but I walk them, chasing the sun about 5 feet, with a little turn for Cherry each time.

Morning Muggles! They're looking great! If the carrot doesn't work I like to give them the stick, go in there and start sharpening the fiskars. That usually gets their attention :)

I spent all last summer chasing the sun, had as many as 15 plants in 5 gal soil buckets - heavy! - that I'd move about 5 times a day to stay in the sun. I kept telling myself it was crazy but I couldn't stop, they kept calling to me. Like you said, we're the servants and the girls run the show.
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