First Attempt - Indoor Soil CFL's 3 Strains Clones

Morning Muggles! They're looking great! If the carrot doesn't work I like to give them the stick, go in there and start sharpening the fiskars. That usually gets their attention :)

I spent all last summer chasing the sun, had as many as 15 plants in 5 gal soil buckets - heavy! - that I'd move about 5 times a day to stay in the sun. I kept telling myself it was crazy but I couldn't stop, they kept calling to me. Like you said, we're the servants and the girls run the show.

Hey BlueDog, you were sure right about the OC+, after the second watering, it really kicked-in and the color of the leaves improved and the girls took-off. Even the yellowing on the edges of the thai leaves is greening up.

Don't know whats going on with Home de Pot, when I picked it up a couple weeks ago, they had lots of regular OC for $14.00 and only 2 jugs of the Plus for $6.50. A week later, none. Today they had 2 more jugs and still 6.50, both are in my garage now. Planning on using it for my vegatables.
Anyone ever try or hear anything about a product called "Damp Rid", a desiccant moisture remover. I'm going to give it a try, to see if it will lower night-time RH. It says to just flush the liquid down the toilet.
Anyone ever try or hear anything about a product called "Damp Rid", a desiccant moisture remover. I'm going to give it a try, to see if it will lower night-time RH. It says to just flush the liquid down the toilet.

I use it in my closets because I've had mold growing in them, it absorbs a lot of moisture but is best in a sealed environment. You use up that stuff pretty fast too, I think it's calcium carbonate? I'll have to check, but I'd like to buy the chips in bulk.

Bandit found this, I've cut out excerpts of his ongoing reviews and I just asked him for an update, I'll let you know what he says. He's got an awesome journal too if you haven't checked it out.


This is the Eva Dry Mini Dehumidifier. Retails for $20 and it handles 333 cubic feet of grow space. The absorbant material is also rechargable. The package claims to reduce allergens but also ELIMINATE odor, molds, & mildews.
Apparently it simply plugs in and then hangs in the growroom. This should be interesting

Good news to report on the Eva Dry folks!
It super ez to use...It simply hangs in the garden. It has a guage with blue beads in the window. When those beads turn pink the device is full of moisture. To rechrage it, it simply plugs into an outlet and it's ready to go when the beads turn back to blue.
I have'nt checked humidity readings but i already notice a significant drop in odor.

High Tmac!
It's the mini.... model # E-333. Supposed to be effective for a space up to 333 cubic feet. My bloom cab is only 168 cubic feet so the theory is that this unit should have no problem handling it's business in the bloom cab.

It has stated uses for boats, homes, rv, computer work areas, gun safes, closets, camera storage, filing cabinets, and much more. "Much more" = cannabis farms imo

Hydro Coco Quasi Hempy Grow
A little up-date on day 18 of 12/12.

The Damp Rid doesn't seem to be doing much, probably too much air movement.

As the earth tilts toward the sun, I'm losing the width of the space the sun comes through the window, down to 11 inches today. Won't be worth the effort to move them out of the tent in a couple more days.

Watered yesterday and gave them a misting to remove the residue from the PM treatment.

Added another computer fan and another light bulb. Up to 322 watts actual. 11 reds and 3 blues now.

My only real concern is for Mai-Li. I have a feeling that her roots aren't going very deep. The bottom half of the pot is staying fairly wet, even after 3-4 days of being watered. Her sisters weigh 10-11 lbs dry and about 15 lbs after watering. Mai stays over 13 lbs when she should be dry. All the pots were prepped the same so they should be close.

With the 21 day trimming coming up, I've been reading a lot of journals and FAQs and have some unresolved questions to ask. Maybe tomorrow when I get them organized in my head.

Here you can't see poor little Mai hiding behind Patty. And then there's Cherry, the jolly green giant, (ho ho ho).

Patty: Did a little bondage on a wild branch. Did a counter-pull and pull-down Saturday and started pulling back to the pot on Sunday.

Cherry Baby: Really needs some trimming. I know where I when wrong, never should have switched to 12/12 and she wouldn't have shot up 11 inches in 15 days.[lol]

Mai-Li: Maybe chicken soup would help. No, too salty.
I am simply floored by the difference in that Thai. The OC+ is the only thing you've changed? No PH adjustment or anything?
I'm becoming a believer now. Guess I'll hunt some down....I never see it in my normal rounds. Just the regular OC and I think one for Veggies. Good for you!! Much more gooder :)
Your girls are beautiful my friend! You have brought them a long way:high-five:

Mai-Li may just be a light drinker, aka the "Cheap Date" :)

Has she slowed down, or is she still drinking the same amount? I wouldn't worry if things haven't changed.

Keep up the great work!
Hey Muggles what strain is Patty? She's looking awesome. Great job bro!

Patty is a Papaya, I've read at a couple places that the genetics are
Citral X Ice, good night time meds.

I am simply floored by the difference in that Thai. The OC+ is the only thing you've changed? No PH adjustment or anything?
I'm becoming a believer now. Guess I'll hunt some down....I never see it in my normal rounds. Just the regular OC and I think one for Veggies. Good for you!! Much more gooder :)

Osmsocote Plus went in on day 4 of 12/12, water has 5ml Cal-Mag per gallon and PH Down to 6.5. Nothing else added.

Your girls are beautiful my friend! You have brought them a long way:high-five:

Mai-Li may just be a light drinker, aka the "Cheap Date" :)

Has she slowed down, or is she still drinking the same amount? I wouldn't worry if things haven't changed.

Keep up the great work!

I forgot to mention, her trunk is only 1/2 as thick as the others. Tonight she's looking a little bloated, like over watered. Think she'll skip the next watering and then keep a eye on her.
Osmsocote Plus went in on day 4 of 12/12, water has 5ml Cal-Mag per gallon and PH Down to 6.5. Nothing else added.

My plants hit day 4 of 12/12 (btw they look nowhere near as good as yours). How much OC+ did you add to each plant?

They girls are looking great!
I was thinking about Mai-Li and what DocBud recommened I do for my girls. I was adding 5ml of Cal-Mag+ per gal of water and he suggested I bump it up to 10ml per gal and the girls seemed happier:) Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus has 10ml on the label as "accelerated forumula".

Just a thought...:Namaste:

You are doing great :high-five:
My plants hit day 4 of 12/12 (btw they look nowhere near as good as yours). How much OC+ did you add to each plant?

They girls are looking great!

Hi Indajag, I gave Patty and Cherry 3 good tablespoons or about 50 grams each, which is a medium dose according to "Scotts", and 1Tbsp to Mai-li, can always add more later. I've heard a lot about Thai strains not liking too much nitrogen, so I went low to start.

You should check-out the OC+ thread, There's a lot of info and some spec sheets for amounts to use for different size pots. Use BlueDog's short cut to get there. Really worth the read.

I was thinking about Mai-Li and what DocBud recommened I do for my girls. I was adding 5ml of Cal-Mag+ per gal of water and he suggested I bump it up to 10ml per gal and the girls seemed happier:) Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus has 10ml on the label as "accelerated forumula".

Just a thought...:Namaste:

You are doing great :high-five:

Do you think I should kick it up on all 3 or just Mai. 5ml of Botanicare Plus is what I've been using.

Doc knows his shit. He's been a gold mine for us. If you don't read anything else here, read as many of his grows as you can.

I've been reading them for sure. Getting ideas and taking notes for my next grow.
Mr Krip reminded me today about gradual increases ;)Maybe to be safe bump it up to 7.5ml for all of them on the next feeding, watch for changes and then bump it up 2.5ml again the following feeding (now 10ml) if all goes well.

Make that watering AND feeding :)
Nute burns bro, when tips only go yellow, its da NUTES :) Doesnt look that bad, in my last grow i had yellow tips all the way though flowering till harvest.

^^Winner winner chicken dinner^^ :)

I agree, my tips were like that all the way through veg and the beginning of flower. To me it means that they are getting a little bit more than the maximum nute amount but not enough to really harm them. If you look at xbox's grow and even my girls, they grew at probably the fastest rate our environments could support because of it.

Your girls look great and are growing fast, I think that nute level is one of the reasons why... Just my opinion.

Nute burns bro, when tips only go yellow, its da NUTES :) Doesnt look that bad, in my last grow i had yellow tips all the way though flowering till harvest.

^^Winner winner chicken dinner^^ :)

I agree, my tips were like that all the way through veg and the beginning of flower. To me it means that they are getting a little bit more than the maximum nute amount but not enough to really harm them. If you look at xbox's grow and even my girls, they grew at probably the fastest rate our environments could support because of it.

Your girls look great and are growing fast, I think that nute level is one of the reasons why... Just my opinion.


And I used only half the recommended OC+ amount per gallon of pot size.

Did a little trimming before lights out, mostly on Cherry. Tomorrow is watering day and Patty and Cherry are going through their water really well, lift real easy while Mai-Li lifts like a sack of rocks. No water for her.

I'll get some pix later tomorrow. Lots of errands to do, the HD flyer today has some good deals on soil for the vegetable beds, and I want a big sack of perlite. Cherry has roots coming up through the top of the soil.
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