First In 12 Years - Legal AZ Med Grow


New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first time doing this since them old days when used to be running. But this time I grow for different reasons. I fell in love wonderful woman who suffers flammatory bone arthritis, PTSD from her son's passing, so this strong woman chose her medical marijuana card over the horrible man-made drugs that don't even help her pain, without the sickening side effects...So for her I dedicate this grow.

GROW: I chose the modified dresser grow for this, because space limitations and descreteness. Its roughly 30"h x 29w x14d. Small I know, but its the start of perhaps just the veg box until I can make a seperate flowering box.

STRAIN: I am growing bag seed from a seriousely awesome plant, and am hoping if grown properly it can turn out to be amazing...I always remembered that one can turn a seed from dirt bud into kind as long as the grower knows what they are doing...but yes i do plan to get some real seeds in the future.

LIGHT: For now I have a 100w MH set on a home-made reflector from rolled galvanized sheet metal, with adjuster chain on hooks.

AIR: Ventilation is one 85 cfm radio shack fan pulling air at top of cabinet...another hole is on bottom for intake, no fan inserted yet for the temps are averaging mid 80s, and i like that being there is no humidity so water evaporation raises humidity.

SOIL/NUTES: Using regular potting soil with introduced vermiculite, bloodmeal, and the earthworms arent in the pots silly people lol..just in the main mixing bag. Also using a 25% Shults 10-15-10 in every other gallon of tap water(in high mountains, tap water here is better then bottled water IMHO)

This grow has been on its, starting 3rd week I believe?? Forgot to write down start date. Well heres the pix of the grow, hope Im on the right track, I feel ok so far. Thank you all for scanning my project, which to me, means so much because this isn't for money, or even for me!






well welcome to 420 mag, its looking like a decent start, im glad you decided to share your noble grow with us, i agree with you about out water up on the "hill" , might look into one of our sponsors "blue planet nutrients" Corey the owner has some amazing cannabis food with a very affordable 2 part system you could give your plants a much better life, bpn is created specifically for cannabis, heres a link to a very affordable line 2 part blue max, thanks again for sharing your project and dont hesitate to ask questions, visit and post ,learn and share:thumb::cheer:
Thank you Bigirishdoode! I glad to be part of this community and hope to meet some more awesome ppl!. As you can see I'm going for the scrog due to the size of when the plants get bigger Ill get that set up. Im surprised that the internode shoots are so far developed when the plants are just barely 2" tall! And I've already came to the conclusion that the 3 on the left are the male plants, just cuz they have a different grow pattern and are slower, and fatter..cant wait to find out!! I will continue to keep updates coming, don't think I need to modify anything right now, just a transplant to some short/wide pots later...still don't know what to do as far as finding out the sex, I want to start weaving all of them into the screen when the time comes, but when I flower and find which ones the males are, seems like a pain to have to unravel them out of the screen for discarding? Not to mention 7 plants will prob be way too many to have maturing in that little space...any suggestions?

Here is top view. I willin' to put money that the 3 on the left are the males and the rest female..just got a feeling! Not to mention even the smell of them 3 are different then the rest..
Looking good so far man, for your humidity problems just put a large sponge in a small enough tub so the sponge sticks out, with water in it. Then just place it in the box and let the light evaporate the water for the sponge and itll fix your humidity levels. good luck man
Welcome confederation to "OUR" nation lol. Looks awesome and real createful. It's great to meet cha and am glad more and more of us "zonies" are creating medicine, that I 100% believe with all my heart is a companion plant that was designed to go along and work with our bodies. You have come to the right place and you will find theres more growers here from the same state as ya. Hope ya get some great females for the wonderful woman in your life. tell her we say hi and to keep her head high:)
As always your welcome to check out my journal and ask as many questions as ya need ok bro?:welcome:to:420::high-five::peace:
Thanks denots for the humidity trick, I will definately try it out when I get my humidity guage so I can pinpoint accuracy. And AZmeds, thank you for the warm welcome here, I love this site, real easy to get around and find the info needed to answer questions. Forgot how much fun this is! Just hope my grow can be as great as the rest of them out there!
Well, Im waiting for new update pix to load so I can post. Plants on thier 6th leaf set, putting out 9 fan leaves per leaf already! Not to mention the node growth is at every single internode from the first true single leaf set, and those node growths are on their 2nd leaf set, already at 5 fan leafs. And whats funny is these midgets ar barely 3" tall. Ive never seen such growth in such small plants. Is it cuz my light is too close? Its a 100w MH about 14" from the tops.
One question I got, I'm using those pots that supposed to be planted straight into the ground without transplanting, the ones that supposedly become the soil?? Anyways, I noticed yesterday that when they are saturated from watering, that they are sticky. Theres no mold, no odor, Just sticky. like a sap, didn't know if weed roots might put off some kind of sticky icky stuff..
Howdy Powta, pleasure to meet another Zoney for sure! I shall check your stuff out, always looking to meet new people to help eachother out, thanks!:thanks:
Hey there. Heres an update, thes pix are still a week old, and I'll send new updates shortly, along with my new flowering tent!

These were taken on the 12th

These just taken a little bit ago. I am quite impressed for growing only a month...since transplant havent used any fertilizers, being i used organic with a little bit of blood meal mix.

here is the new grow room! its a 2x4x6 Oracle grow tent. I just purchased a 400w hps to go with it, hopefully its not too much for the space. Happy growing!
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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