First Time Grow

Hey bro, just popped in to see how you're doing. Those look nice and healthy. I agree with all the smart people above, no nutes for now. I usually start mine at 2 weeks on 1/4 recommended dose, pretty much that little shouldn't ever going to burn em at two weeks, then keep dialing them up a little every other feeding/watering. Speaking of watering, in all the pics the soil looks super dry, and you mentioned "spraying" the soil. I am wondering if you might be a little over cautious with the water. I would recommend saturating the soil thoroughly if you havent already (maybe the pics just look bone dry on the surface?). Its not just a matter of the plants drooping and dehydrating, but also if you are just watering lightly where the roots are now, they wont really want to or be able to spread and grow like they want to. Their root growth at this point is exponential, and they want to fill that pot ASAP. If you saturate the whole volume of soil, then let the plant have at it until its nearly dry, then repeat. Also get used to the weight when its dry so you know when to water, dont just go by sight. Its only when you saturate, then saturate again, and so on without letting the soil dry back out nearly completely that you can run into some problems I think. I apologize if this is what you are already doing, just kept seeing dry soil only and got a little worried.
GL and aloha!
oops, noticed the 12 days old statement above, went back and looked. I usually go by the day its popped out of the ground and leave get some light as day one, so to me this would be day 8-9, but I get now that its from germ. IMHO, they are a bit small (but like I said, healthy). I am really thinking they are underwatered. If you give them a full saturation of plain water now, and I'll be you get a lot more growth, then try 1/8-1/4 strength nutes after they have dried back out. Thats my opinion anyway. Just want to make sure, are there drainage holes in the bottom of your container?
Van Diesel,

Ty you for the well written response.. I have been afraid to over water my plants so this maybe true about them being water starved.. I have been heavily spraying the top of the soil however I can say that it has never been fully saturated... So, after reading your response I have given the soil a very full saturation of water. As far as drainage the buckets have apx 5 holes drilled on the bottom.

have I damaged my plants from under watering? Can I bounce back?
Your plants will be just fine :) when they are that small they dont use alot of water but you will want to make sure that as she grows water will be needed every 3 days or a week.

Do you have a PH meter?
Your plants will be just fine MadMardo, they're remarkably resilient. They'll also come back better from doing too little as opposed to doing too much. I think they look great, maybe a little small but not significantly. I do agree with the great advice above about watering.

I just had my first grow this summer and I almost killed the plants from wanting to do too much. You have to resist this urge and everything else will be fine. Especially overfeeding. I know just how you're feeling.

If you haven't thought about it I highly recommend looking into using Osmocote Plus. It's stonerproof, cheap and works as well as any nutes on the market. It gives your plants what they need when they need it. All you do is mix the prills into the soil and water. A great thread discussing it's use is here.

Lots of guys are using them here with great results. I love them, because I no longer have to worry about nutes at all.

Great setup and grow so far, good luck!
Yep, they should do great now! And like Bluedog said, you're gonna do much better erroring on the side of caution. Good on ya for starting the journal, now you have lots of great help to get thru this first one!!


Hey MadMardo! Your plants look great. Remember, the worst thing you can do is try and do too much. Right now they're mostly growing roots. Go real easy on the nutes... maybe every 3-4 days at 1/2 strength or less right now. Watch your leaf tips, if you see anything odd like yellowing post a pic for us to look at. Right now it will be hard to tell the difference between too much and not enough, but not enough is way easier to fix.

By my counting your girls are now on about day 15... here's some comparison pics from my hempy grow.

Here's Lucy at 15 days


and baby bagseed


and bubba kush


I have the cfl's right on top of these girls, 3" at most, and they are very short because of the lack of stretch. But they were on about their 4th set of leaves.... maybe 3rd going on 4th.

Hope this helps.... your girls are doing fine. Look for them to reallys start taking off any day now, but don't push the nutes!
cfl's right? They should be 3"-6" inches from the plant. Their effectiveness drops off quickly. They're hardly getting any useful light at 2 feet.

I agree. You want them looooow. What you're seeing in the stems is stretch. When a plant doesn't get enough light, it stretches as far as it can to get the most of it. That's where most of your growth energy is going too. 6 inches of space is good but 3 inches is better. The effective lumen hitting the leaf surface drops exponentially the further the light source is from the plant. You need to make sure that the plants do not touch the light though because they will burn from the heat of the bulb.

Your plants are looking super healthy, so far, and I think you'll be pleased. Like I've told others (and was told to me), cannabis is a very hardy plant. There's not much you can do to it that it can't handle. I would hold off on any more nutrients until you switch to flowering and then slowly increase to full strength over the first few feedings.

Great job! I'll be signing on for this one. :grinjoint:

Looking great! That light green center top of this plant has been my new favorite color. Thats the color of a leaf surface just unfurling, and thats one of the ways your plants tell you they are happy. If they dont have enough food, you wont really see that, they unfurl so slow that the color fills in. When you got your nutes dialed in on a plant thats bushing out, you see that at every tip every day. :welldone:
Looking great! That light green center top of this plant has been my new favorite color. Thats the color of a leaf surface just unfurling, and thats one of the ways your plants tell you they are happy. If they dont have enough food, you wont really see that, they unfurl so slow that the color fills in. When you got your nutes dialed in on a plant thats bushing out, you see that at every tip every day. :welldone:

Hey Van, you just made me feel great about my girls! Usually I just look at the leaves to see how my girls are doing, but now that you mentioned it, the tops of all my branches have that vibrant light green center. Guess they are just loving life right now!

And good job so far MadMardo!! :welldone:
Hey Van, you just made me feel great about my girls! Usually I just look at the leaves to see how my girls are doing, but now that you mentioned it, the tops of all my branches have that vibrant light green center. Guess they are just loving life right now!

Right on! I took a shot of mine as an example, this is her big growth spurt just starting-


Two days ago she was transplanted into the bigger pot and made the switch to 12/12 under HID lights and the light green really shows the dramatic growth (she should be putting on at least 1" height a day for the next couple weeks). Like I said, I love that color!!
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