sounds like your doing just great mate look forward to seeing them,ive got a couple of updated pics not much to see but im proud of the girls
thanks alot i think they look really healthy and they seem to be supping up the nutes with no trouble at all, got to re pot tomorrow though so they may slow for a little but they look strong so hopefully they will be ok, is there any fert like bat guano or worm castings that might help with the shock do you know?
ah ok the cheese i will do that then for sure less stress the better want to keep those little ones happy im going to put them in biobizz all mix it has a good mix of perlite in it for water and air flow im thinking i should up there nutes to as they are handling 1/4 strength no worries at all,how your plasma grow getting on mate?
ah ok the cheese i will do that then for sure less stress the better want to keep those little ones happy im going to put them in biobizz all mix it has a good mix of perlite in it for water and air flow im thinking i should up there nutes to as they are handling 1/4 strength no worries at all,how your plasma grow getting on mate?

carefull upping the nutes on those little guys, they are still really little. just go up in small increments. As for the transplanting and trimming before lights out, i can tell you this. It sure as hell didnt work well to do it during the day. My babies are STILL recovering from the transplant almost a week ago. :grinjoint: goodluck!
i will do leboskii if its to much i will flush or maybe just keep at 1/4 strength for a while maybe im not sure i dont want to kill them off,ok so transplanting just before lights out then is a must by the sounds of it,i hope your ladies pick back up, i had a wild thought today i was tidying some stuff up and came across a first aid pack with various stuff in it and i wondered could u ever inject nutes straight into the plant ive looked around the net and found one post i wouldnt do it i just wondered if anyone had any comments or knows anyone who has tried it?
Something has been having dinner! Was that there when you got the plant? If so, do a good inspection, if nothing is there , you should be fine. Looks like some of my leaves right now from my 'outdoor'. Was he growing this one outside?
i think it has there was a small bit of munching to start with and found it on one other leaf ive done an inspection with a scope and not found anything ive taken it out the tent for now dont want to ruin my other babies so early on or is it worth getting something to spray on all of them? thanks for coming over so fast just need to try and get some idea of what it could be
i think it has there was a small bit of munching to start with and found it on one other leaf ive done an inspection with a scope and not found anything ive taken it out the tent for now dont want to ruin my other babies so early on or is it worth getting something to spray on all of them? thanks for coming over so fast just need to try and get some idea of what it could be

Mentioned it over on my grow, so maybe one of my viewers will have a look. I think you would be able to see whatever ate those leaves quite well! Caterpillar, beetle, I'm not positive, but pretty sure it's not something microscopic!
howdy langa 78.iwanted to stop by and say hi.I am going to follow you journal.This fall i am going to grow some bubbilious and papaya femed seeds i have.One note on when to flower i currently have some white widow clones in the fifth week of flower,the're 41 inches tall(started at about 12-14 inches).Any way your looking good,just be cautious with the nutes,i dont know much,but have found out less is more.:roorrip::roorrip:
hi hypohippy thanks for stopping by much appreciated and hope its going to be a great journal for all you guys to follow, ive heard good things about bubblicious very quick groing and quite hardy not sure if its a big yielder but i had to grow it i had it a few times in amsterdam and was amazing so had to,thanks for stopping by im coming right over to check your grow out now:grinjoint:
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