First Timer Hoping For Magic With CFLs - DWC & Bag Seeds

Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Nice lady's ya got...cfl's rock.. looken like your going have some monster's... subd-
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Looking good. Gotta love CFL grows

Haha exactly we are a small guild from start to finish but i hope my journal will provide evidence for cfls being uselful in a DWC bubbler, i still and havent been able to find alot of information that precise, so im really curious about my results.
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Every bit of info and every try/success/failure leads us closer to that next unattainable level... :thanks:for sharing your grow.
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Every bit of info and every try/success/failure leads us closer to that next unattainable level... :thanks:for sharing your grow.

I combed every inch of this site on DWC, then bubblers but i havent seen many ( please someone link something if you know of one) of a full start to finish bubb/dwc grow with CFL's. So far its looking great i haven't seen many plants (in any grows) with the low growth habit my plants displaying. However i like it :) i only have 3 ft of height and yesterday it was at 9 solid tops and some others trying to fight their way through. I need to toss it over this week so i will, id like one more week but im running out of time. I already have to give it away weeks into flower #depressing. At least hes a really good buddy and hes from orange county and has minimal experience, yet better than anything i could think of/find/trust lol.
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

yeah not a fan of cfl's not that there is anything wrong with them, they work. its just they give you the return i expect from my plants. im a heavy, HEAVY consumer so I need lots of product to support my habbit, thats why i prefer HID lighting over CFL, although I would use CFL for veglings or clones or seedlings, but i preffer a HO t5 florescent fixture for that. forget the compact lol.

as far as good info on DWC, check this guys channel out, he is BOSS at growing DWC, i just stumbled across his youtube account a couple of days ago.hes been growing 2 years longer then i have and his consistency is the proof, he grows some good smoke. and big plants also.

of course anyone can grow huge dank plants, it all comes down to these items (IN THIS ORDER!!!) and once you have them all dialed in you can and will have results just like this! ;)

1. GENETICS (the genetic you grow are the BIGGEST deciding factor when it come to the end product. no matter how good your environment, nutrients or lighting, if you dont have quality seeds, you wont have quality smoke) (this guy grows only TGA genetics and they have been known to be some of the better seed providers around, the owner of tga seeds has a youtube account its called, the weednerd link to his channel bellow)

2. Enviornmental conditions (you have to have your grow enviornment PREFECT if you want the best out of your grow, plants are very versitle life forms, THEY WANT TO GROW, but if you dont give them the exact enviornment that they flurish in, there growth will become drastically reduced.)

3. nutrients (and not only the name brand, but what specific elements your plants need for the current stage of development it is in. ie. in veg or in transition or in flower, you need to cater your feedings to your plants potential. remember not all plants eat the same some can handle lots of nutrients and some cant, keep that in mind!)

here is that youtube channel: take notes ;)

Blue Widow After 4 days Flush!! - YouTube

also, when you can, upgrade to HID, you'll thank yourself later.

weed nerd (TGA seeds creator):
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Thanks for the info and the link i got lost on his page for a few hours haha.

Yesterday I did a rez change and decided to throw it into flower.

2tbs each GH M-G-B for transition. 8tbs h202 3% and its about 570ppm yesterday.

Rez temps are my only issue right now they keep creeping up to 74ish. I wrapped the crap out of a new bucket with all kinds of stuff and duct tape to insulate it and keep the light out so hopefully that will help, also the less time the lights are on will probably help as well. My buddy was doing a project with algae and co2 so i decided to make a little ghetto one just for giggles, its burping all day so its at least working.

My roots are a little darker than id like, im not sure if its the dye in the chemicals or problems, but there isn't any stunted growth nor a smell from the rez.Its been about a week since i pruned the roots and I'm starting to see some bushy growth. It's its first morning on flower and it seemed to have loved the long nap and the new nutes its starting to perk up and out nicely.

Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

your roots are fine, yes that tint is just from the coloring in the nutrients.

its when your roots look like this you have a problem, center of roots them selves get dark brown and look almost slimy, and your res will have a strong smell of pickles, at least mine did on my first grow, the water smelt pickled, like straight up pickle (the bread and butter ones, which are my favorite haha) if you ever thing you have a problem smell your water and your root zone, get all up in there with your nose and smell those roots. you should smell them now just so you see the difference they should have a fresh smell to them now. alive!

notice the dark brown in the cell walls of the roots themselves, you can tell something is wrong, and the slimmy look to them.

same here, notice how much darker the roting roots look compared to the fresh ones?

to solve this issue all together you can purchase a product called hygrozyme: its guarenteedt to prevent root rot and actually works to make root systems healthier. because it breaks down dead root matter and converts it into food for your plant to uptake!! its good shit!

anything you could ever want to know about it, with peoples testimonials to its abilitites ;)
Organic Gardening Forum |

i had res temp issues at my old house, what i did was made a shit fuck tun of ice cubes and left them in a 1 gal tubberware containre in my fridge, every morning 6 hrs after lights on i would add 2 ice cubes to a 5 gal bucket and the plants were fine just about all day.

another thing you can do if you dont want the cubes melting and f'ing with your ph. is you just use a 12 oz bottle, will 3/4 with water and freeze in freezer, then put bottle of ice in bucket when your having issues. only prob with this is usually there is so much ice in bottle that it takes forever to melt and there fore makes the res TOOO cold. so you would have to keep an eye on this.

otherwise there are ways of making water chillers for cheap.

use some 1/2 silicone hose (black for UV protection, less algea growth.) a water pump to circulate water through the system and a water cooler.

you have long ass coil of that 1/2" tube in the cooler with both ends of tube outside bucket to attach to your res and your water pump, then you fill cooler with ice water.

when it runs, it will pump the nutrient soulition through the hose, into the coil of hose inside the cooler which will cool off the nutrients running through the tube. because the tube is submerged in ice cold water, then when nutrients come out hose on other end (back into your res.) the water is cooler because it passed through the bucket of ice water ;)

haha, pretty slick right?!!

heres a good example, only in this pic it looks like they are heating the water on a stove, rather then filling pot with ice water to cool whatever is flowing through the hose/ copper pipe. (dont use copper pipe!) although it s an amazing conductors of heat and electricity, it will react to the nutrients in your water, and that nutrients will be running through the hose to be cooled inside the cooler of ice water. you dont need that! so just use the 1/2" hose. it will work perfect. PVC is too thick and wont work as well to cool the water.

any ways, good luck with the grow, keep them posts comming!

and yeah his videos have good info, just wish he'd make more of them, and go more into depth with his every preocedure from cracking seeds to saoking rockwool ect. ect. but so far he hasnt. oh well its nice to look at his plants! =)
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Thanks for stopping by guys. These next few days should be the test of time to see a male or female.

Yeah my roots havent looked like that, so there's a plus. I tried looking for roots that were slightly off like mine and i found some, and most of which didn't have any issues. Hygrozyme i looked into, i like using h202 and i bleach my rez when i clean it every week, so im not sure how that would react, nor how practical it would be for me at this stage.

I have been doing the water bottle trick, it works but I don't have the time all day to keep swapping them out. I looked into some DIY stuff with the chillers etc. Some of it is way over my head in terms of plumbing and costs. one of my buddies suggested getting a mini fridge and putting the pumps or the majority of the airline in the fridge so it will constantly blow 35ish degree air into the water. Has anyone tried an air cooling method? id like to hear it if you had. Thanks again preprodigy always a help and come prepared with pictures and info for all! +reps

Yeah half of his videos are him jamming and being weird, which is funny and i actually got some good songs from him. lol
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

Plants looking good. I started around the same time as you with CFLs in soil.
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

If you do get root rot then hygrozym will still save your crop, I have saved plants before by cutting the ''slimy'' rots away, washing the rots to remove as much slime as possible then clean/refill res using hygrozym or another enzymes based root simulate. (cannazym, vitalink biopac, plagron enzymes etc)

I got really bad root rot when I done a organic DWC grow, one part nutes can't remember the brand, wouldn't recommend them tho
Re: First Timer hoping for magic with CFLs, DWC and bag seeds

On Tuesday those pictures were taken, I didn't notice this yesterday probably because i wasn't observant enough at that moment in time..However look how my dark my rez is then, now its nearly clear. However, the water level hasn't dropped that much. I fed them 570ppm GH on Tuesday. And today i made a gallon solution that will dilute once its in the tank to about 250. Im assuming the nutes are being consumed but I'm not sure why the water level hadn't dropped.



Some foliage it grew some

Nutes to go back in the pot as needed


So im not sure about the color change has anyone had this happen to them using GH flora series?
Re: First Timer Hoping For Magic With CFLs - DWC and Bag Seeds

Its probably about twice as big as the last pictures, its blowing up. Despite the constant rez battles the roots are thriving. Also, I'm certain there are some lady parts starting to show, hopefully i can get some pictures up in a few days once they get big enough for my ghetto camera to take some pics of.
Re: First Timer Hoping For Magic With CFLs - DWC and Bag Seeds

yea its looking good
my res does that too all the nutes get stucks on the roots and the res water clears up by the end of the week when i do a res change
but i do add once or twice a week from what they suck up
Re: First Timer Hoping For Magic With CFLs - DWC and Bag Seeds

Just finished reading your journal. Sorry about the hard start you had, looking like it came back stronger.

If you dont mind I have a suggestion to cool off your res. tank if your still dont have very good control. freeze 20 ounce up to 1 liter bottles of water, put the lid on super tight or tape it to avoid any leaks into your res. drop it in when you are they to monitor the temp. changes.

Looking good. Here is another link on cfl's from 420 member :DWC, Bubbles, CFL Grow Box, and Closet. First grow, ICE and Bubblelious

I did not check into it much, so I dont know how it turned out. Thanks for hanging out on my grow. reps sent your way.
Re: First Timer Hoping For Magic With CFLs - DWC and Bag Seeds

Surf- Thanks man i appreciate it hopefully it will continue to grow pretty steadily. I'm not sure either but I assume it has something to do with it

Cronichemphog- What kind of nutes are you running? I dont see a color change on all the roots, but then again its not as dark as it was its getting a rez change today. Yeah, Ive been adding back almost half the ppm i started with and i havent seen any bad signs yet so hopefully SHE is enjoying it.

seagem- Yeah it was a bad balance inmbalance using bad water, luckily i found a place near me with great water and the nutes combine don't hardly ever need a pH adjustment. Thanks for the suggestion ive been using 16oz bottles and just cycling them when its mid day and later on. Luckily the nights get somewhat chilly around here so the rez temps have been a lot better once i switched the lights over. Thanks for the link as well ill read into it some more.

Wednesday i had confirmed its sex. Looks like im the proud father of a girl :high-five:, she had prominent hairs going yesterday. I need to swap out the rez and ill snap some pics and try to get some of the bud sites if my camera will allow. Its starting to get really big, How far would y'all recommend lights being at this stage in flowering? Right now i have right at 150 watts total about 4-5 inches away from the tops and the sides. Should i stick them really close or wait for them to finish stretching?
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