Gardenfaerie's Non-420 Gardening Thread

It probably was Agribon, but I bought it so long ago. I had these big plans then I got sick. I do use it and this winter I will probably use it a lot more because since I do feel better this year I may do a winter vegetable garden. The good part about where I live is that is totally doable in winter. We can grow so much. Not warm weather things, but everything else. I want to be eating a lot more lettuces, greens, kale, spinach, etc and we can grow that starting in a few weeks through till May. The Remay helps for those few really cold nights.

Wait, maybe it was Farm Supply. Not, it was FarmTek dot com. I got it so long ago I couldn't tell you what I paid, but I bought a bolt. It worked great at the local community garden where I had a plot last year for the fun of it. It wasn't so much fun! I only did it once. But for 24 dollars a year you get a 4x20' plot to grow whatever you wanted. You had to donate ten percent of what you grew to the women's shelter...gladly. :)
I just saw your bat video on your grow thread Victoria. What an amazing site!

I play with the bats here, by tossing things in the air at night for them to dive at. I'm talking a couple to three bats, not by the millions! LOL

Was watching my infrared camera on the north corner of the house last night, I saw a large moth flying around the camera...then "POOF"...a puff of white. Bat got him.
Canna, I already deleted the link this morning and reposted it here. People will find it.

That article is brilliant. And of course leave it to people to want to study the MONETARY value of the bats, instead of studying why they are in decline from this fungus they seem to be getting, en masse, on their mouths.

I think for the reasons given in the article, TX is a leader in organic farming and gardening. You would not think it, but it's true. It's actually cheaper to farm organically than synthetically.

There are evenings in late July when the bats and their offspring are so full in the sky, we just sit in the hot tub and watch the aerial show. I was able to get a photo swoop, but awful, of two bats. Or little smears, if you will!

I should also say that if you go out in the later evening around midnight, you can hear the bats roosting in the trees. If you stand there long enough, you will get peed on! You have not lived until you see me running, screaming bloody hell after a bat peed on me. One time I jumped into the pool with all my clothes on to washshit off! Oof, that little microscopic drip...P U.

We had a bat house, but it literally fell apart. I have to rebuild it and put it back up. It holds 200 bats and is 14" x 24' x 3' deep. That is a sight. Woosh and done.
ROFL, I haven't had any drop anything on me in that way. Although one night I tossed a wet paper towel ball in the air a little too close to the Pergola and a bat dove down, missed and hit one of the cross boards on the top and fell to the ground. Knocked him out for a bit, but I nudged him and he flew off.

One of my brothers used to live in South Texas, I visited one year and we went fishing on a small lake. It was daytime, near late afternoon and I kept seeing something diving into the water from a tree overhanging the water. I finally asked what it was and he said it was a bat. I had never heard of bats diving into the water....and if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it.

Nature is so much fun.

Canna, I already deleted the link this morning and reposted it here. People will find it.

That article is brilliant. And of course leave it to people to want to study the MONETARY value of the bats, instead of studying why they are in decline from this fungus they seem to be getting, en masse, on their mouths.

Seems rather odd fast they mentioned insecticide and moths but failed to even mention potential problems with bats eating moths exposed to a biocide
Biocides are pretty host specific. Now GMO is another story. If you are talking about that, all bets are off. I am against GMO of any kind. It is unimaginable. Ridiculous.

The problems the biocides are causing have to do with the Monarch butterflies and many other insects which go through a full metamorphosis. It is overwhelming.
I took this at the same time the bats were flying by. They do fly over in those big swarms. I am not very far from that bridge and in the direct path to where they go at night...huge cotton and corn fields. Tens of thousands of acres of it. And they have the logs to prove it where that corn now grows so we can have modified corn syrup...genetically EVERYTHING we eat and drink.

Rant off. Look at the soothing photo...

That's the best, isn't it? I actually love that the very last thing I reach for is a phone when taking a nature walk or just being somewhere. It's all right there. I can see in 3D, naturally. Everything is (usually) high def already!

People watching their kids play sports through their cameras. Sigh. Watch it live. Use the mind. Work the memory. We used to do this all the time. We had to get up to change the channel, to one of the 5 channels which went off the air at night! I remember watching Farmer Gray cartoons.
Not only can you link anything you want on any journal of mine, you may post anything or any photo or thing you want.

Any time. Always. Everyone.

On my way over. I have so much to do today so I am checking in now and then on breaks. My parrot was doing a lot of yelling and was very annoyed yesterday. Not a normal thing. Last night when we put her to bed, Mark noticed a line of ants going onto her gym to eat her food. She was pissed. But we are very anal around here and Mark has OCD so we threw all the rugs outside last night, washed all the floors and this morning I've already washed the rugs outside using the hose. They are in the sun drying.

Now I have to get a package ready to ship to the Philippines to my niece in the Peace Corps. I just found out a small box weighing 5 pounds is about 90 dollars to ship! HOLY SHIT! For some salty snacks, cranberry pills, and some toys to give her kids in the village. I think I'll send it DSL.
For anybody following my drama:

Mark has pleurisy which the doctor "thinks" may have been caused by the violent virus Mark has last week. There is a virus which does exactly what has happened. Vomiting, runs, dehydration, lung inflammation with or without pneumonia. Now they are trying to find out exactly what caused the inflammation in the lining of Marks lungs. He took a chest x-ray and will compare it to the other tests already taken and call us later or tomorrow with what to do next. He doubts it is anything life threatening or serious because of normal lab work. Almost out of this.
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